Apricot is a light yellowish orange based on the characteristic ripe color of the fruit of the same name. Apricot is an old color name that was documented as several variations in the 1912 standard by American ornithologist Robert Ridgway entitled Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. This color is #06E50 on the 5252 color list. The 5252 color list is for colors used in color coordination and in building construction. The British Standard color lists were first formulated in 1930 and reached their present form in 1955. Apricot in human culture
2560x1600 Light Apricot Solid Color Background
In a RGB color space, hex #fbceb1 (also known as Apricot) is composed of 98.4% red, 80.8% green and 69.4% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 17.9% magenta, 29.5% yellow and 1.6% black. Hex Code #FDD5B1 RGB Values R: 253, G: 213, B: 177 CMYK Values C: 0, M: 0.16, Y: 0.3, K: 0.08 HSV Values H: 24°, S: 0.3, V: 0.99 As these values show, apricot is made by mixing a small amount of magenta and yellow with mainly red and green light. This gives it its soft peachy-orange appearance. To concoct the apricot color, one would blend red, yellow, and white paint, while carefully adjusting the proportions to create the ideal light, yellowish-orangish shade. In terms of color harmony, apricot pairs beautifully with azure blue, forest green, muted lavender, pale gold, and soft pink. Apricot is a color that is a representation of the color of the apricot fruit. Apricot in has been in written use as a color name since 1851. Where the name came from. The word "apricot" comes from the Arabic Al-birquq, in turn derived from Latin armeniacus, i.e., the fruit from Armenia. The ultimate origin.
4096x2304 Apricot Solid Color Background
In the RGB (red, green, blue) system, the apricot color percentage is comprised of apricot in the RGB system is (255,182,115). The CMYK Values and Percentages for Apricot Whereas the RGB values focus on a 3-color combination, the CMYK values focus on 4-color combinations. Apricot is a pale yellowish-orange color with the hex code #FBCEB1, quite a bit lighter than the average example of the fruit it's named for. Apricot is sometimes considered a shade of salmon, along with the colors peach and terracotta. Apricot color belongs to the Orange color family (hue). The hexadecimal color code (color number) for Apricot is #FBCEB1 , and the RGB color code is RGB (251, 206, 177) . In the RGB color model, Apricot has a red value of 251, a green value of 206, and a blue value of 177. The CMYK color model (also known as process color, used in color. Apricot is a light yellowish-orangish color that is similar to the color of apricots. However, it is paler than actual apricots. IntroductionApricot (color) Etymology Variations of apricotLight apricotMellow apricot Apricot in human culture See also References Apricot (color) Light yellowish-orangish color/ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The RGB model states that the apricot color contains 98% red, 81% green, and 69% blue. In absolute RGB units, it has 249 red, 206 green, and 175 blue. RGB code for apricot color is rgb (249, 206, 175). Apricot's colors comprise the following: Cyan: 0, Magenta: 17, Yellow: 29, and Black: 2, according to the Cyan, Magenta and Yellow Color Model. Apricot isn't only a delicious fruit, or a beautiful girls' name. It is also a magnificent hue that is versatile and timeless. How the color is made: in wet media apricot is made by mixing cadmium yellow with tiny amounts of red and yellow ochre. And in RGB color space, it is composed of 251/255 red (~98.43% of red), 206/255 green (~80.78% of green), 177/255 blue (~69.41% of blue).
Here are 17 different types of apricot color or apricot-inspired shades: Light Apricot: A pale and delicate shade of apricot, almost pastel in appearance. Pastel Apricot: A soft, muted apricot color with a hint of pastel. Peachy Apricot: A warm and slightly pinkish apricot hue, reminiscent of peach. If you're identifying color for pretty much anything digital, you're working in an RGB colorspace. If the project you're working on requires percentage representation, apricot is made of 98% red, 81% green, and 69% blue. If you're identifying color for a print project, you're most likely using a CMYK colorspace—the percentages are 0% cyan, 18.
Apricot Color Palette
Apricot is a color that is often associated with warmth, creativity, and happiness. It is a soft and inviting shade that is reminiscent of the fruit it is named after. The color apricot is often used to convey positive emotions and evoke a sense of joy and contentment. Color Apricot Color royalty-free images 172,001 apricot color stock photos, 3D objects, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free. See apricot color stock video clips Filters All images Photos Vectors Illustrations 3D Objects Sort by Popular Flying fresh apricots on color background with space for text