Belongs to Main Deck + Card image RankUpMagicAstralForce-WIRA-EN-C-1E.png + Card type Spell Card + and Normal Spell Card + Card type (short) Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Japanese RUM ( ランクアップマジック ) -アストラル・フォース Base RUM-アストラル・フォース Kana ランクアップマジック-アストラル・フォース Rōmaji Ranku Appu Majikku - Asutoraru Fōsu Card type Spell Property Normal Password 45950291 Effect types Effect Trigger-like Condition Status Unlimited ( OCG) Unlimited ( TCG)
YuGiOh The Infinity Chasers Single Card Super Rare RankUpMagic Astral Force INCHEN044 ToyWiz
Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Icon Normal Spell Card Text Target the 1 Xyz Monster you control with the highest Rank (your choice, if tied); Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 monster with the same Type and Attribute as that monster you control but 2 Ranks higher, by using it as material. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon. Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Gallery Rulings Errata Tips Appearances Trivia Lores Artworks Names Anime Yu-Gi-Oh! D Team ZEXAL This card can be searched by "Dark Sage", "Ancient Gear Drill", "Alchemic Magician", "Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch", "Left Arm Offering", "Raptor's Ultimate Mace", and "Number 71: Rebarian Shark". Unlike the other " Rank-Up-Magic " cards, this card can Special Summon other Xyz Monsters besides " CXyz ", " Number C " and " Raidraptor " monsters, making it the single general-purpose and cross-archetype Rank-Up Spell, despite it's limitations. As stated in the other tips, combining this with cards that manipulate Rank/Type/Attribute of the. Watch 01:58 It's Time to Relax. On 'Coral Island' - The Loop Main article: Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Japanese: RUM-アストラル・フォース Romaji: Rankuappu Majikku - Asutoraru Fōsu
ja dub Anime cards (Galleries: ZEXAL) Gallery Appearances Trivia Lores Artworks Names Other languages Decks Eliphas Yuma Tsukumo
WIRAEN055 RankUpMagic Astral Force YuGiOh
View Yu-Gi-Oh! Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force card information and card art. Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Card Type: Spell Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Common Charity Speed Duel TCG OCG Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Views: 168,432 Views this Week: 303 Type Spell Card Typing Normal TCG Date 2014-01-24 OCG Date 2013-11-16 Card Text You cannot Special Summon during the turn you activate this effect, except by the effect of "Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force". Find in Decks. Buy on TCGplayer. Buy on Cardmarket. TCG Sets. ID Name Release Date; 195: Legacy of the Valiant: January 21, 2014: 1335: 2014 Mega-Tin Mega Pack: August 26, 2014: 1266: Latest Decks with Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Target the 1 Xyz Monster you control with the highest Rank (your choice, if tied); Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 monster with the same Type and Attribute as that monster you control but 2 Ranks higher, by using it as material. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon.
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Product Details Target the 1 Xyz Monster you control with the highest Rank (your choice, if tied); Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 monster with the same Type and Attribute as that monster you control but 2 Ranks higher, by using it as material. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon. Transfer its materials to the Summoned monster.) Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force is a Spell card in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel! Read on to see the card effect of Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force, its rarity, and all the packs used to unlock Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force! List of Contents Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Card Info Secret Packs: How to Get Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Decks that Use Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force
Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force. Target the 1 Xyz Monster you control with the highest Rank (your choice, if tied); Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 monster with the same Type and Attribute as that monster you control but 2 Ranks higher, by using it as material. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon. " Rank-Up-Magic " ( RUM ( ランクアップマジック ) Rankuappu Majikku) is an archetype of Spells introduced in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime. Their effects allow one to Rank-Up an Xyz Monster.
RankUpMagic Astral Force by 1157981433 on DeviantArt
Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force: Type: Normal Spell: Text: Target the 1 Xyz Monster you control with the highest Rank (your choice, if tied); Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 monster with the same Type and Attribute as that monster you control but 2 Ranks higher, by using it as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon. Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Normal Spell Card Target 1 face-up Xyz Monster you control with the highest Rank; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 Xyz Monster with the same Type and Attribute as that monster you control but 2 Ranks higher, by using it as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon.