Le hoazin huppé ou hoazin ( Opisthocomus hoazin ), aussi appelé hoatzin ou sassa (en créole guyanais ), est une espèce d' oiseaux tropicaux que l'on rencontre en Amérique du Sud, dans les marais des bassins de l' Amazone et de l' Orénoque. The hoatzin or hoactzin, also known as the reptile bird, skunk bird, stinkbird, or Canje pheasant, is a species of tropical bird found in swamps, riparian forests, and mangroves of the Amazon and the Orinoco basins in South America. It is notable for having chicks that have claws on two of their wing digits. Source: Wikipedia ( 0 votes) Protonym:


The hoatzin (/ h oʊ ˈ æ t s ɪ n / hoh-AT-sin) or hoactzin (/ h oʊ ˈ æ k t s ɪ n / hoh-AKT-sin) (Opisthocomus hoazin) is a species of tropical bird found in swamps, riparian forests, and mangroves of the Amazon and the Orinoco basins in South America.It is the only extant species in the genus Opisthocomus which is the only extant genus in the Opisthocomidae family under the order of. Latin<: derived fromsyn: synonym of/: separates historical and modern geographic namesex: based onTL: type localityOD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species) This content is available exclusively to Birds of the World subscribers. Sign in Learn more. Billerman, S. M. (2020). 中文 (繁體) 中文(简体) Surprenez-moi ! © Angus Pritchard Macaulay Library ML 140257991 Opisthocomiformes Connectez-vous pour voir vos badges Grand oiseau trapu fréquentant le voisinage des lacs et des ruisseaux lents. La tête semble trop petite proportionnellement au corps volumineux brun. 中文: 麝雉. (Note: no wikidata item is associated with this gallery) Note: For IOC classification 2.11, this is currently the only extant (living) species in the genus Opisthocomus and the familia Opisthocomidae. IOC link: Opisthocomus hoazin in order Opisthocomiformes subcat. IUCN: Opisthocomus hoazin (Müller, 1776) ( old web site) (Least.

Hoazin huppé Wikiwand

Opisthocomus hoazin, La Selva Lodge, Napo River, Ecuador Opisthocomus hoazin — distribution map Taxonavigation [edit] Taxonavigation: Opisthocomiformes Superregnum: Eukaryota Cladus: Unikonta Cladus: Opisthokonta Cladus: Holozoa Regnum: Animalia. Hoazin huppé galego: Hoatzín Opisthocomus hoazin Name Synonyms Phasianus spec Statius Müller, 1776 Homonyms Opisthocomus hoazin (Statius Muller, 1776) Common names Hoatzin in Norwegian. Hoazin in Italian Hoazin huppé in French Hoazín in Spanish cigana in Portuguese hoacin in Hungarian hoacin chochlatý in Slovak hoacin chocholatý in Czech Hoatzin is a gregarious species and builds nests in small colonies, where it lays 2 to 3 eggs in a twig nest built in a tree that hangs above the water. The chick, which is fed with vegetable paste regurgitated by the parents, has another strange characteristic: two claws on each wing, which help it to grab onto the branches and climb them. Ελληνικά: Οασίν Canadian English: Hoatzin British English: Hoatzin Esperanto: Hoacino español: Hoazín eesti: hoatsiin euskara: Hoatzin فارسی: گندمرغ suomi: hoatsin (haisukäki), hoatsin français: Hoazin huppé Nordfriisk: Hoatzin galego: Hoatzín עברית: הואצין hrvatski: hoacin magyar: hoacin Bahasa Indonesia: Hoatzin italiano: Hoazin

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The Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) is a primitive chicken-sized bird of South American swamps, principally in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. The young possess two large claws on each wing, a trait that. The following pages on the English Wikipedia use this file (pages on other projects are not listed): List of bird genera. IUCN Red List. published: 01-08-2015 - Updated: 02-09-2015. 2023 Oiseaux.net. Identification record : Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) is a bird which belongs to the family of Opisthocomidés and the order of Opisthocomiformes. Opisthocomus hoazin - Hoatzin Systématique Ordre : Opisthocomiformes Famille : Opisthocomidés Genre : Opisthocomus Espèce : hoazin Descripteur Müller, PLS, 1776 Biométrie Taille : 70 cm Envergure : - Poids : 700 à 900 g Longévité 8 ans Distribution Description identification adulte adulte Hoatzin is a colourful bird, with frizzy crest and long tail. We can say it has a "Prehistoric" appearance with particular "wing claws" similar to those present on the wings of the first known lizard-bird, the Archaeopteryx. Small head is almost bare. Neck is long. Hoatzin has frizzy red-orange crest of about 4 to 8 cm long, starting on.

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Le hoazin huppé ou hoazin ( Opisthocomus hoazin ), aussi appelé hoatzin ou sassa (en créole guyanais), est une espèce d' oiseaux tropicaux que l'on rencontre en Amérique du Sud, dans les marais des bassins de l' Amazone et de l'Orénoque. Hoatzin / Opisthocomus hoazin bird calls and sounds. Language Translation; Azerbaijani: Cənubi Amerika hoatsini: Bashkir: гоацин-тауыҡ, гоацин