21 Personal Website Examples and How They Are Built

Ojieame's personal website is proof that it's possible to distill a large breadth of work into a one-page design, in a creative and cohesive way. 6. I Am Tamara. Tamara Sredojevic is a UX designer who is passionate about ethical design, accessibility, and inclusion. coba gratis. 1. Arnold. Ruang terbuka, desain minimalis, dan fokus pada konten yang berdampak adalah ciri khas template website pribadi Arnold dari Zyro. Meskipun template ini gratis untuk digunakan oleh siapa saja, template ini sangat cocok untuk mereka yang berprofesi terkait arsitektur dan desain.

20 Contoh Website Pribadi Keren Tingkatkan Personal Branding

10 Contoh Website Pribadi Keren untuk Inspirasi Desain. Untuk sebagian besar website pribadi, desain memainkan peran penting dalam memaksimalkan personal branding dan membuat pembaca betah berlama-lama berkunjung ke website Anda. 02. Lior Raz: Actor. Best known for co-creating the political thriller Fauda, Lior Raz is an Israeli actor and screenwriter who is constantly on the move. His one-page personal website is like a one-man show, managing to show off just about everything Raz does in a single and continuous scroll. Daftar Isi Tutup. 20+ Contoh Website atau Blog Pribadi Inspiratif. 1. Garry Le Masson: Portofolio Web Analytics Consultant. 2. Albino Tonnina: Portofolio Web Engineer. 3. Humans of New York: Blog Fotografi. 4. If you are a graphic designer, a web designer, or work in software development, it's especially worth showcasing your creativity in your design. Consider adding creative touches, such as interactive elements, to your personal website design, for the best user experience. 6. Selome Welday. Made with: WordPress.

Creative Design Personal Portfolio Website by Dotpixel Agency on Dribbble

Roxane Gay. Roxane Gay is an author, essayist, and speaker. She's one of my (other) favorite contemporary authors, so I was delighted to see that her site is also an excellent example of design: Minimalism with personality - The image you see above is exactly what appears when you visit Roxane's site. Contoh blog pribadi yang kami berikan tentu bukan berasal dari satu niche saja. Ada blog kuliner, blog wisata, blog teknologi, dan lainnya. Agar tidak makin penasaran, mari simak daftar contoh blog yang inspiratif di bawah! 1. The Naked Traveler. 2. Gari Cruze. 3. Anak Jajan. 6. Taylor Vowell. Taylor Vowell's resume website is an excellent example of how to introduce yourself in a personable way while highlighting your professional experience. He begins with a summary about his personal life: "I am a father of 3, an avid comic and sports card collector, and a huge Avs and Broncos fan.". Tamara's website reflects her passion for ethical design, accessibility, and inclusion through its simple, two-page layout. The site features a harmonious color scheme, enhancing its overall simplicity and user experience. Her commitment to accessible and ethical design is prominent, catering to a diverse user base.

40+ Best Free Personal Website Templates For Professionals 2022

Checklist: 5 ways to make your personal website beautiful and highly converting 1. Don't break the 5 second rule. The moment a visitor lands on your website you only have 5 seconds to make a good impression. That's 5 short seconds to convince your visitor to stay on your website - and don't hit the 'back' button.. Check it out here. 2. Guilbo. This is one of the best personal professional websites for a painter. The website has a simple design that has a touch of the profession. Created with site headers to lead visitors to other pages of the website, the homepage is designed with the image of the painter. Check it out here. Template Personal Website WordPress. Hal menarik dari template website personal ini adalah kamu bisa pilih desain pre-built mana yang paling cocok dengan selera kamu. Tinggal pilih, bayar, download package-nya, dan beli domain sekaligus hosting untuk website dengan layanan hosting terpercaya seperti DomaiNesia. 😉. Takeaway: A crisp personal bio highlighting your accomplishments will make your "About" page more informational and helpful to visitors. 7. Nia Shanks: Fitness Trainer. If a minimalistic design is your thing, Nia Shanks' personal website is a great example. Nia is a fitness trainer with a particular focus on women.

16 Best Personal Website Templates To Keep You Ahead 2020 Colorlib

19 Contoh Situs Web Pribadi Terbaik + Kiat Berguna di 2024. Ana Marković Pakar Pengembangan Situs Web. Isi artikel ini. Situs web personal, entah itu resume atau blog, bisa jadi masuk jebakan repetitif. Anda memerlukan konten efektif agar tampil beda di luasnya dunia internet. Anda juga perlu kreatif dan menyajikan gaya unik Anda sendiri. Joshua McCartney. Lindsay Ratowsky (fifty coffees) Pascal van Gemert. Laura Baross. Ellen Skye Riley. Jeremy Noronha. 7 Lesson Learned After Reviewing These Awesome Personal Website Examples. How You Can Implement Your Personal Website Idea. Create Your Space to Share Your Skills.