Sewa Ruangan di Kirana 2 Tower mulai Rp. 255.000/jam XWORK

The Kirana Two Office Tower is an 18-story B Grade Building located at Jl Boulevard Timur No.88 Kel. Pegangsaan Dua, Kec. Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara. KIRANA 2 TOWER, Level 10-A, Jl Boulevard Timur No 88, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta QUICK QUOTE Services & Amenities Serviced offices? 24-hour security Company signage Furnished workspaces Meeting rooms Virtual office available Wireless networking The Office Space

Sewa Ruangan di Kirana 2 Tower mulai Rp. 255.000/jam XWORK

KIRANA 2 TOWER, Level 10-A, Jl Boulevard Timur No 88, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara View this office online at: evard-timur-no-88-kelapa Kirana 2 Tower provides high quality serviced offices which benefit from a range of facilities to help your business thrive. PT NUSA KIRANA REAL ESTATE. GEDUNG KIRANA THREE Lantai 3A Jl. Boulevard Raya Kav.1 Jakarta Utara 14240. E. [email protected] T. 021-65311088 F. 021-65311388. Terhubung dengan Kami The development of Kirana Two Office Tower Kirana Two is the answer for companies who seek a strategic location for their dynamic businesses for it is located in the Kelapa Gading area. Besides its accessible location, Kirana Two is equipped with complete facilities such as versatile function halls, a vast parking space, and integrated indoor and outdoor leisure areas. About this Location Conveniently located in Boulevard Timur Kelapa Gading, the center is surrounded by a wide variety of banks, apartments, malls, and culinary spots in Kelapa Gading Boulevard area. This space is ideal for those searching for office space in North Jakarta. Book a Tour Get a Quote Add to Shortlist Office Services and Facilities

vOffice Center Tour Kirana Two Office Tower YouTube

Interior 22 Photos. Floor Plan 1 Photo. Kirana Two is a new Grade B office building located at Jakarta utara. With a total building size of 19.743 sqm, the office building in Jl. Boulevard Timur Raya No 88,Kelapa Gading is available for lease only. Kirana Two is a 18 storeys office building that is of walking distance to Sports Mall Kelapa Gading. Kirana Two merupakan pintu gerbang ke pusat bisnis di daerah Jakarta Utara. Letaknya yang strategis di jalan Boulevard Timur Kelapa Gading memberi gedung ini kemudahan akses sekaligus fasilitas prima. Kirana Two dengan luas total 19.743 m2 merupakan salah satu karya gemilang yang menawarkan lingkungan bisnis terbaik di daerah ini. Jl. Boulevard Raya No 1.Kelapa Gading Exterior 3 Photos Interior 17 Photos Floor Plan 0 Photo Kirana Three is a new Grade A office building located at Jakarta utara. With a total building size of 12.807 sqm, the office building in Jl. Boulevard Raya No 1.Kelapa Gading is available for lease only. Consider Kirana 2 Tower, a commercial building that offers a range of flexible workspace solutions for rent. Nearby offices. Menara Satu, Sentra Kelapa gading Jalan Bulevar kelapa Gading LA3 Number1, Jakarta, 14240.

Virtual Office Basic Kirana Two Tower Jakarta Utara Onespace

Use various services from vOffice at Kirana Two Tower, Kelapa Gading: Virtual Office ️ Serviced Office Space ️ Meeting Room ️ and many more. Kirana Two Office Tower Sebagai kota dengan mobilitas yang tinggi, Jakarta menjadi tempat incaran untuk mengembangkan bisnis. Fasilitas umumnya sangat memadai, didukung pula dengan sumber daya manusia (SDM) berkualitas, tak pelak menjadikan Jakarta semakin digemari oleh para pebisnis. Gedung Kirana Three Office Tower merupakan bangunan komersial terbaru dengan penerapan teknologi terkini, yang mulai dibangun pada tahun 2017. Gedung ini terdiri dari 18 lantai dengan total luas bangunan 12.807 meter persegi. Beberapa perusahaan yang berkantor di Kirana Three Office Tower diantaranya adalah PT QAD Asia Indonesia, PT Serba Mulia. Description Kirana Two Office Tower terletak di Jl. Boulevard Timur Kav. 11, Kuningan. Bangunan ini terdiri atas 18 lantai dengan total luas bangunan mencapai sekitar 28,760 meter persegi dan luas lantai sekitar 1.150 meter persegi. Kantor yang dikembangkan oleh PT.

Project Kirana Commercial Avenue Bella Terra desain arsitek oleh PT

Nusa Kirana Group began as a humble infrastructure and real estate development company in 1978. Over the past 45 years, we have come a long way and created many breakthroughs in shaping the real estate industry in Indonesia.. Office Tower. Through Nusa Kirana Group, we have created a brand for commercial workspaces that are comfortable and. 133 min Bus stations near Kirana Two Office Tower (Main Entrance) in Jakarta Utara