The Art Community Of The City Of Semarang Celebrates The Cultural

This is suitable to be the starting point for the development of batik as a clothing material with a variety of patterns and various colors. Batik Semarang is unique in the form of folklore. One of the Semarang Batik motifs resulting from the acculturation is the Warak Ngendog motifs, which is a mythological animal resulting from a combination of the three elements of acculturation of Javanese, Chinese, and Arabic cultures that are trusted by the people of Semarang City.

The Art Community of the City of Semarang Celebrates the Cultural

Batik motif batik warak ngendong merupakan batik Kreasi Neni Asmarayani pada tahun 1970, batik tersebut bernuansa Semarang, terciptanya batik tersebut atas dasar kesukaan. Dalam pembuatan desain tersebut melibatkan para pelukis dan seniman yang terkenal di kala itu. Penulis Saroni Asikin mengungkapkan motif yang dibuat oleh Neni Asmarayani. Salah satu motif Batik Semarang hasil akulturasi tersebut adalah motif Warak Ngendog yang merupakan hewan mitologi hasil perpaduan ketiga unsur akulturasi budaya Jawa, Tionghoa, dan Arab yang. One of the Semarang Batik motifs resulting from the acculturation is the Warak Ngendog motifs, which is a mythological animal resulting from a combination of the three elements of acculturation of Javanese, Chinese, and Arabic cultures that are trusted by the people of Semarang City. Paksi Naga Liman and Warak Ngendog as symbols of cultural acculturation are also found in the decorative motifs of Cirebon batik and Semarang batik. The depiction of the form of the two mythological animals is based on aesthetic aspects and elements of the spirituality of the community's life. This research uses qualitative methods through.

√ 30+ Motif Batik Semarang (TOKO, GAMBAR, HARGA, PENJELASAN)

Multiculturalism of Mythological Images in Batik Motifs Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Blended Learning, Educational Technology and Innovation (ACBLETI 2020) Multiculturalism of. The design of coasters with the Semarang Batik motifs application, namely Warak Ngendog, is described as a result of acculturation of Javanese, Chinese, and Arabic cultures through the depiction of mythological animals as symbols of harmony according toSemarang people beliefs. Technological progress goes hand in hand with the development of human civilization. Paksi Naga Liman and Warak Ngendog as symbols of cultural acculturation are also found in the decorative motifs of Cirebon batik and Semarang batik. The depiction of the form of the two mythological animals is based on aesthetic aspects and elements of the spirituality of the community's life. This article will describe the design of coasters with the Semarang Batik motifs application, namely Warak Ngendog, as a result of acculturation of Javanese, Chinese, and Arabic cultures through the depiction of mythological animals as symbols of harmony according to Semarang people beliefs. The primary material used is copper metal… Expand

The Art Community of the City of Semarang Celebrates the Cultural

Batik warak ngendog konon dibuat sebagai lambang keberagaman budaya di Semarang. Berasal dari kata wara' yang berarti suci, dan ngendog yang artinya bertelur. Warak merupakan makhluk rekaan alias karangan yang wujudnya terbentuk dari gabungan beberapa binatang. Koruptor Jadi Babi Ketika Meninggal Kata Algoritma Alam Technological progress goes hand in hand with the development of human civilization. One of the results of human civilization is tableware, namely coasters. This article will describe the design of coasters with the Semarang Batik motifs application, namely Warak Ngendog, as a result of acculturation of Javanese, Chinese, and Arabic cultures through. Bahkan melalui ragam hias yang ada pada motif Batik Semarang, dalam hal ini motif Warak Ngendog, dapat menjadi salah satu sarana bagi generasi muda untuk belajar sejarah atau mengetahui lebih dalam tentang folklore maupun hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan Kota Semarang. Berikut rinciannya: 1. Berdiri Sejak Era Kolonial Sering menjadi pertanyaan, sebenarnya sejak kapan batik mulai dikenal di Indonesia? Untuk di Semarang sendiri, ini telah ada sejak abad ke-18. Artinya, batik Semarang telah dikenal sejak era kolonial penjajahan.

The Art Community of the City of Semarang Celebrates the Cultural

APPLICATION OF BATIK SEMARANG WARAK NGENDOG PATTERNS TOWARDS MODEST FASHION TRENDS . Dewi Isma Aryani1, Tan, Indra Janty2, Jessica Valentina3 1,2,3Universitas Kristen Maranatha Jalan Prof. drg. Suria Sumantri, MPH no.65, Bandung 40164 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected] Abstrak Adult Art Workshop: Batik on Silk Saturday, December 710 a.m.-4 p.m.Ritika Gandhi$90 Members, $110 Nonmembers Learn about the Batik process and its history while making your own works of art on.