Arduino Flow Rate Sensor Working YouTube

Looking For Water Flow Sensor Arduino? We Have Almost Everything On eBay. But Did You Check eBay? Check Out Water Flow Sensor Arduino On eBay. This type of sensor can be found on different diameters, water pressure (MPa) and flow rate (L/m) ranges. Make sure to select one that will cover your needs. The sensor that I have it has 20mm diameter, <1.75Mpa water pressure and ~30 L/m flow rate range. In this tutorial we will use the serial monitor for printing the water flow rate in liters.

Water Flow Sensor Measure on 16x2 LCD Display Arduino Project Hub

Step 1 - Power To The Breadboard. We are going to jump right in and set up the Arduino Uno and the breadboard right next to one another. The sensor works with anywhere between 5-18VDC but since we are working with 5VDC logic on the Arduino, we will just use the Arduino's own 5V power by way of the USB port at this time. The YFS201 Hall Effect Water Flow Sensor has three pins: VCC, GND, and OUT. To connect the sensor to an Arduino board. Connect VCC pin of the sensor to the 5V. Connect GND pin of the sensor to the GND. Connect OUT pin of the sensor to the digital pin D3. The connections are straight & simple, see the above circuit schematic image. Then open your Arduino IDE and copy the code below. Download the code into Arduino. Noteļ¼š. The code here is for the most classic YF - S201 Water Flow Sensor. However the picture above is YF - S402. Beacause we do not have YF - S201 in our hand. The code used for both is almost the same, with only one factor to be modified. The complete water flow sensor Arduino code is given at the bottom of the page. The explanation of the code is as follows. We are using the header file of the LCD, which eases our interfacing the LCD with Arduino, and the pins 12,11,5,4,3,9 are allotted for data transfer between LCD and Arduino. The sensor's output pin is connected to pin 2 of.

How to Use Water Flow Sensor Arduino Tutorial Arduino, Arduino

According to the datasheet of YF-S201 Water Flow Sensor, the output pulse frequency can be calculated with this equation: Pulse frequency = 7.5 x flow rate. The above equation can also be written as: flow rate = Pulse frequency / 7.5. Here pulse frequency is the number of pulse count in one minute. Hence: The YF-S201 Water Flow Sensor is a hall-effect sensor designed to measure the rate of water flow passing through it. It utilizes the principle of the Hall effect, which involves the detection of changes in a magnetic field caused by the flow of fluid. This sensor generates electrical pulses proportional to the volume of water passing through it. Software Apps. Interfacing YF-S201 Water Flow Sensor with Arduino. Step 1: Circuit. Step 2: Code to measure the volume of water in liters. Step 3: Code to measure the flow rate of water in liters per minute. Hardware Hook Up. Connecting the water flow sensor to arduino requires minimal interconnection. Connect the VCC (Red) and GND (Black) wires of the water flow Sensor to the 5v and Gnd of Arduino, and link Pulse Output (Yellow) wire of the water flow sensor to Arduino's digital pin 2. Note that the water flow sensor is not a power-hungry type.

Flow Meter using Arduino

Using the Flow Sensor with Arduino. The flow sensor in this tutorial contains three pins: VCC, GND, and OUT and are colored red, black and green respectively. This water flow sensor needs a 6 mm hose attached to its ends. Other models have larger inlet diameters. Note that water flow sensors work best with the help of gravity. In this project, we will interface YFS201 Hall Effect Water Flow Sensor with Arduino for measuring flow rate and volume of water or any other liquid. This is. The YF-S201 Hall effect water flow sensor for arduino simplifies water flow measurement with its three-wire configuration. The sensor's wires include red for power (5-24VDC), black for ground, and yellow for Hall effect pulse output. By accurately counting the pulses from the sensor's output, you can easily determine the water flow rate. In the above circuit i attached the pulse output pin of flow sensor to arduino digital pin 3. Digital pin 3 of arduino is configured as interrupt pin. I will explain about it during code explanation. Flow sensor is powered with an external 9 volt battery. Its better to power the flow sensor externally since it consumes power which is not.

Water Flow Rate & Volume Measurement using Water Flow Sensor & Arduino

For the water flow sensor the most important parameters are: Water Flow Rate Range. Max Water Pressure. Operating Voltage. You can find all the information in the table above, just make sure you choose the right water flow sensor with the right parameter. For Arduino Projects, if you are not sure which one to choose, just try YF-S201 and YF-S402. To make reading the sensor and calculating flow easy, the interrupt feature of the Atmega328p on the Ardunio is employed, as such, the signal pin of the YF-S201 is connected to one of the interrupt-enabled IOs of the Uno (in this case, pin D2). The LCD, on the other hand, is connected in a 4-bit mode to the Arduino.