The Asiatic linsang looks like a really stretchy catpossum cross

The linsangs are four species of tree-dwelling carnivorous mammals. The name of these species originated in the Javanese language as linsang or wlinsang, and previously, was translated incorrectly in English dictionaries as "otter". The Asiatic linsang ( Prionodon) is a genus comprising two species native to Southeast Asia: the banded linsang ( Prionodon linsang) and the spotted linsang ( Prionodon pardicolor ). [4] [5] Prionodon is considered a sister taxon of the Felidae. [6] Characteristics

The Asiatic linsang looks like a really stretchy catpossum cross

The banded linsang ( Prionodon linsang) is a linsang, a tree-dwelling carnivorous mammal native to the Sundaic region of Southeast Asia. [2] Description The banded linsang grows to 35-41.1 cm (13.8-16.2 in), with a long tail that can reach 36.2 cm (14.3 in). [3] It is a pale yellow with five dark bands. The average weight is around 700 g (25 oz). Current travel information . Disruptions on Lufthansa Express Rail connections from 10.01.2024 (02.00) until 12.01.2024 (18.00) A nocturnal, tree-dwelling carnivore with the face of a possum, the body of a cat, and a luxurious feather-duster tail, the Asiatic linsang is a wonderful example of the diversity of mammals hiding out in the forests of South East Asia. They grow to a length of 33-43 cm (13-17 inches), excluding a banded tail almost as long, and have slender bodies, relatively narrow heads, elongated muzzles, retractile claws, and dense, close fur.

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The spotted linsang ( Prionodon pardicolor ) is a linsang, a tree-dwelling carnivorous mammal, native to much of Southeast Asia. It is widely, though usually sparsely, recorded, and listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. No Nocturnal Ca Carnivore Ar Arboreal Te Terrestrial So Solitary Linsang. The linsangs are four feliform species, two in Asia and two in Africa. The whole group was put in the Viverridae in a subfamily. The two pairs are: the African linsangs ( Poiana) are true viverrids closely related to the genet. the Asiatic linsangs ( Prionodon) are not, and may be the closest living relatives of the Felidae family. [1] The body of the banded lin­sang is 40 cm long, and the tail is about 34 cm. Banded lin­sangs are very pale yel­low with five large trans­verse dark bands on their backs. They have broad stripes on their necks with small elon­gate spots and stripes on their flanks. The tail has seven or eight dark bands and ends in a dark tip. 10 years. Weight. 700. g oz. Length. 35-41. cm inch. The Banded linsang ( Prionodon linsang) is a carnivorous mammal native to the Sundaic region of Southeast Asia. The name of these animals originated in the Javanese language as linsang or wlinsang, and previously, was translated incorrectly in English dictionaries as "otter".

Spotted Linsang 21 Facts You Won'T Believe!

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Interesting African linsang Facts YouTube

Linsang atau Linsang Asia adalah dua spesies musang yang diklasifikasikan dalam subfamili Prionodontinae dalam famili Viverridae. Ada satu genus Asia Tenggara, Prionodon . How big is a linsang? The average size of a linsang animal is around 13.8-16.2 in (35-41.1 cm). It has a long tail that may measure similar to its body, and it helps in balancing on trees and ground. Compared to it, an African civet measures around 26-33 in (67-84 cm).