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Sivarama Swami Media. Click on "Watch later" to put videos here. View all videos Journey. Sivarama Swami is an internationally acknowledged religious leader, theologian, author of 23 books and dozens of articles, and an environmental and human rights activist. His scholarship and writings, his extensive public activities, his continued efforts to stand up for human rights, and his regular involvement in interfaith dialogues. Sivarama Swami. 301,492 likes · 475 talking about this. Sivarama Swami is a monk, author and bhakti yogi The Office of Sivarama Swami Krisna Valley Indian Cultural Center and Biofarm 8699 Somogyvámos, Fő utca 38. HUNGARY Media Enquiries For all media related aspects including interviews, speeches and meeting Sivarama Swami, please contact: [email protected] Vlogs Vlogs Homepage here RECENT ARTICLES Sustainable Development is a Lie

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Sivarama Swami is an internationally acknowledged religious leader, theologian, author of 23 books and dozens of articles, and an environmental and human rights activist. He was born in 1949 in Budapest, Hungary, to Pal and Magda, survivors of the Holocaust. Don't hesitate to post your questions in a comment, send them on Facebook or feel free to write to [email protected] Sivarama Swami: Facebook: htt. Sivarama Swami · September 26. Watch to find out how a 500 year prophecy has been fulfilled and how Bhaktivedanta Swami accomplished a true miracle. #prabhupada125 #prabhupada #iskcon. See less. Comments. Monk, Author, Bhakti-yogi. Home; Videos; Podcasts; Teachings; Articles; Events; Store; About; Home; Videos; Podcasts; Teachings; Articles; Events; Store; About

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Monk, Author, Bhakti-yogi. Home; Videos; Podcasts; Teachings; Articles; Events; Store; About; Home; Videos; Podcasts; Teachings; Articles; Events; Store; About Sivarama Swami Books, Budapest, Hungary. 1,335 likes · 60 talking about this. Official page for his books and all things related to Sivarama Swami..news, broadcasts, kirtan, info. In 1929, an elderly American woman, Carrie Wyckoff, offered a young Indian swami the use of her little home and property in Hollywood for the teaching and propagation of Vedanta philosophy and ideals. From those modest beginnings has grown what is now the largest Vedanta society in the Western world, the Vedanta Society of Southern California, or VSSC for short. Śivarāma Swami (született Létai Péter, Budapest 1949. március 30. -) bhakti-yogī, szerzetes, spirituális tanító és a Kṛṣṇa-tudat Nemzetközi Szervezetének (ISKCON) vallási vezetője. Számos gauḍīya - vaiṣṇavizmussal foglalkozó mű szerzője, valamint az ősi védikus szentírások bölcseletein alapuló erkölcsi tanítások nemzetközi szószólója. Korai évek

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In the 1980s, Sivarama Swami was the right hand man of one of the original original 11 guru hoaxers, Bhagavan Das Goswami, fanatically promoting him as a "pure devotee" and "guru successor" to Srila Prabhupada. ISKCON Chowpatty Media; SoundCloud; Video. Video Archive; Genres and Categories; On YouTube; Add Video; Forum. Ask a Question;. Bhakti Bhusana Swami Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami Bhakti Caitanya Swami. Sachinanadana Swami Satsvarup Das Goswami Sivarama Swami Smita Krishna Swami Sridhar Swami Subhaga Swami.