10 idézet, amely bebizonyítja Oogway mestert a „Kung Fu Panda" -ból, a valaha volt legnagyobb tanár Oogway mester, a „Kung Fu Panda" idős teknősbéka, akit a Béke völgyében tisztelnek tudása és bölcsessége miatt, és akinek a Kung Fu megalkotását és a Sárkányharcos-legenda szerves részét képezik. mély bölcsesség. Oogway Mester - Kung Fu Panda Menjek, ne menjek. Leves, nem leves. Túlságosan leköt, hogy mi volt és, hogy mi lesz. Van egy mondás: A tegnap már történelem, a holnap még rejtelem, de a ma adomány. Becsüld a jelent, mert jót jelent. Oogway Mester - Kung Fu Panda A győzelem igazi útja, ha megleled ellenfeled gyengéit és azokkal bünteted meg őt.
26 Master Oogway Quotes That Will Inspire You (2021) EliteColumn in 2021 Movie quotes
― Oogway mester 6. „Nincsenek véletlenek ezen a világon." ― Teknős a Kung Fu Pandában 7. „Az elméd olyan, mint ez a víz, barátom. Amikor izgatott, nehezen láthatóvá válik. De ha hagyod, hogy rendeződjön, a válasz egyértelmű lesz." ― Kung Fu Panda 8. "Ha csak azt teszed, amit megtehetsz, soha nem leszel több annál, aki vagy." ― Shifu mester 9. Kung Fu Panda. A te történeted talán nem kezdődik túl vidáman, de nem ettől vagy az, aki vagy, hanem a történet folytatásától, hogy kivé akarsz válni. Ha csak olyat csinálsz, amit tudsz, sose leszel több annál, ami most vagy. El kéne engedned azt, ami a múltban volt, mert már nem számít. Az egyetlen, ami számít, hogy. 13. "You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you. Take destiny by the horns and have fun.". Master Oogway. 14. "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.". Master Oogway. 15. "Your mind is like this water, my friend. , and the developer of the Dragon Warrior legend Highly venerated for his wisdom, knowledge, and experience, Oogway was considered by many to be a sage. He was greatly respected by , and all of China. He was known as the greatest kung fu master in history, with no other reputation surpassing his.
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"Nothing is impossible."- Master Oogway "There are no accidents." - Master Oogway "I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us."- Master Oogway "I understand. You eat when you are upset." - Master Oogway "You just need to believe. You must believe."- Master Oogway "There is just news. There is no good or bad." - Master. Here are the best Master Oogway quotes from the 'Kung Fu Panda' movies. 1. "Oh, Shifu. There is just news. There is no good or bad." - Master Oogway. 2. "I think they will all lose until they find a battle worth fighting." - Master Oogway. Oogway: Nincs jó, vagy rossz, csak hír. Shifu: Mester, a látomásod igazat szólt, Tai lung kitört a börtönből és erre tart. Oogway: Nos, ez tényleg rossz hír, ha nem hoszed el, hogy a Sárkány harcos meg tudja állítani. Shifu: A panda? Mester, a panda nem a sárkány harcos! Nem is szabadna, hogy itt legyen. Az csak véletlen volt. "Remember the path." - Master Oogway "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." - Master Oogway "When will you realise? The more you take, the less you have." - Master Oogway "It is you who must decide whether to stay or go." - Master Oogway
Master Oogway's Wisdom by Nojjesz on DeviantArt
For my first ever Kung Fu Panda discussion, I needed to dive into my favorite character in the series: Master Oogway. He's the creator of kung fu, the founde. Po, initially working at a restaurant, studies to become a warrior under the guise of Master Shifu. Master Oogway played a prominent role in the first movie, acting as one of the strongest and wisest animals. Read these 40 quotes to find out more about the elderly tortoise. Master Oogway's quote: "Oh, Shifu. There is just news.
Master Oogway Quotes That Will Motivate You to Succeed. #1. "If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.". #2. "You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you. Take destiny by the horns and have fun.". The Best Master Oogway Quotes. "There are no accidents.". "There is just news. There is no good or bad.". "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.". "Your mind is like this water my friend. When it becomes agitated, it is difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.".
9. 10 Inspiring Quotes By Our Favorite Master Oogway
Master Oogway Quotes: "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.". "You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you.". "There is always something more to learn. Even for a master." "It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.". MASTER OOGWAY. "Yesterday is History. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why, it is called the 'Present'.". MASTER OOGWAY. "That is bad news if you don't believe in yourself.". "You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you.