Castaway’s Chest Sea of Thieves Wiki

Where to find Treasure Chests are most commonly dug up from X Marks the Spot Maps, which can be received as singular Quests or as a part of Gold Hoarders Voyages. These Chests need to be dug up with a Shovel. updated May 12, 2021 Welcome to the Types of Loot and Treasure page of the official IGN Wiki Guide and Walkthrough for Sea of Thieves. Here, we'll list each of the treasures and loot types in.

Our best haul yet! 11 chests including a Captain's Chest, Chest of Sorrows and a Grog Chest

Cheats and Secrets. By Wesley L , Brendan Graeber , Luis Joshua Gutierrez , +570 more. updated Mar 28, 2018. IGN's Sea of Thieves cheats and secrets guide gives you the inside scoop into every. updated Apr 26, 2021 Welcome to the Cursed Treasure Chests page of the official IGN Wiki Guide and Walkthrough for Sea of Thieves. Here, we'll break down all three Cursed Treasure. The Sea of Thieves chests are one of the main means of obtaining gold pieces. In most cases, you will find them in the missions of the Gold Hoarders faction, but they also occur randomly in various places on the islands and at sea, near sunken wrecks. The Treasure Chest, also previously known as Collector's Chest, is one of the Container Chests in Sea of Thieves, which is indicated by the shining white glint of Treasure Chests. Treasure Chests can be used to carry and transport smaller Treasure Items.

Sea Of Thieves A Guide To Ashen Keys And Chests

Gallery The following is a gallery and list of all the Shipwrecked Chests: The Shipwrecked Castaway's Chest The Shipwrecked Seafarer's Chest The Shipwrecked Marauder's Chest The Shipwrecked Captain's Chest Categories Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. More Fandoms Fantasy updated Apr 15, 2021 The Shroudbreaker is the first of many Tall Tales in the Shore of Gold questline. Here you'll find all you need to know about the Totem Chest, the Medallion locations, and. 1 Where to find 2 Rewards 3 Notes 4 Commendations 5 Pirate Chat Where to find Castaway's Chests can be taken from the following sources: Chance to dig up from X Marks the Spot Maps received from Quests or Voyages Chance to find inside Gold Hoarder Treasure Vaults Chance to find hidden on Islands, excluding Outposts, Seaposts and Forts These new opening chests can be found all throughout the Sea of Thieves. Find them washed up on shorelines or you can even get one from a few of the Shores of Gold Tall Tales. When Sea of Thieves.

Sea Of Thieves Types Of Chests

Shipwrecked Chests are barnacled and broken variants of all the basic Treasure Chests.The value of all Shipwrecked Treasure Chests is the same as their regular counterpart. They count towards the Hoarder of Barnacled Gold Commendation with a related Title and Achievement of the same name, both unlocked upon the Commendation's completion. The Commendation requires the player to sell 300. The Captain's Chest is a type of Treasure Chest in Sea of Thieves. Treasure Chests are locked with locks that can only be opened by Skeleton Keys held by Gold Hoarders on every Outpost. They are willing to buy these Chests for a fraction of their worth. A Shipwrecked Captain's Chest. An Ashen Captain's Chest. The Castaway's Chest is a type of Treasure Chest in Sea of Thieves. Treasure Chests are locked with locks that can only be opened by Skeleton Keys held by Gold Hoarders on every Outpost. They are willing to buy these Chests for a fraction of their worth. You can also discover two other variants. The ashen castaway chest which is found in the Devil's Roar, and a shipwrecked castaways chest. 1. Inside Fort vaults (any type of Fort will have this chest) 2. Inside the stomach of a Megalodon (obtainable after the Megalodon is killed) Since the Stronghold Chest is much more difficult to obtain, it naturally yields a much higher reward, with each Stronghold chest being worth 1,500-3000 gold depending on how lucky you are!

Chest of a Thousand Grogs The Sea of Thieves Wiki

1 One of the best ways to make money in Sea of Thieves is by selling chests. For those who might be new to Rare's pirate title, working out where to sell chests can be a bit tough, as. The New BEST Chest in Sea of ThievesWelcome to Sea of Thieves Season 9! This brand new update brought with it not only a number of quality of life improvemen.