Assassin's Creed Odyssey How To Get The Pilgrim Set

By Daniel Goad Published Feb 25, 2021 For fans of stealth in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, no armor is as useful as the Pilgrim Set, and here's how to find it. There are hundreds of armor sets in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and one of the best is the Pilgrim Set. Perfect For Sneaking & Assassination The Pilgrim Set's stat bonuses focus on Assassin Damage & gaining Adrenaline with Assassination Kills. It's the perfect armor set for sneaking around and eliminating targets quietly yet instantly. How to Get the Pilgrim Set Loot Legendary Chests Around Greece

Assassin's Creed Odyssey How To Get The Pilgrim Set

Pilgrim's Set is one of the AC Odyssey legendary armor sets. This costume will make you look like Ezio, if Ezio spent the last 20 years living under a bridge. It's the closest you'll get to the iconic Assassin's Creed outfit, and it offers some interesting bonuses. The Pilgrim Set was an armor set obtained and worn by the Spartan misthios Kassandra around the time of the Peloponnesian War. The pieces of the armor set were scattered across Greece and Kassandra recovered all the pieces from various sacred locations throughout her travels. The statuette. 1 Leumas22 • 3 yr. ago It is 100% worth it to have a loadout with this set. I added in Faux of Olympus, and alot of crit chance and damage. It makes getting in and out of anywhere undetected a breeze. If you want to fight, don't wear it. Assassin's Creed Odyssey guide showing where we can get all of the pieces for the Pilgrim's Armor Set.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Armor Set Location Guide

Pilgrim's legendary gear set is also great for assassin type players since getting it all will unlock " -40% adrenaline consumed by Shadow of Nyx ability " engraving. In this guide we'll show you the location of all Legendary Chests in Assassin's Creed Odyssey and what they contain. Pilgrim Legendary Assassin Set NEVER Gets Caught! - YouTube 0:00 / 11:02 Pilgrim Legendary Assassin Set NEVER Gets Caught! JordanDoes 44.8K subscribers Subscribe 213K views 4 years ago. October 6, 2018 0 Other AC Odyssey Guides: All Sphinx Riddle Solutions and Walkthrough. How to Find the Poseidon's Trident (Legendary Spear). How to Find the Falx of Olympos (Legendary Spear). How to Find the Hammer of Jason (Legendary Heavy Blunt). How to Get the Stink Eye Achievement. How to Level Up Quickly. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Pilgrim's Armour Set Location (Legendary Armour)Click Here To Subscribe! for watching! Before y.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey PILGRIM SET ARMOR Location Walkthrough YouTube

updated Oct 19, 2018 Most armor in Assassin's Creed Odyssey is randomly generated. However, there are some Legendary Armor Sets that grant amazing engravings and fantastic boons. Check this page. Set Bonus 5/5: -100% Adrenaline Consumed by Shadow of Nyx Ability. The items from the Pilgrim Set are all located in Legendary Chests. Here are the maps to each one of them. Pilgrim Set - Hood Pilgrim Set - Gloves Pilgrim Set - Gloves Pilgrim Set - Belt Pilgrim Set - Garment Pilgrim Set - Boots Pilgrim Set LEGENDARY WEAPONS AND HOW. Snake Legendary Armor Set. The Snake Set armor is all about doing poison damage, as the name suggests. The different parts (Noxious Boots, Venom Gloves, Slithering Belt, Scaled Torso) all do different things to enhance your poison attacks. The set consists of a lot of rough cloth, various teeth and a snake skin mask. Athan11 The Pilgrim set is a great game-changer! Discussion I'm having a blast on my third playthrough with this set. I was really going for a pacifist acolyte build this time around, and the Pilgrim set provides just that, both the looks and the skills.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey How to Find the Pilgrim's Armor Set

How to get the Pilgrim Armor Set Outfit - Assassin's Creed Odyssey The armor can be found in 5 different temples throughout Greece What is an Assassin's Creed Odyssey Pilgrim Set? The pilgrim set was a kind of armor, like Weapons, divided by four types of rarity. Familiar, Rare, Epic is the central legendary. This common and rare will be randomly generated and can be obtained by looting chests and enemies and completing quests.