1. Calathea louisae Jenis tanaman calathea ini merupakan tanaman asli Brasil yang mulai dibudidayakan di berbagai negara di dunia. Calathea louisae dapat tumbuh dengan tinggi mencapai 80 cm, dengan daun memanjang hingga ukuran 22 cm dan lebar 10 cm. Types of Calathea Plants 1. Rattlesnake Plant (Calathea Lancifolia) The above type is a very well-known plant that possesses features like narrow, long leaves in shades of light and dark green. Its background leaves are light green in color, while its amazing markings are made up of darker green shades. 2. Pinstripe Calathea (Calathea Ornata)
13 Jenis Calathea yang Lagi Hits dan Harganya, Apa Saja? (update 2021
Daftar Isi 15+ Tanaman Calathea Terbaik untuk Rumah Anda 1. Calathea Orbifolia 2. Calathea Lutea 3. Calathea Medallion 4. Calathea White Fusion 5. Calathea Zebrina 6. Calathea Lancifolia 7. Calathea Makoyana 8. Calathea Roseopicta 9. Calathea Warscewiczii 10. Calathea Crocata 11. Calathea Ornata 12. Calathea Freddie 13. Calathea Vittata 14. Calathea orbifolia: This species features silver-green stripes on its large leaves. Calathea makoyana: Commonly known as the peacock plant, this species features leaves of dark green, cream, purple, and pink hues with red stems. Calathea ornata: This species is referred to as the pinstripe plant due to its deep green leaves with pink stripes. Calathea Bachemiana. Native to Brazil, this Calathea variety has pointed leaves with stripes. It can produce flowers in the summer in the wild. Light: Bright, indirect light with some shade. Water: Keep soil moist. Leaf Color: Light green with dark green details. Mature Size: 1.5 ft tall. 04 of 35. jenis tanaman hias tanaman calathea tanaman hidup Calathea populer sebagai tanaman hias indoor dalam pot. Popbela merangkum 7 jenis-jenis tanaman calathea dan cara menanamnya untuk kamu.
JenisJenis Calathea & Metode Perawatannya InteriorDesign.id
The Calathea Eclipse is a variety of roseopicta similar to others such as the Dottie or Rosy. The Eclipse is a relatively new variety in the Calathea family. This variation has a dark green face with a thin, light green pattern circling the leaf's rib. The underside of the leaf is a bright crimson color. | Editor Lolita Valda Claudia JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com- Salah satu tanaman hias dengan daun cantik yang menjadi incaran kolektor tanaman hias adalah tanaman calathea. Tanaman ini memiliki bentuk daun yang cantik dengan motif yang beragam. Calathea juga terdiri dari banyak jenis dengan motif daun yang berbeda pada setiap jenisnya. Calathea is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Marantaceae. They are commonly called calatheas or (like their relatives) prayer plants. About 200 species formerly assigned to Calathea are now in the genus Goeppertia. [1] Calathea currently contains around 60 species. In this article, you will learn the proper way to identify 10 of the most popular Calathea plants. Lets take a look: Calathea Varieties. Rarity. Price Range (USD$) Calathea Lancifolia. Common. $20 to $30 USD. Calathea Zebrina.
13 Jenis Calathea Berdaun Cantik yang Tengah Digandrungi Pecinta
Rooftop/Terrace Gardening Urban Gardening Vertical Gardening DIY 1. Calathea Louisae Sumber: Wikimedia Commons Jenis tanaman calathea ini merupakan tanaman asli Brasil yang kini dapat kamu temukan di berbagai belahan dunia. Calathea louisae dapat tumbuh dengan tinggi mencapai 80 cm, dengan daun memanjang hingga ukuran 22 cm dan lebar 10 cm.
1. Calathea ornata. Reclassified as Goeppertia ornata, this beauty is commonly known as Pinstripe Plant for obvious reasons. It is native to Colombia and Venezuela. Its long, dark green leaves with pink stripes (and maroon undersides) are striking. Photo credit: Yercaud-elango, CC BY-SA 4.0. 2. Calathea lancifolia. 1. Calathea louisae Jenis tanaman hias calathea yang pertama adalah Calathea louise yang berasal dari Brazil. Karena semakin populer, jenis ini mulai dibudidayakan di berbagai dunia. Calathea louisae bisa tumbuh hingga 80 cm. Ciri khasnya memiliki daun memanjang hingga ukuran 22 cm dan lebar 10 cm.
13 Jenis Calathea Berdaun Cantik yang Tengah Digandrungi Pecinta
6. Calathea Ornata 'Beauty star' Calathea 'Beauty Star' is an elegant variety of Calathea Ornata characterized by neon green stripes and lighter white accent stripes that radiate from the centre of the pointed foliage.The green leaves are longer, thinner and pointy compared to traditional deep-coloured Ornata leaves. The underside of each leaf exhibits a deep purple and green colour. 1. Calathea Lutea 2. Calathea Ornata 3. Calathea Orbifolia 4. Calathea Medallion 5. Calathea Rufibarba 6. Calathea Crimson 7. Calathea Lancifolia 8. Calathea Makoyana 9. Calathea Crocata 10. Calathea Zebrina Terdapat banyak sekali jenis tanaman hias yang saat ini semakin populer, salah satunya yaitu jenis Calathea.