Contoh Latihan Soal Gerund Dan Infinitive

10 Contoh Soal Gerund dan Infinitive Pilihlah kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan mengetik a atau b. Do you recommend. these books? reading to read Your answer: Tasya wishes. her grandparents more often. visiting to visit Your answer: Would you mind. this questionnaire? to fill out filling out Your answer: Berikut ini 10 latihan soal gerund dan to infinitive pilihan ganda disertai dengan kunci jawaban + pembahasannya. Selamat mengerjakan. 1. My dad said he would like to stop. for a healthy life forever. a. Smoke b. Smoked c. Smoking d. To smoking 2. When we were on the way to Bali, The driver stop. beacuse he is so hungry. a. Eat b. Ate c. Eating

Simple Rules to Master the Use of Gerunds and Infinitives ESLBUZZ

SOAL & JAWABAN Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Materi Gerund dan to Infinitive Aldita Prafitasari - Selasa, 12 April 2022 | 18:00 WIB Gerund ialah verb (kata kerja) yang beralih fungsi menjadi noun (kata benda). - Apakah Adjarian tahu apa yang dimaksud dengan gerund dan to infinitive? habitual action in the present: be used to doing something |Note: the to here is not indicating the infinitive, but rather forms part of the verb with used. Complete the sentences using the infinitive (with or without to) and the gerund of the verbs in brackets. Last week my friends and I were busy (prepare) a surprise party for our friend Judy. 1. Sebagai Subject Contoh: To study hard makes us clever. 2. Menerangkan Tujuan Alasan + To Infinitive (Tujuan) Contoh: He comes here (alasan) to meet me (tujuan). 3. Sebagai Verb setelah Object Pelaku Contoh: Doni asked me to go with him. 4. Menerangkan Noun/kata benda (Kalimat) + N + To Infinitive Contoh: I need a glass of milk to drink. 5. Soal Gerund vs. Infinitive Penggunaan Gerund dan Infinitive Gerund (verb+ing) dan infinitive (to+verb) sama-sama merupakan verbal yang dapat berfungsi sebagai noun. Yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah kapan harus menggunakan gerund dan kapan harus menggunakan infinitive. subject of sentence Keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai subject of a sentence.

110 Contoh Soal Gerund Dan Infinitive Lengkap Dengan Jawaban Mobile

This is the one position where both gerunds and infinitives are commonly used. The choice of which to use depends on the main verb. Some common verbs that are followed by a gerund are advise, avoid, enjoy, finish, practice, quit, and suggest. See the list on page 6 for more of these verbs. He enjoys learning about gerunds. Gerunds and Infinitives 1 Put the verb into either the gerund (-ing) or the infinitive (with 'to'): 1) I don't fancy (go) out tonight. [ .]Check Show: 2) She avoided (tell) him about her plans. [ .]Check Show: 3) I would like (come) to the party with you. [ .]Check Show: 4) He enjoys (have) a bath in the evening. [ .]Check 50 Contoh Soal Gerund dan Infinitive Beserta Jawabannya Change the words in the blanket into gerund or infinitive form. 1. Diana enjoys ___________________ to music. (listen) 2. They don't mind ___________________ the washing up. (do) 3. His name is not easy ___________________ . (remember) 4. Sandy is really good at ___________________ . (sing) 5. The infinitive is the basic form of the verb. We can use the infinitive with or without to e.g. (to) be, (to) have, (to) do. The gerund is the -ing form of a verb. Learn when to use the gerund and when to use the infinitive in English grammar with Lingolia's online lesson. Then, practise verb patterns in English grammar in the free interactive exercises. Infinitives and Gerunds

Gerund and infinitive 6. Gerund and infinitive 1. Gerund and infinitive 2. Gerund and infinitive 3. Infinitive and gerund - worksheets. Infinitive vs gerunds - pdf. Gerunds and infinitives - quiz. To + infinitive and for + -ing. Gerund or infinitive - handout. We use gerunds (verb + ing): After certain verbs - I enjoy singing. After prepositions - I drank a cup of coffee before leaving. As the subject or object of a sentence - Swimming is good exercise. We use 'to' + infinitive: After certain verbs - We decided to leave. After many adjectives - It's difficult to get up early. Contoh: Gerund: singing, drinking, running, walking, studying, dan lain sebagainya. Infinitive: to sing, to drink, to run, to walk, to study, dan lain sebaginya. Daftar Isi sembunyikan 1. Pengertian Gerund and Infinitive 2. Fungsi Gerund dan Infinitive 2.1. 1. Sebagai subject (subjek) 2.2. 2. Sebagai subject complement (pelengkap subjek) 2.3. 3. With the lists above, you can learn how to use gerunds and infinitives correctly. The tests below check your understanding. Gerunds and Infinitives Test Gerunds and Infinitives Test 2 Gerunds and Infinitives Test 3. Here is a logic activity to have some fun and practice gerunds and infinitives at the same time: Gerunds and Infinitives Logic.

Contoh Soal Gerund Dan Infinitive Pilihan Ganda

A gerund is a verb in its ing (present participle) form that functions as a noun that names an activity rather than a person or thing. Any action verb can be made into a gerund. Spelling Tip Verbing (Present Participle) Add ing to most verbs. Ex. play > playing, cry > crying, bark > barking; For verbs that end in e, remove the e and add ing. Rule 1: Gerunds and Infinitives Can Be Subjects of Sentences. A gerund or infinitive can be the subject of a sentence or the doer of the actions. Here are some infinitive and gerund examples. Cooking is my hobby. To be a doctor in five years is my goal. In the first sentence, cooking is the subject because it answers what the topic is all about.