Form Checklist Kendaraan Excel

Overview Download & View Form-checklist-kendaraan.xlsx as PDF for free. More details Words: 564 Pages: 6 Preview Full text Form-checklist-kendaraan.xlsx [3no7p30g3xld].. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

Free Excel Printable Vehicle Inspection Form

Checklist Pemeriksaan Mobil Jenis/Merk Mobil : Tahun Pembuatan : Km : Tip Beli Mobkas Lokasi : Check Kondisis Fisik/ Body Catatan Apakah ada bekas benturan pada body Tidak Apakah banyak terdapat bekas dempulan Ya, bekas dempul di plate belakang Apakah body bagian depan / belakang terlihat simetris Ya Apakah panel-panel lampu depan / belakang masih terpasang sempurna Ya Apakah kondisi rangka. It is easy to customize by copying and pasting items, inserting new items, etc. I use this approach in the wedding and camping checklists. Special Unicode Characters in Data Validation Lists: ☐, ☑, , - This may be my favorite approach. You can include special characters like this in a Data Validation drop-down list. With a simple check box form control, you can create a checklist for anything you like in Excel. Access the Developer Tab Before you can use the check box form control in Microsoft Excel, you need to make sure that you have access to the Developer tab. If you don't see this tab at the top of Excel, it takes only a minute to add it. NO. INTERIOR BAIK KURANG KETERANGAN1 AC DINGIN2 AUDIO (TAPE,RADIO,CD/DVD|)3 DOOR LOCK, POWER WINDOW, SPION ELEKTRIC4 JOK (BASAH,NODA,ROBEK,BAU)5 DASHBOARD6 SAFETY BELT7 SPEEDOMETER8 KARPET & KESET MOBIL9 PEDAL,GAS,REM & KOPLING10 BAN SEREP, DONGKRAK,KUNCI RODA,SEGITIGA. NO.

Form Checklist Kendaraan P2h Kendaraan Catatan Seorang Planter / Jadi

Vehicle Checklist1. Vehicle Checklist2. Daily Vehicle Inspection checklist. Daily-vehicle-checklist. vehicle-checklist for Truck. Monthly vehicle Maintanance checklist. Motor Vehicle & Driver Checklist. Important compotants of a standard vehicle inspection checklist: Vehicle Maintenance Checklist in Word & PDF. Pakai Template PRATINJAU FORMULIR Dibagikan oleh CemetiGunawan di Formulir Inspeksi Tergandakan 230 Formulir pemeriksaan kendaraan digunakan oleh kantor polisi untuk melakukan pemeriksaan keamanan mingguan pada kendaraan mereka. Step 2: Add and format content controls. On the Developer tab, click the control that you want to add. In the worksheet, click where you want to insert the control. To set specific properties for the control, hold down CONTROL and click the control, and then click Format Control. In the Format Control box, set the properties that you want, such. Click File then select Options. Go to Excel Options, select Customize Ribbon, and check the box beside Developer. Indicate a title for the format of checklist ( e.g., To-do ). Under the Developer tab, click Insert and then select Check Box ( Form Control). Beside the inserted check box, specify the task to be done.

Contoh Ceklist Mobil Harian Ruang Ilmu

Ayu Aokhara. Program (1) : PELAYANAN ADMINISTRASI PERKANTORAN Kegiatan (1) : Penyediaan Jasa Surat Menyurat Uraian Hasil Pelaksanaan Kegiatan : Kegiatan Penyediaan Jasa Surat Menyurat dilaksanakan dalam 1 (satu) tahun. Di mana sasaran kegiatan ini adalah tercapainya tujuan administrasi surat menyurat berupa materai dan benda pos lainnya. Multiple Check sheet. Flexible content of Check Sheet and displayed as role of inspector. Ability to confirm that inspector who input check result is appropriate person in charge. Check Result Data Protection + Face Recognition verification. NG Coordinate. Dashboard Management. Flexible Inspection Flow. Push Notification. Form-Checklist-Kendaraan.xlsx.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. en Change Language. close menu Language. English (selected) Once you've chosen and downloaded your design, run MS Excel and you can now make your checklist. Don't worry if you're not sure where to start since the pre-filled spaces can help guide you, and go ahead if you need to edit those filled spaces to whatever purpose you'll need them for instead. 5. Don't Forget to Save!

Aplikasi Excel Perawatan Kendaraan Dinas ExcelManiacs

Download Form-checklist-kendaraan.xlsx Type: PDF Date: April 2020 Size: 261.2KB Author: heni This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Report DMCA Silahkan klik tombol Save untuk memberikan perintah kepada aplikasi agar menyimpan data identitas kendaraan ke dalam database aplikasi. Sedangkan tombol-tombol: New berfungsi sebagai tombol perintah ketika Anda ingin menginput data kendaraan lainnya.; Close berfungsi sebagai tombol perintah untuk menutup Form Input.; Edit berfungsi sebagai tombol perintah ketika Anda ingin mengedit data.