Master Hunter 6 Cougar Location RDR2 YouTube

Keep riding north and south, looking for a cougar ( ) to cross the road. Keep an eye on your radar (or minimap) for a red dot, which indicates that an enemy (like a cougar, but also pretty. Cougar Spawn Locations in Red Dead Redemption 2 You can find the Cougar in in plains just south of Benedict Point, which is south of Tumbleweed in the west half of the game's map. Above is.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar Location Ultimate Guide

Cougar Fang Cougar Carcass Location Various Locations in New Austin, New Hanover and West Elizabeth The location of Cougars Cougars are a species of animal found in Red Dead Redemption 2 . Contents 1 Description 2 Compendium 3 Locations 4 Tips and Tricks 5 Challenges 6 Trivia 7 Gallery 8 Achievements/Trophies 9 References 10 Related Content All RDR2 Cougar Locations in Red Dead Redemption 2 We need more money-- I mean cougar skins, Arthur! Stephanie Watel Dec 5, 2023 Image Source: Rockstar Games Red Dead Redemption 2's cougars can only be found in a few spots in the map, namely West Elizabeth and the far south of New Austin. Cougars are probably the most dangerous of the predators in the game, and will attack you quickly, springing out before retreating to a safe distance. If you're going to hunt them, we recommend doing so from afar. updated Nov 25, 2018 This page takes you through how to Kill and Skin Five Cougars With Your Bow for the sixth of the Master Hunter Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2. advertisement First off.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar Location Ultimate Guide

There are 10 main Red Dead Redemption 2 cougar locations. Of course, some can be found roaming around off the beaten path, but head to these areas for an almost guaranteed supply of cougars:. Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar Locations Where to find cougars in RDR2? Although they are rare, it's mostly a question of when, not where. Cougars only go out at night. Do not go looking for them during the day. As for the places, depending on where you are, there are several hot spots you could try. The first is northwest of Annesburg, by the river. Legendary Cougar Location You can find the legendary cougar west of Tumbleweed in Gaptooth Ridge in New Austin. How to Kill the Legendary Cougar in Red Dead 2 advertisement To kill a. Big Valley Black Bone Forest Lemoyne (southern Scarlett Meadows) Great Plains (northwestern) New Hanover (Roanoke Ridge) Cholla Springs (northwest-central) Gaptooth Ridge Rathskeller Fork (south of) Rio Bravo Between Benedict Point and Plainview How Kill the Cougar in Red Dead 2 for a Perfect Cougar Pelt

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar Locations Map Rectangle Circle

Cougar Details & Location: Cougars are native to the states of New Austin, West Elizabeth and remote forested sections of New Hanover. As carnivores, they prey on deer, elk, moose, and mountain goats. The easiest way to take down a cougar of this size is by either using a Bow with Poison Arrows or a rifle. Where is the best place to find cougars in rdr2? Help I am trying to complete the master hunter quests to get the legendary panther. I am still stuck on the challenge where you need to kill 5 cougars with a bow and skin them. 34 Sort by: Some-Discipline4290 • 1 yr. ago At camp, Ms Grimshaw Brucy69btmn • 4 mo. ago There are actually two types of cougars in Red Dead Redemption 2. There are regular cougars, and there are legendary cougars. You'll find the regular cougars mainly in New Austin, but also in New Hanover and West Elizabeth. The legendary cougars are of course tougher to locate, but you may have some luck while you're hunting in New Austin. To find these elusive beasts, you want to head for Benedict Point. It's only a hop, skip and a throw south of Tumbleweed. You'll be confronted by endless plains, and it should be easy to scout for one of these russet beasts roaming around. You can also find cougars by Owanjila Lake in the Black Bone Forest as an alternative. Just make sure.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar Locations Map Rectangle Circle

Today we take a look at the location of the Cougar in Red Dead Redemption 2, as well as the weapon needed to get a Perfect Pelt + what it can be traded for at the Trapper. This is a consistent. 583 59K views 2 years ago #RDR2 #RedDeadRedemption #RockstarGames Welcome to my RDR2 - Cougar location guide. This video covers two reliable Cougar spawn locations in Red Dead Redemption.