An anime television series adaptation by Revoroot aired from April to June 2021. A second season has been announced. The series has also spawned various spin-off novels. Plot After living a painful life as an office worker, Azusa ends up dying from overworking. Anime Previous Life Japanese アズサ・アイザワ Rōmaji Azusa Aizawa Relatives Shalsha Aizawa (daughter) Falfa Aizawa (daughter) Yufufu (surrogate mother) Alternative Witch of the Highlands Witch of the Plateau (Muse and fan translations) Witch of the Pastries (Townsfolk of Flatta & Nascúte) Lady Azusa (Laika, Flatorte and Halkara) Sis (Rosalie) Affiliation
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Full Name Azusa Aizawa Alias (es) Azusa Lady Azusa (by Laika) Witch of the Highlands Mama/Mother (by her daughters) Origin I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level Occupation Office worker (formerly) Divinely Blessed Witch Powers / Skills Immortality Vast magical powers Superhuman strength Superhuman durability Azusa Will Help! Alt title: Azusa, Otetsudai Shimasu! overview recommendations characters staff reviews OVA (1 ep x 44 min) TMS Entertainment 2004 3.11 out of 5 from 472 votes Rank #13,840 Screenshots In the year 2099, the world of sports has been changed forever due to the addition of athletically inclined robots. Anime Live-Action Vital Statistics Status: Alive Gender: Female Birthdate: March 26 Blood Type: O Age: 20 Physical Attributes Height: 165cm Hair Color: Purple Status Affiliation: Grand Blue Peek a Boo Oumi Women's University Azusa (アズサ / 相沢 梓) The protagonist. Commonly known as "the Witch of the Highlands." A girl who was reincarnated as an unaging undying witch with the body of a seventeen-year-old. Since she died of overwork in our world, she's especially sensitive to labor conditions. (Source: Volume 1 character info) Voice Actors Yuuki, Aoi Japanese
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Watch I've Been Killing Slimes For 300 Years And Maxed Out My Level I Maxed Out My Level, on Crunchyroll. Aizawa Azusa, a corporate drone who died of exhaustion from overwork in her previous life. Published Jan 10, 2022 Azusa spent 300 years of her immortality grinding levels and becoming a powerful mage. Her skills make her a formidable foe for many anime characters. Azusa is the main protagonist of I've Been Killing Slimes For 300 Years And Maxed Out My Level. (アズサ、お手伝いします!, lit. Azusa Will Help!) is an anime television film, winner of the second annual Animax Taishō, an annual anime scriptwriting competition offered by Animax to award the best original anime scripts of the year. The award-winning script was written by Yūko Kawabe (川邊優子, Kawabe Yūko), and was animated by TMS Entertainment. I've Been Killing Slimes For 300 Years And Maxed Out My Level is an isekai series where the protagonist Azusa, after dying from overworking, reincarnates as a powerful immortal witch determined to live the slow life.However, when she maxes out her level after 300 years of killing slimes, hilarity ensues as word about Azusa's power spreads across the land, sending many different people her way.
Nakano Azusa (Azusa Nakano) KON! Image by Pixiv Id 25443631
Episodes: 1 Status: Finished Airing Aired: Aug 1, 2004 Producers: Animax Licensors: None found, add some Studios: TMS Entertainment Source: Original Genres:, Theme: Duration: 44 min. Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older Statistics Score: 6.161 (scored by 1,600 users) Ranked: #8386 2 Popularity: #9249 Members: 3,581 Favorites: 1 Resources AniDB RELATED: How Monster Hunter is Pure Anime Portal Fantasy. How Azusa Became a Witch With Too Many Challengers . Azusa was once an office employee in her 20s -- until she died from being chronically overworked, or karoshi, and met a goddess who granted her eternal life in an idyllic fantasy realm. Azusa began at level 1 as an ageless witch.
Azusa Nakano ( 中野 なかの 梓 あずさ Nakano Azusa), nicknamed "Azu-nyan" (あずにゃん) by Yui Hirasawa, is a main character in the K-ON! series. She is a second year student at Sakuragaoka High School. She decided to join the Light Music Club after seeing the band's performance in the school festival and thus became Ho-kago Tea Time 's second guitarist. The series tells the story of Azusa Aizawa, a regular Japanese salarywoman who finds herself dying from overwork at age 27. A merciful goddess takes pity on her, and offers her a new life in another world, where she's free to live the simple, carefree, and easy life Azusa has always wanted.
Azusa Vector II by NFGL on DeviantArt
Given name: あずさ Family name: 田所 Birthday: Nov 10, 1993 Website: Member Favorites: 740 More: Blood type: AB Birth place: Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan Blog: @ azusa-tadokoro Facebook: @ tadokoroazusaofficial Twitter: @ AzusaTadokoro Profile: Details News Pictures Top On another note, Azusa and Laika are wives living together with their cute little slime spirit children you can't change my mind . Respond to matrixen Follow . zaxora May 7, 2021.. Anime-Planet is run by fans, for fans. Support us on Patreon. Learn about more ways to support Anime-Planet. Unknown like us Unknown follow us Unknown follow us.