Login Overview of all RAL colors RAL is a color matching system that defines colors for paints, coatings and plastics. On this website you find all RAL colors (2,831). RAL Classic is the most well-known and widely used system, with RAL 9010 (pure white) being the best-known RAL color. RAL es un sistema de igualación de colores que define colores para pinturas, revestimientos y plásticos. En este sitio web encontrará todos los colores RAL (2.831). RAL Classic es el sistema más conocido y ampliamente utilizado, siendo RAL 9010 (blanco puro) el color RAL más conocido.
Carta de colores RAL Classic RAL Colores
RAL colors are used for information defining standard colors for varnish, powder coating and plastics. It is the most popular Central European color standard used today. The colors are used in architecture, construction, industry and road safety. The RAL colors in this chart have been matched as closely as possible. List of RAL colours From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [1]. The visual samples are approximate and informative only. Mandatory for all steel work in P&G / mandatory for taxis in Germany since 1971, although in limited states only in recent years. [2] 1972-1980, gold in the [3] [4] The first digit is a code number (1: yellow, 2: orange, 3: red, 4: violet, 5: blue, 6: green, 7: grey, 8: brown and 9: white and black ). The remaining 3 digits are chosen sequentially. The name of a color shade (for example 'Melon yellow' for RAL 1028) is an auxiliary designation. It is now made up of ten colours ( RAL 1039-F9 Sand beige, RAL 1040-F9 Clay beige, RAL 6031-F9 Bronze green, RAL 6040-F9 Light olive, RAL 7050-F9 Camouflage grey, RAL 8027-F9 Leather brown, RAL 8031-F9 Sand brown, RAL 9021-F9 Tar black and RAL 6031-F9 HR Bronze green semi-matt, used by the Bundeswehr for military camouflage coating. [7] [8]
Concise RAL Color Chart Free Download
Home RAL colors RAL color systems RAL is a color matching system which defines colors for paint, coatings and plastics. The RAL standard is administrated by the RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung, located in Bonn (Germany). 'RAL' is the abbreviation of ' R eichs- A usschuß für L ieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung'. Ral color list. Please ATTENTION: This colour chart serves pure as an indication for the wide range of RAL colors. The colors visualized in this website can differ due to the capabilities of your computer monitor, setup of your software and accuracy of your colour printer. Please use offical RAL Color printed materials for most accurate color. RAL INDIVIDUAL; RAL DIGITAL. RAL Color Reader; RAL Digital Colour Library; Colour experience. RAL Colour DNA. Primal red 010 40 53; Persian orange 050 50 78; Sorbet yellow 095 80 80;. The digital RAL colour libraries for all three colour palettes are available in the RAL COLOURS online shop. RAL Classic es una colección de 216 colores. 1 es un color de hierro micáceo, 1 es un color metálico, 6 son colores fluorescentes y otros 15 son colores nacarados. Los colores RAL Classic tienen un número de 4 dígitos en combinación con las letras 'RAL' (por ejemplo RAL 1028 ).
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Colour standards specifically for finely adjusted creative applications have been available since 1993 in the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus with 1,825 shades, building on the CIELab colour space. RAL EFFECT followed in 2007. This is a colour range for innovative industrial and product design with 490 shades including striking metallic colours. El primer dígito se refiere al tono del color: RAL F9 Esta colección, que sigue la denominación del RAL Clásico, fue inventada en 1984.Se compone de solo 3 colores (RAL 6031 - verde bronce, RAL 8027 - cuero, RAL 9021 - alquitrán), usados por la Bundeswehr para camuflaje militar . RAL Design
Carta de colores RAL completa y nombres Tabla completa de colores con nombre La carta de colores RAL Classic viene con los nombres correspondientes para cada uno de los 215 colores de esta paleta. Puede consultar todos estos colores aquí o buscarlos por código o por nombre conocido. Choose your colors out of RAL EFFECT, RAL CLASSIC and RAL DESIGN - three independent collections compliment one another and are the ideal tool for optimum color design! Portfolio - Order direct NEW RAL P2 - The RAL standard for plastics including 200 RAL DESIGN colors for precise color communication in the plastics sector. Digital versions of our…
RAL Effect Carta de colores (from 610 to 690) RAL Colores
Please keep in mind that the color values you see here are close matches to the real RAL color. Binding color values you can get with the software RAL DIGITAL. Color Preview RAL Number Name CIELab; RAL 1000: Green beige: 76.02, -0.37, 27.64: RAL 1001: Beige: 74.99, 5.10, 24.64: RAL 1002: Sand yellow: 73.45, 6.83, 33.80: RAL 1003: Carta de Colores RAL « RAL es un código que define un color mediante un conjunto de dígitos. Imprescindibles para diseñadores gráficos e industriales, interioristas, pintores, etc.» Colores únicos Descubre todo sobre los colores individuales RAL y su definición. Ver Video Carta RAL CLASSIC