Uta von Ballenstedt (c. 1000 — 23 October before 1046), a member of the House of Ascania, was Margravine of Meissen from 1038 until 1046, the wife of Margrave Eckard II. She is also called Uta of Naumburg as the subject of a famous donor portrait by the Naumburg Master . Uta von Naumburg. Die Uta von Naumburg genannte Statue ist eines der bedeutendsten plastischen Bildwerke der deutschen Gotik. Die farbig gefasste Steinfigur wurde Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts vom so genannten Naumburger Meister geschaffen und befindet sich im durch den Lettner abgetrennten Westchor des Naumburger Doms.
Uta "von Naumburg" Foto & Bild thüringen/s.anhalt, kirchen, dom Bilder auf
The statue of Uta von Ballenstedt, Naumburg Cathedral. Matthias Rutkowski. Uta von Ballenstedt was the wife of Margrave Eckard II of Meissen, member of the German dynasty known as the House of. The figure known as Uta von Naumburg is considered by many to be "the most beautiful woman of the Middle Ages." The daughter of the Count of Ballenstedt lived around 1000 - 1046 and became Margravine of Meissen through her marriage to Ekkehard II, one of the founders of the cathedral. However, there are doubts in research as to whether this. Still, Uta von Naumburg is considered an outstanding female figure in the art world, placed by some art connoisseurs on the same level as Egypt's ancient Queen Nefertiti, Botticelli's. Founder figures in the Naumburg Cathedral, Uta von Naumburg (between 1245 and 1250) by Naumburg MasterOriginal Source: Vereinigte Domstifter zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz. As a "German icon," Uta became the ideal figure of the medieval woman and ultimately of the German woman par excellence. The new medium of.
Uta von Naumburg Medieval art, Types of art, Middle ages
The sculpture of Uta has experienced an unparalleled cult, due considerably to photographs taken by the Naumburger photographer Walter Hege in the 1920s. Umberto Eco wrote in his "History of Beauty" that from all women of art history, the one he would like most have dinner with was in first place, ahead of all others, Uta von Naumburg. The most famous founder figure achieved world fame as "Uta von Naumburg". She is one of those donor personalities whose biography we know the least about.. The statue was carved by a mediaeval stone sculptor who, in spite of his fame, is known to history only as the Naumburg Master. The magnificent donor statues in the cathedral's west choir made. Seit Juli 2018 gehört er endlich zum Weltkulturerbe. Der Naumburger Dom ist eine der großartigsten Kirchen Deutschlands und zählt zu den bedeutendsten Kultur.
Uta of Naumburg at the Naumburg Cathedral
The portrayal of Uta von Ballendstedt made her one of the icons of Gothic sculpture and often considered the most-beautiful woman in medieval Europe. Naumburg Cathedral was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list in 2018, as the 44th German UNESCO-listed site. Since then, it attracted nearly 150,000 paying visitors per year. Wolfgang Ullrich: Uta von Naumburg. Eine deutsche Ikone (= Wagenbachs Taschenbücherei. 523). 3. Auflage. Wagenbach, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-8031-2523-1. Hermann Wäschke: Anhaltische Geschichte. Band 1: Geschichte Anhalts von den Anfängen bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters. Otto Schulze, Cöthen 1912, S. 67-69. Weblinks
Uta von Naumburg is considered the most beautiful woman of the Middle Ages. The Naumburg photographer Walter Hege created legendary black-and-white photos of Uta in the 1920s, which made her the ideal image of the German woman like an icon. These pictures hung in every girl's room at the time and Uta became a popular first name. Die Uta von Naumburg genannte Statue ist eines der bedeutendsten plastischen Bildwerke der deutschen Gotik. Die farbig gefasste Steinfigur wurde Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts vom so genannten Naumburger Meister geschaffen und befindet sich im durch den Lettner abgetrennten Westchor des Naumburger Doms. Es handelt sich um eine der zwölf.
Uta von Naumburg blindbild
Uta von Naumburg - The most beautiful woman of the Middle Ages. The cathedral was donated by 12 noblemen, who are honored by the donor figures in the west choir. Their representation is uniquely human and realistic for their time. At the time the figures were created, the donors had been dead for almost 200 years, but they look very much alive. The climax of this development took place during the National Socialist era, when Uta was deliberately instrumentalized by those in power. In response, Walt Disney used the image of Uta as a model for the evil stepmother in his famous 1937 fairytale film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". The cult of Uta von Naumburg remained unbroken.