Cinepolis Citimall Indramayu Sekarang YouTube

CITIMALL. INDRAMAYU. Indramayu regency is located in West Java Province alongside the north coastal of Java Island. It is 220 Km / 4.5 hour drive east of Jakarta, and 50 Km / 1.5 hour drive north of Cirebon City, where NWP owns and operates the city's preeminent mall Cirebon Super Block (CSB). The site is situated on Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto in. Citimall Indramayu terletak di lokasi yang strategis dan menarik dengan posisi yang menghadap ke jalan raya, dapat terlihat jelas dan dapat diakses dengan mudah dari jalan utama. Diisi oleh tenant-tenant besar termasuk diantaranya department store nasional, supermarket, bioskop, tenant F&B dan permainan, Citimall Indramayu diharapkan mampu.

Cinepolis Citimall Indramayu Sekarang YouTube

Bontang, 11 December 2022 - Inaugurated by Bontang Regent, Basri Rase, S.I.P, NWP Property opened its 33rd property, Citimall Bontang. Located in East Kalimantan Province, Citimall Bontang is the first and largest shopping mall in town, centrally situated along the city's main road, Jenderal Soedirman Road. Citimall Bontang has a Gross. Spesifikasi Indramayu Mall dari Landmark Design & Build. Temukan referensi project lainnya dan konsultasikan kebutuhan Anda dengan para ahli di Archify. With its curvy bronze facade, this city mall is designed to standout among it surroundings to capture customers interest to go inside and explore the mall. Kabupaten Indramayu terus membuka diri untuk kedatangan para investor dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya di Kabupaten Indramayu. Dinilai memiliki peluang dan yakin dengan kemajuan Indramayu, PT. Tri Bandana (Kalibata Mall) membangun Mall Indramayu dengan pembangunan Groundbreaking dimulai pada hari Senin (23/04/2018). Wakil Bupati Indramayu H. Supendi menjelaskan, kehadiran Mall Indramayu diyakini. NWP Property acquires Gorontalo Mall in June 2017 and rebranded it into Citimall Gorontalo. The Mall has a total 20,500 sqm of Net Leasable Area (NLA) and stands on 7,000 sqm of land. It has five floors including lower ground with anchor tenants, such as Hypermart, Matahari Department Store, Cinema XXI and Funworld.

Project Indramayu Mall desain arsitek oleh LANDMARK.CO.ID

NWP's warehouse and distribution platform provides best-in-class, big-box logistics assets to meet the significant growth driven by the expansion of omni retail platforms, rising needs from third-party logistics companies (3PLs) and fast-moving consumer goods company (FMCG) tenants. Setelah sempat tertunda karena indramayu mall mangkrak. Jujur aja indramayu sangat layak sudah ada brand besar seperti kfc, richeese factory, hokben, chatime dll. Saatnya brand-brand itu masuk indramayu sekarang. Secara desain juga mungkin citimall indramayu ini bakal agak beda sama citimall lain karena hasil akuisisi, seperti citimall. Citimall Garut Apr 2019 - Saat ini. IMB Done and ready to build. Kreator lainnya. Citimall Indramayu Jan 2018 - Saat ini. Licensing and permitting process. Kreator lainnya. Hermes Mall Polonia Medan (Acquisition Operating Mall) Jan 2017 - Saat ini. License and permitting process for additional building.. Meskipun tidak menyebutkan total serapan di kuartal I 2023, tetapi capex tahun 2023 sudah digunakan untuk membuka pusat perbelanjaan di Semarang, membangun pusat perbelanjaan baru di Garut, dan mengakuisisi Citimall Indramayu.

Citimall Tuban NWP Property

Garut is a regency located in middle-south West Java Province. It is 280 Km south-east from Jakarta, 67 Km south-east from Bandung and 52 Km west from Tasikmalaya. The Mall is positioned in Jl. Jendral Sudirman, 2×2 (with separator) and has busy traffic. It has an appropriate frontage and clear visibility, located on the main road east of. Sawangan is a major residential district in Depok city located towards the south of Jakarta. It borders South-Tangerang towards the north and Bogor towards the south - both of which are major cities of wider Jakarta. Citiplaza Kutabumi is located in a dense and in-fill location on a major road with heavy vehicular traffic passing by the site. The project is a major upgrade and redevelopment of an older center, and is expected to consist of ~5,000 sqm retail GFA including a national level supermarket, cinema, games and food court, designed specifically to. Citiplaza Bondowoso is ready to tap into the retail market in Bondowoso by offering a one-stop destination for shopping and leisure seekers. Famous for its crater lake, Kawah Ijen, the regency serves as a bustling tourist ground and therefore provides many potential business opportunities. With family-oriented products and services, Citiplaza.

Citimall Dumai NWP Property

Salah satu pusat perbelanjaan NWP Property di Indramayu membutuhkan: Teknisi Tugas & Tanggung Jawab: - Melaksanakan pekerjaan pengoperasian, perawatan dan perbaikan peralatan operasional (seperti, genset, AC, eskalator/lift, pompa air, kelistrikan dan elektronika dan lainnya) dan juga fisik gedung (mall). - Memberikan saran dan solusi dalam hal jadwal pemeliharaan rutin dan perbaikan. SecurityG77 Cinepolis Citimall Indramayu saat patroli di bulan Ramadan/Puasa dan masih tetap semanagt dalam melaksanakan tugas sebagai pengaman dan penertib.