A.Word.A.Day amaranthine

/ˌæməˈrænθ (ə)n/ am-uh-RAN-thuhn /ˌæməˈrænˌθaɪn/ am-uh-RAN-thighn See pronunciation Where does the adjective amaranthine come from? Earliest known use mid 1600s The earliest known use of the adjective amaranthine is in the mid 1600s. OED's earliest evidence for amaranthine is from 1667, in the writing of John Milton, poet and polemicist. a general feeling or sensation that someone gets or has about something. TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT Origin of amaranthine 1 First recorded in 1660-70; amaranth + -ine 1 Words Nearby amaranthine Amanullah Khan Amapá amaranth amaranthaceous amaranth family amaranthine amarelle

A.Word.A.Day amaranthine

am· a· ran· thine ˌa-mə-ˈran (t)-thən -ˈran-ˌthīn 1 a : of or relating to an amaranth b : undying 2 : of the color amaranth Did you know? Long ago poets conceived of a flower that did not fade and christened it amaranth. Amaranthine™. Crystal Properties: Amaranthine exhibits beautiful hues of purple-violet, mixed with stunning white patterns and streaks of golden tan. Amaranthine is a mixture of minerals, consisting primarily of Quartz and Fluorite. Crystal Healing: Amaranthine is, on all levels, an embodiment of its name. The rich patterns of purple, white. Amaranth, a genus of plant Music Amarantine (album), 2005 album by Enya "Amarantine" (song), single and title track of the above album "Amaranthine", a 1994 song by Faye Wong from the album Sky "Amaranthine", a 2011 song by the band Amaranthe from the self-titled album Amaranthe 1. of or like the amaranth 2. unfading; everlasting a woman of amaranthine loveliness 3. of purplish-red color Most material © 2005, 1997, 1991 by Penguin Random House LLC. Modified entries © 2019 by Penguin Random House LLC and HarperCollins Publishers Ltd Word origin

Extraordinary Vocabulary

Amarantite. Amarantite is an amaranth -red to brownish mineral with the general formula of Fe 3+2 O (SO 4) 2 ·7H 2 O [2] [3] or Fe 3+ SO 4 (OH)·3H 2 O. [4] The name comes from the Greek word αμάραντος which means amaranth, an imaginary undying red flower, in allusion to its color. [4] of or related to the amaranth plant. IXL. Comprehensive K-12 personalized learning. Rosetta Stone. Immersive learning Noun [ edit] amaranthine ( countable and uncountable, plural amaranthines) A dark reddish - purple colour. 1981, Gene Wolfe, chapter VIII, in The Claw of the Conciliator ( The Book of the New Sun; 2), New York: Timescape, →ISBN, page 72: The giantesses lift arms like the trunks of sycamores, each finger tipped with an amaranthine talon. Amaranthine Saga. From the dawn of time, a supernatural people, the Amarathine, have secretly lived alongside humans, sometimes peacefully, sometimes not. Recently, the Amaranthine Clans have decided to come out of the shadows and formalize relations with mainstream human society, to reactions ranging from delight and acceptance to prejudice.

An Amaranthine Love Photograph by N Rozal

amaranthine. (adj.) 1660s, "unfading, undying," poetic (apparently coined by Milton), also amarantine; see amaranth, the name of a mythical unfading flower, + -ine (1). From late 19c. in reference to a purple color similar to that of the (non-mythical) flowers of the ornamental plant so-called by botanists. also from 1660s. Amaranthine - Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia, arti kata, sinonim, pengucapan, transkripsi, antonim, contoh. Inggris - Indonesia Penerjemah. What does the term "Amaranthine" mean? The term "amaranthine" refers to something that is eternal, everlasting, or never-fading. In the context of the song, it aligns perfectly with the underlying theme of enduring love that the band seeks to convey. Is there a specific story behind the lyrics of Amaranthine? Its vibrational currents are sweet are sweet, powerful and purifying, and they bring ones awareness to a higher spiritual octave. A stone of spiritual protection and purification, it allows one to let go of worldly concerns and into the light. Dimensions: 2" x 1.92 x 1.53" inches. Weight: 126 grams - 4.4 oz. Long ago pets conceived of a flower.

Nymphaea 'Amaranthine' IWGS Plant Database

Ametrine, also known as trystine or by its trade name as bolivianite, is a naturally occurring variety of quartz. It is a mixture of amethyst and citrine with zones of purple and yellow or orange. Almost all commercially available ametrine is mined in Bolivia. Amaranthine has a classic vibe that makes it charmingly ambiguous, luxurious, and sophisticated. On the other hand, it gestures enough toward exotic holidays that it might feel slightly out of place in cooler climes. It is the kind of woman you might meet somewhere and be curious about; she's a little mysterious, beautiful without pretense..