How Do You Spell The Plural Form Of Crisis Kalimat Blog

plural of crisis (Definition of crises from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press) Examples of crises crises This was done with the help of many of those loyal servants abandoned in the preceding crises. From the Cambridge English Corpus Potential crises will be postponed or mitigated as a result. plural crises ˈkrī-ˌsēz Synonyms of crisis 1 a : the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever b : a paroxysmal attack of pain, distress, or disordered function c : an emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person's life a midlife crisis 2 : the decisive moment (as in a literary plot)

What is the Plural of Crisis? and Why It is Confused • 7ESL

The plural of "crisis" is "crises." Crises are abrupt negative changes in security, economic, political, or environmental affairs. Natural crises such as tsunamis or volcanoes are inherently unpredictable. How to Pronounce "Crises" "Crises" is pronounced [KRY]+ [SEEZ]. "crisis, crises" "Crisis" Comes from Ancient Greek What is the plural of crisis? What's the plural form of crisis? Here's the word you're looking for. Answer The plural form of crisis is crises . Find more words! crisis Similar Words catastrophes disasters emergencies plights predicaments dilemmas messes trouble calamities extremities fiascos mires quagmires quandaries adversity cataclysms Crises Is the Plural of Crisis The word crisis is defined as "a tragedy or negative event." A crisis can be political, social, financial, or even related to the weather or environment. That's why you might hear news about a mudslide, an economic collapse, or a riot described as a crisis. The plural form of crisis is crises or crisises. Any singular event or situation is a crisis. However, when referring to multiple events or situations, the plural noun form of crisis, crises, is used. The history and origin of the word The English language word crisis is derived from Greek roots and Latin words. The Greek word krísis

How To Spell Plural Form Of Crisis Kalimat Blog

a time of great disagreement, confusion, or suffering: The country's leadership is in crisis. an economic / financial crisis We have a family crisis on my hands - my 16-year-old sister is pregnant. [ C ] an extremely difficult or dangerous point in a situation: crisis talks A mediator has been called in to resolve the crisis. in crisis plural of crisis (Definition of crises from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press) Examples of crises crises It is the responsibility of the media to report on crises such as this. From ThinkProgress What's the plural of "crisis"? A crisis (sounds like cry - sis) refers to a time of severe difficulty, danger or doubt. If you're curious on what the correct plural of crisis is, look no further: Crisis (pronounced cry - sis) is singular. Crises (pronounced cr i- seas) is the only plural of crisis. Sudden change (for better or worse) in the condition of a patient occurring during the course of an illness; a change of this kind; a decisive turning point between recovery and continued illness or death; (often) spec. the stage of a febrile illness at which fever abates.

How Do You Spell The Plural Form Of Crisis Kalimat Blog

The first probable reason why the plural of crisis is confused is that the term actually ends in "-s.". Words ending in "-s" are commonly, but not always, converted into their corresponding plural forms by adding "-es.". If this rule is followed, you would have "crisises" as the plural of "crisis.". That is incorrect. The plural form (meaning multiples) of the base word "crisis" is "crises." Nouns can identify places, people, animals, and other things. They are the basic materials required to construct sentences. There are different types of nouns, including proper nouns, common nouns, compound nouns, collective nouns, abstract nouns, and countable and. From Latin crisis, from Ancient Greek κρίσις (krísis, "a separating, power of distinguishing, decision, choice, election, judgment, dispute"), from κρίνω (krínō, "pick out, choose, decide, judge") . Pronunciation [ edit] IPA ( key): /ˈkɹaɪsɪs/ Are you wondering what the plural of 'crisis' is? If so, keep on reading. This article will reveal the meaning of the word 'crisis,' what its plural form is, and why there's confusion over it. But to give you the short answer, the plural of 'crisis' is 'crises' and not 'crisises.' Don't worry if you thought it was 'crisises.'

Plural Form Of Crisis In Spanish Kalimat Blog

Definition and Plural of Crisis. When we talk about a crisis, we refer to a difficult or dangerous situation that requires immediate action. It is a critical moment in time, where the outcome can be either positive or negative. A crisis can occur in various fields, including politics, economics, health, and society, among others. The plural of crisis is crises. This irregular pluralization follows a pattern used by many English words derived from Greek that end in -sis. Other examples of nouns that follow this pattern include oasis (oases) and thesis (theses). What is the plural of crisis? Crisises? Crises? Something else?