The Crown & The Flame, Book 1 Choices If you haven't read the most recent chapter and are looking for a walkthrough, be aware that the page is full of spoilers. This page contains the choices in The Crown & The Flame, Book 1 and their outcomes. The Crown & The Flame, Book 1 Choices (Authors) 4.53 17 ratings1 review A Visual Novel. The beginning times of the Kingdom of Cordonia. Book details & editions About the author Choices 29 books11 followers Ratings Reviews Friends & Following Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Can't find what you're looking for?
The Crown And The Flame Book 1 Chapter 9 The Escape Choices GamePlay YouTube
The Crown & The Flame, Book 1 is the first book of The Crown & The Flame series. It is followed by The Crown & The Flame, Book 2 and The Crown & The Flame, Book 3 . Contents References Summary Kenna's rivals stole her kingdom, but now the time has come for her to raise an army, destroy her enemies, and reclaim her crown. Chapters Fantasy Horror Sci-fi Choices: Stories You Play This page contains all the allies found in The Crown & The Flame, Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3. Total cost: 438 diamonds Book 1 total cost: 123 diamonds Book 2 total cost: 165 diamonds Book 3 total cost: 150 diamonds Basically, the book is supposed to automatically carry all your choices from Book 1 over, with no need for that little "import your choices" menu. However, due to some unfixed glitch, this automatic import never happens, and as such, all of the diamond choices and other important choices you made in Book 1 are lost. : The Crown and the Flame begins with the player seeing Kenna and Dominic's prospects in books 1 and 2 and the perspectives of the other allies in Book 3. Tampering with Food and Drink: For diamonds, you can pay to have Dom and Trystan poison the Nevrakian guard's wine supply, killing many of them to help prepare for the final battle in Book 1.
The Crown & the Flame Book 1, Chapter 4 (DominicKenna Romance) Choices YouTube
Visual Novels 46977 > Tags 2904 Releases 111262 Producers 19722 Staff 34281 Characters 129378 > Traits 3218 With Choices nearing its one year anniversary, The Crown & The Flame trilogy has come to an end. It's been an epic year-long journey for Kenna, Dom, and the rest of their ragtag crew. As one of the first books to launch with Choices, the team behind TC&TF started work on it long before August. The Crown & The Flame Hello! I've recently finished book 1 of The Crown and the Flame and am now a few chapters into Book 2 when I realized none of the optional characters like have since appeared. Choices Stories You Play:- The Crown and The Flame Book 1 Chapter 3 "The Ambush" Diamond editionAs always thanks for the love and support you give to the vid.
Dominic Route The Crown & The Flame Book 1 Chapter 17 (The Return of the Queen) YouTube
Full Name Lord Dominic Alcantar of Faryll Dominic Hunter Alias The Dread Dragon of Stormholt Dom (Nickname) Lowlander (By Sei) Pretty Boy (By Val, BK2, Ch.3; Determinant) The Human Catastrophe (By Val, BK2, Ch.13) Fire man (By Kailani, BK2, Ch.13) Fire Freak (By Hex, BK2, Ch.16) From the app Choices: Stories You Play
- A mobile interactive story - Fantasy - App name: Choices - Screen Recorder: Mobizen Transfering data of The Crown & The Flame Book 1. Clara 04/16/19. I've just finished Book 1 of The Crown & The Flame, unlocked all weapons, allies and saved every person possible. When I started book 2, the usual import part didn't show up and when I had to choose a weapon, the only option I had was the default sword.
Choices The Crown and The Flame Book 1 Chapter 3 (Diamonds used) YouTube
- An interactive story - Fantasy- App name: Choices- Screen Recorder: Mobizen The Crown & The Flame, Book 1 is the first book of The Crown & The Flame series. It is followed by The Crown & The Flame, Book 2, & The Crown & The Flame, Book 3. Summary Your enemies stole your kingdom, but now the time has come for you to raise an army, master magic, and reclaim your crown! Form alliances to build your army.