The Sims 3 University Walkthrough Science Research Station

The ZRX-9000 Science Research Station is a skill object introduced in The Sims 3: University Life. It can be found in the Hobbies & Skills section under Entertainment in buy mode . Science research station can be used to increase a Sim 's science skill. With the Science skill in The Sims 3 University Life, Sims can perform experiments and collect samples of collectibles found in the game world. The skill gives you a two-level head start in the Science and Medical career tracks when maxed, and you'll naturally gain standing with the Nerd social group.

The Sims 3 University Walkthrough Science Research Station

The ZRX-9000 Science Research Station is a skill object introduced in The Sims 3: University Life. It can be found in the Hobbies & Skills section under Entertainment in buy mode . Science research station can be used to increase a Sim's science skill. Science Research Station The Sims 3: University Walkthrough - The Sims-3-University 174 Gene Splicing Experiment Epic Success -- Discover Forbidden Fruit seed, which can be planted to get a PlantSim baby (home world only). This experiment attempt to mix a seed with Sim's DNA. The Sims 3: University Walkthrough - The Sims-3-University 175 Science is a skill introduced in The Sims 3: University Life. Science skill can be increased by reading any of the 3 skill books, by using the Science Research Station or the Group Science Project, by taking classes in the Science building, or by using scientific socials with others. The group science project is a reward item in The Sims 3: University Life after reaching level 10 in the science skill and is always present at Sims University. It has many properties within and outside its three interactions, chiefly to add a moodlet to every Sim on the lot where the project is.

The Sims Resource Science Research Center

This skill can be increased by using the Science Research Station, working on the Group Science Project, reading a Science Skill book, attending Science Classes at University, analyzing collectibles, or by using scientific socials with others. More The Sims 3: University Walkthroughs 1. Learn this new skill by taking a Science Class or enrolling in a Medicine or Science major at Sims University. 2. Increase your Science skill by reading Science books. There are three levels of books that can help you get to level 10. 3. Use the Science Research Station to research science and perform experiments. 4. Science is a skill introduced in The Sims 3: University Life. Science skill can be increased by reading any of the 3 skill books, by using the Science Research Station or the Group Science Project, by taking classes in the Science building, or by using scientific socials with others. Bamboo ZRX-9000 Science Research Station by WingedPaladin - The Exchange - Community - The Sims 3 Bamboo ZRX-9000 Science Research Station Now you can grow your own research station! Just don't let hungry pandas get near it. created by WingedPaladin ADD TO GAME (131 KB) Save file Add to Favorites Recommend It Report Item DETAILS Items Creator

Sims 3 Community Lots Compendium Sims 3 Science Labs

Science Research Station and the Science Major Question I'm running into something really weird in my game, and I was wondering if anyone else has seen this issue. I have a Sim nearly at the end of his first 2 weeks at University, studying Science. Answer HQ English. Games. The Sims. The Sims 3. Technical Issues - PC. Science Research Station. 36 - Science Research Station 37 - Sketchbook You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above. Group Science Project The Sims 3: University Walkthrough - The Sims-3-University 163 Allow multiple Sims to work on the controls. These experiments gives Sims (teens and older) various moodlets and abilities. The third skill and the one I am personally most excited about is the Science skill. Get ready to release your inner nerd by studying science. You do this on the Science Research Station or The Cerebralizing Brain Enhancing Machine. The samples you get by analysing various items, and can be sold at the science lab for money.

Sims 3 Science Research Station Natosha

Sims Tattoos Worlds Tesla Applied Science Lab Join the team of the best and brightest scientists. The actual science building is deep in the basement. Created by sammonsim. Compatible with 1.55/1.57/1.63, no changes. This mod adds science skill gain to two objects, the Chemistry Lab table and Telescope. Nerd influence flavors are also available. It's only necessary to download one zip file. Each zip contains two packages, one for each object, in case you want to install only one.