Telefon:+36 1 311 5895 Mobil: +36 70 632 6171 Luan by Lucia Holistic Fashion House - Budapest As a holistic fashion house, our focus has always been to support one's internal growth, while also allowing our creations to support them from the outside. Bespoke, Haute Couture, Bridal creations. LUAN BY LUCIA I AM WHO I AM CHOOSE YOUR EXPERIENCE Significant Scenes HOLISTIC COUTURE HOLISTIC COUTURE Elegant Activities BESPOKE BESPOKE Her Becoming BRIDAL BRIDAL Divine Accessories SOUL COUTURE SOUL COUTURE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING ELSE? LUAN STYLING Discovering the Authentic Self Personalized courses LUCIA ACADEMY OF HOLISTIC DESIGN
Vintage Luan by Lucia Haute Couture ensemble from The Renaissance of the Millennia collection
Luan by Lucia. 2,694 likes · 47 talking about this. Welcome to the world of Luan by Lucia on Facebook! Email:
[email protected] Phone: +36 70 632 61 In 1990, the Lucia Studio Ltd. was established with the objective to guide Hungarian fashion back to its right path. The brand is recognized by the industry on a local and international stage. Luan by Lucia is well known for being an atelier of premium category clothing, and for tailoring highly precise made-to-measure women's wear. ** Made-to-Measure ** Simple, clear cut meets a unique, detailed fabric. This Luan by Lucia Made-to-Measure dress lends an elegant yet special attire to its wearer at any occasions. ** Made-to-Measure ** A classic, eternal piece for every women's wardrobe: long, grey coat with an elegant silhouette. The impeccable tailored coat with carefully selected fabrics offer a smart,.
Vintage Luan by Lucia Haute Couture ensemble from The World of Roses collection 1993. Unique
1,805 Followers, 2,034 Following, 912 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Holistic Fashion est. 1991 (@luanbylucia) Lucia Studio members: Andrea Horváth, Mária Istvánné Járomi, Katalin Lukács Vitézné, Judit Pálmainé, Zsuzsanna Szabó, Katalin Szabó Vargáné, Mónika Eitz, Kristina Kovács, Evelin Fink Kristina Kovács PR & Marketing (
[email protected], +3630/754-2419) Mónika Eitz fashion designer, stylist (
[email protected]) Evelin Fink. A Luan by Lucia ugyanis nem csak klasszikus divatházként, úriszabóságként működik, hanem magánoktatást is tart magukat tovább képezni vágyó leendő tervezőknek. 172 9.2K views 1 year ago A legújabb Ruhastory epizódban egy legendás magyar divatház munkáját ismerhetitek meg. A Luan by Lucia 30 éves fennállását ünnepli idén, S. Hegyi Lucia pedig 35 éve.
Luan by Lucia Style térkép
Luan by Lucia Fashion House's main phylosophy is to place the client into to centre as a whole. In the spirit of holistic view we strive for plentitude, aimi. A Luan by Lucia Business Look több éves szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkezve jelenti a Wan by Lucia pret'a porter Business vonal egyedi készítésű kosztümjeit, kiegészítőit, valamint a céges arculatra tervezett üzleti kiegészítőket. A divatház Business Look portfoliójába beletartozik továbbá a kisszériás üzleti formaruha is.
The leading designer of the Luan by Lucia fashion house, Lucia S. Hegyi, commissioned us to create a special photo series. The designer's style and ideas inspired us to create images that faithfully reflect the uniqueness and holistic values of the fashion house. Long Planning Process The refined tailoring creates a feminine silhouette on this patterned Luan by Lucia Made-to-Measure piece, while the angular neckline gives the dress a stronger character. A rafinált szabásvonalak nőies sziluettet adnak ennek a Luan by Lucia Made-to-Measure ruhának, míg a szögletes nyakkivágás karakteresebbé teszi.
Luan by Lucia Holistic Fashion House Budapest
The Lucia Fashion Academy was established in 2012 with the aim of helping students discover the hidden treasures of their personality through practical courses based on learning by doing, and to find their place within the world of fashion. We pay increased attention to encourage the establishment of fashion companies by providing professional. The participant also gains insight into the fashion business, becomes knowledgeable about the every day activities at Luan by Lucia and the mechanisms of other domestic and international fashion houses. The also course supports the student's studies in higher education, while the knowledge acquired here can be a supplement and specialization.