Cilacap is the largest oil refinery located on the island of Java near Jakarta, Indonesia. It was built and is operated by PT Pertamina (Persero), Indonesia's national oil company. Pertamina generates approximately 40.6 billion litres of petroleum products from six refineries, including low-octane gasoline, diesel oil and kerosene. The Cilacap refinery expansion project is estimated at US$4bn to US$5bn and aims to add 25,000 bbl/d to the existing facility. It will improve the quality of oil products (higher complexity level and higher value-added product) and will increase the petrochemical production capacity. It is developed by Pertamina, in partnership with Saudi.
The Cilacap expansion project involved removing current process equipment bottlenecks, adding a new lube oil facility and installing new efficient equipment to increase production. As a result, processing of crude oil in the existing refinery complex increased by approximately 16 percent and naphtha production capacity more than doubled. Low. The Cilacap Blue Sky Project, which began in 2015, has been completed and is now fully operational, Indonesia's state-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina announced. The project, which cost USD392 million, further adds to Pertamina's EURO 4 fuel production. Fuel production has increased from 1 million barrels per month (bpm) to 1.7 million bpm. 1125 Jakarta, May 25, 2021 - To strengthen the country's energy independence and resilience, PT Pertamina (Persero) through Subholding Gas, Subholding Refinery, Subholding Shipping, and PT Badak LNG synergize to provide integrated Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) infrastructure. It is to support Pertamina's refinery business development in Cilacap. The Cilacap Refinery Development Master Plan aims to increase Cilacap's refining capacity to 400,000 barrels per day from 348,000 bpd. Pertamina had said last year that it will start the development of the Cilacap project with or without a partner to meet an operational target of 2025.
Cilacap Blue Sky Project, Cilacap Central Java PT. SSA (Sepuluh
Pertamina has also begun searching for a new strategic partner for the project, it said. Pertamina and Aramco signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in May 2016 to increase the capacity of Cilacap. Termed the Cilacap Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP), the project aims to double the refinery's capacity from 1m bbl/day to 2m bbl. Cilacap, April 30, 2022 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) RU IV Cilacap continues to carry out various initiatives in realizing the vision of becoming a world-class Refinery. It is proved by the inauguration of five strategic projects by the Board of Directors of PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT KPI during Safari Ramadhan 1443 H visit in Cilacap on Monday (25/4/2022). In October 2016, Pertamina formed the Directorate of Refinery and Petrochemicals Mega Projects (MP2) focusing on addressing the mega projects which consist of the revitalization program of existing refineries (Residual Fuel Catalytic Cracking/RFCC Cilacap projects, Project Blue Sky Cilacap/PLBC, and Project Refinery Development Master Plan/RDMP. Report summary. This insight profiles PERTAMINA's RFCC project at Cilacap refinery and evaluates the competitiveness of the refinery post-expansion using our proprietary refinery simulation software, PetroPlan. While the project improves the refinery competitiveness from a third to second quartile ranking, the incremental gasoline does not.
This Directorate focuses on addressing the mega project, which consists of the revitalization program of existing refineries (project Residual Fuel Catalytic Cracking/RFCC Cilacap, Project Blue Sky Cilacap/ PLBC, and Project Refinery Development Master Plan/RDMP at Balikpapan, Cilacap, Dumai and Balongan refineries and the construction of a new. In addition to increasing crude oil processing capacity at Cilacap to 370,000 b/d, the project, once completed, will enable the refinery to: • Maximize production of gasoline and diesel volumes.
First announced in 2013, Pertamina's refinery revitalization program's RDMP specifically aims to upgrade the aging Balikpapan, 348,000-b/d Cilacap, 170,000-b/d Dumai, and 125,000-b/d Balongan. But Pertamina insisted the cost of developing the entire Cilacap refinery would be at least $5.7 billion, according to analysts at Jakarta-based research firm Tenggara Strategics. However,.
The Cilacap project has achieved a number of permits such as location determination, AMDAL, RTRW, and relocation of public facilities, KIC land acquisition, BED study, obtaining preliminary confirmation of tax holidays and permit to spin off RU Cilacap assets from the SOE Minister. The Blue Sky project, also known as Proyek Langit Biru Cilacap (PLBC), has been launched by PT Pertamina with the intention of reducing pollution caused by waste gas from motor vehicles. So far, in order to reduce the octane number, tetra ethyl lead (TEL) has been used that functions as octane booster for gasoline Premium ON 88 and Premix ON 94.