Goldfish scooping (金魚すくい, 金魚掬い, Kingyo-sukui) is a traditional Japanese game in which a player scoops goldfish with a paper scooper. It is also called "Scooping Goldfish", "Dipping for Goldfish", or "Snatching Goldfish". Kingyo means "goldfish" and sukui means "scooping". Sometimes bouncy balls are used instead of goldfish. Play a quintessential Japanese festival activity at home! Read on the post to bring kingyo sukui or goldfish scooping to your home.
What Is Kingyo-Sukui? "Kingyo-sukui", written in Japanese as "金魚すくい,", is translated into English as "Goldfish scooping". "Goldfish", in Japanese, is "Kingyo", while the term "scooping", in Japanese, is "sukui". Other terms for the game include "Goldfish Snatching", or "Dipping for Goldfish". Every year, in the heat of August, summer festivals pop up across most cities and kingyo-sukui - a traditional game, dating from the Edo period that challenges players to scoop up live goldfish. 2.31K subscribers 4M views 12 years ago A young girl is scooping a goldfish with sleight‐of‐hand quickness. @ Azalea festival in a Japanese shinto shrine "Nezu jinjya" Show more Show more Kingyo Sukui is the Japanese game of goldfish scooping where you can win a pet goldfish should you so desire.The game goes back to the late Edo Period around.
Kingyo Sukui A Game of Skilled Fish Scooping YABAI The Modern
Kingyo-Sukui Games Participants at the Edogawa Goldfish Festival test their patience and skill in the traditional Japanese game of Kingyo-Sukui. This game, which translates to 'scooping goldfish,' is a favorite among both children and adults. Kingyo Sukui, Goldfish scooping Wed, September 5, 2018, by Muza-chan First appeared during the Edo period as a children game, Kingyo-sukui - Goldfish scooping - is today a common attraction at the summer festivals, where it is played by kids and adults alike. You will find Kingyo Sukui stalls at every summer festival. It's very popular, and enjoyed by a wide range of people, from small children to adults. You scoop goldfish into a bowl using a scooping tool called a poi. Poi is a circular plastic frame with Japanese paper attached to it. Good as gold. Memories of childhood summers in Japan inevitably involve three things: fireworks, watermelon, and kingyo-sukui — the challenge of scooping up live goldfish with a paper ladle at a.
Kingyo Sukui, Goldfish scooping
Later, I learned that this was a traditional japanese game, usually played at summer festivals, Goldfish scooping (金魚すくい, 金魚掬い , Kingyo-sukui).The game appeared in the Edo period, first as a children's game, and in time became so popular that in 1995 a National Competition of Goldfish Scooping was established. Kingyo Suku (Goldfish Scooping) game with plastic fish. I recently had to come up with a Japanese festival game for a Sakura Festival. Having stumbled upon a gross of plastic fish at iParty, I decided to make my own plastic goldfish scooping (Kingyo Sukui) game. Since I live in the States and this was under short enough notice, I couldn't mail.
One of the most popular games, however, is known as kingyo-sukui 金魚すくい, literally "goldfish scooping." The basic rule is that the player scoops goldfish from a pool with a paper scooper called a poi and puts them into a bowl with it. The paper easily rips, so the challenge is to scoop the fish quickly while the paper is intact. One of my best friends attempts kingyo-sukui or goldfish scooping at a festival at Senso-ji Temple in May of 2017. This was my second trip to Japan and her f.
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De otro modo, manda la carta excavada al Cementerio, y además destruye esta carta. Sólo puedes usar este efecto de "Kingyo Sukui" una vez por turno. [ show] Japanese. このカード名の①の効果は1ターンに1度しか使用できない。. ①:相手の墓地のモンスター1体を対象として発動できる。. 自分の. Kingyo sukui means "Goldfish scooping." And yes, it is literally the game that a player scoop goldfish from a big basin. This game is one of the popular summer festival games in Japan. You might think Kingyo sukui sounds easy, but it's NOT because the scooper is made of fragile thin paper (^_^)