Obyek Wisata Bedugul Tempat Wisata Indonesia

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Semilirnya Angin Di Danau Beratan Bedugul Bali

Bedugul is a mountain lake resort area in Bali, [1] Indonesia, located in the centre-north region of the island near Lake Bratan on the road between Denpasar and Singaraja the area covers the villages of Bedugul itself, Candikuning, Pancasari, Pacung and Wanagiri amongst others. Jati Luwih rice terraces, Bedugul, Bali. Bedugul adalah sebuah kawasan wisata dengan danau dan gunung di Bali, Indonesia, terletak di bagian tengah pulau di dekat Danau Bratan antara Denpasar dan Singaraja. Daerah ini mencakup desa Bedugul sendiri, Candikuning, Pancasari, Pacung dan Wanagiri. Bedugul is renowned for its iconic Ulun Danu Beratan Temple, set against the backdrop of Lake Beratan. You will find a very different, much colder and "wetter" climate than at the coast. Visit Balinese temples, waterfalls, hot springs, and enjoy stunning views. The iconic Pura Ulun Danu Bratan Temple is a serene Balinese landmark nestled on the shores of Lake Bratan. An embodiment of Bedugul's spiritual and natural beauty, it's a must-visit for every traveller. Photo By Norbert Braun. Table of Contents Why Bedugul Should Be on Your "Must-Visit" List: The Bali Travel Guide Essentials

Bali Travel Blog Chasing the sunrise at Bedugul Lake Temple Trail

The Danau Bratan region, also just known as Bedugul, refers to the large area in the central highlands of Bali and is famed for imposing mountains, picturesque lakes, beautiful trekking routes and impressive temples. Bedugul region encompasses many villages including Bedugul itself, Pacung, Candikuning, Wanagiri, Pancasari, and others. 1. Kintamani Jeep Tour 2. Kinting's Strawberry 3. Pura Ulun Danu Beratan 4. Kebun Raya Bedugul 5. The Blooms Garden 6. Rumah Gemuk 7. Danau Bedugul 8. Bali Gemitir Bedugul 9. Danau Tamblingan 10. Danau Buyan 12. Pasar Tradisional Candi Kuning 13. Handara Golf & Resort 13. Cukup Farm 15. Fresh Strawberry - Danau Beratan Bedugul merupakan danau terluas dan terbesar kedua di Pulau Bali, setelah Danau Batur. Berdasarkan informasi dari Tribunnewswiki, danau ini memiliki luas 375,6 hektar dengan kedalaman 22-48 meter. Danau yang juga kerap disebut Danau Bedugul ini dikelilingi gunung dan perbukitan. The Bedugul Highlands in North Bali are among the least explored parts of the island, and one of the key attractions in the Bedugul region is the Ulun Danu Beratan Temple. This temple stands on beautiful grounds and is surrounded by an area of outstanding natural beauty, too.


The Pura Ulun Danu Bratan temple is a famous old Hindu lake temple that sits on the waters of scenic Lake Beratan in Bedugul, north Bali. This 12-story pagoda was built by the Balinese king of Mengwi in 1633, and the lake it sits on is actually a crater lake (from an old volcano). Ini merupakan destinasi wisata terpopuler di kawasan Bedugul. Danau Beratan ini punya luas area sekitar 375,6 hektar dengan kedalaman 22-48 meter. Tidak heran, danau ini menjadi yang terbesar dan terluas kedua setelah Danau Batur di Pulau Bali. Bali's most iconic temple, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, in Bedugul is absolutely the most surreal and beautiful temple experience yet for us travelling in Bali so. Lake Bratan (also called Beratan Lake or Danau Bratan) is located in the area of Bedugul, Candikuning village, Baturiti district, Tabanan regency Bali, approximately 55 km from Denpasar city, and it's located at an altitude ± 1240 m above sea level, the temperature in Lake Beratan area (Bedugul area) at night time ± 18° C and at daytime ± 24° C.

Pura Ulun Danu, Danau Beratan, Bedugul Bali Stock Photo Alamy

Danau Beratan Bedugul atau lebih dikenal dengan Danau Bedugul adalah danau di wilayah pegunungan di daerah Bedugul, Tabanan. Danau ini berada di ketinggian 1.239 mdpl. Oleh karena itu, hawa di daerah ini sejuk. Danau Beratan Bedugul ini merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang sangat populer di Bali. 1. Diambil dari Dua Kata Versi pertama menyebutkan, nama Bedugul diambil dari dua kata 'Bedug' dan 'Kul.' Kata 'Bedug' diambil karena banyaknya komunitas muslim di tempat ini. Sementara kata 'Kul' diambil dari alat komunikasi tradisional untuk orang Bali yang fungsinya mirip dengan kentongan.