The boys are out of the barracks!! Bordeaux striker Thomas Touré's cock

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Eat My Goal. 375,416 likes · 4 talking about this. Eat My Goal is your essential football sauce for the tastiest stories, videos, podcasts and of course Welcome! Log into your account. your username. your password Would you like to write for EMG? We are always on the look out for the next talented smart arse who's ready to dish out some football ridicule. To get your mildly amusing words in front of over 400,000 EMG followers, please follow our exhaustive guide lines and submit your article using the form below. […] Welcome! Log into your account. your username. your password

Harry Kane takes on cross bar challenge from inside his own box! Eat

Eat My Goal. 18 March 2019. EPLpod: Manchester City comeback keeps quadruple alive. With the help of some suspect officiating, greedy Manchester City kept their hopes of securing a quadruple alive after coming from behind to defeat a plucky Swansea City in the FA Cup, Liverpool cling on to the title race with a narrow win over Fulham and James. Eat My Goal. 382,890 likes · 37 talking about this. Eat My Goal is your essential football sauce for the tastiest stories, videos, podcasts and of. 9,987 Followers, 101 Following, 68 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Eat My Goal (@eatmygoaltv) The latest tweets from @eatmygoaltv

The Football Ramble undergoes hilarious cartoon transformation Eat My

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Chris Smalling gets the 442oons treatment Eat My Goal

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