FOSS World News 7 Best Strikethrough Text Generator Tools Online Cross Out Text Like A Pro

The HTML element renders text with a strikethrough, or a line through it. Use the element to represent things that are no longer relevant or no longer accurate. However, is not appropriate when indicating document edits; for that, use the and elements, as appropriate. Try it Attributes The tag was used in HTML 4 to define strikethrough text. What to Use Instead? Example Use the tag to define deleted text:

My favorite color is blue red !

Try it Yourself » Example Use the tag to mark up text that is no longer correct:

My car is blue.

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How to strikethrough/add a line through on text in HTML/CSS?

The tag is the simplest way to create a strikethrough text in HTML. Developers will use this to mark text that is inaccurate or unimportant with a line through the center. Here's what the tag looks like in action: The tag should only be used with text that is incorrect or irrelevant. The HTML element places a strikethrough (horizontal line) over text. Warning: This element is deprecated in HTML 4 and XHTML 1, and obsoleted in the HTML Living Standard. If semantically appropriate, i.e., if it represents deleted content, use instead. In all other cases use . Attributes Actually, you can enter strikethrough text into a web-form using unicode characters, which is pretty universal these days. To generate the text, you could use one of these tools and then copy/paste the output. Strikethrough/line through can only be done in one way: STYLE="text-decoration: line-through". The style has to be used on a tag for text sections, e.g.


and . The way text decorations are normally used for texts, will usually be a good solution, as it doesn't add any other formatting to the text string.

Mark Strikethrough text in HTML HTML5 Tutorial YouTube

9 Answers Sorted by: 10 You can't do it with the strike tag OR the text-decoration:line-through style. The line position is built-in. You could roll your own style for that, but it would be a huge PITA. Strikethrough in HTML is achieved using the `s` tag, with the `strike` tag deprecated in HTML5 for modern web development. For customized appearance, CSS can control strikethrough features like line thickness, color, and even dashed or dotted lines. The tag is used to define a strikethrough text. The element is a deprecated HTML tag and not supported in HTML5. Use , or CSS styles instead. For creating a strikethrough, you can also use the CSS text-decoration:line-through; with the