"Ringen mit Gott“, Lukas 22, 3946, Atempause 173, Donnerstag, 6.4.2017

39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. 40 On reaching the place, he said to them, "Pray that you will not fall into temptation." 41 He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42 "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. Luke 22:39-46 NIV. Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, "Pray that you will not fall into temptation." He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be.

Estudio bíblico Título La lucha del Señor en Getsemaní Lucas 223946

Luke 22:39-46 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, "Pray that you will not fall into temptation.". He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, "Father, if y. Read verse in New International Version. Luke 22:39-46 — New Century Version (NCV) 39 Jesus left the city and went to the Mount of Olives, as he often did, and his followers went with him. 40 When he reached the place, he said to them, "Pray for strength against temptation.". 41 Then Jesus went about a stone's throw away from them. He kneeled down and prayed, 42 "Father. Luke 22:39-46. He went, as he was wont — As was his custom every night; to the mount of Olives — See on Matthew 26:30-32. And when he was at the place — When he had entered the garden of Gethsemane; he said, Pray that ye enter not into temptation — Having forewarned them of the lamentable effect which his sufferings would have upon them; that they would all stumble that very night. Luke 22:39. As He was wont .—This accounts for Judas being able to lead those who apprehended Jesus to the place where He was to be found. Luke 22:40. At the place .—A garden or farm called Gethsemane ( i.e., "the oil-press"), perhaps belonging to a friend or disciple. He said to them .—He left eight of the apostles, and took Peter.

Lucas 22, 3946 YouTube

Key Thought. Jesus went to "the usual place," the Mount of Olives. There, he warned his disciples again about the temptation that was about to engulf them. Everything about those events is surreal, bizarre, and horrifying except one: Jesus was in his place of prayer. He had walked with the Father his entire ministry. Lukas 22:39-46. 22:39 Lalu pergilah Yesus ke luar kota dan sebagaimana biasa v Ia menuju Bukit Zaitun. w Murid-murid-Nya juga mengikuti Dia. 22:40 Setelah tiba di tempat itu Ia berkata kepada mereka: "Berdoalah supaya kamu jangan jatuh ke dalam pencobaan. x " 22:41 Kemudian Ia menjauhkan diri dari mereka kira-kira sepelempar batu jaraknya, lalu. the Lucan Redaction of Lk 22,39-46 With the advent of redaction criticism, attention is properly called to the changes, omissions, and additions which Luke made. Das Evangelium nach Lukas (Berlin 1971) 410-412; G. H. P. Thompson, The Gospel According to Luke (Oxford 1972) 262-263; E. Read Luke 22:39-44. 1. Intimacy. Read: Luke 22:39-41 (Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.) A. Living out God's will is easier if we can trust him wholeheartedly. B. To trust him however we must get to know him in an intimate manner. C. Intimacy is achieved through regular prayer and worship. 2.

Lukas 22, 3946 Drei Ermutigungen für unser Gebet 20.03.2022 YouTube

It was an humble prayer; that appears by the postures in which he cast himself, sometimes lying prostrate upon his face, he lies in the very dust, and lower he could not lie, and his heart was as low as his body. 3. It was a vehement, fervent, and importunate prayer; such was the fervor of his spirit, that he prayed himself into an agony. 39 Dann verließ Jesus die Stadt und ging, wie er es gewohnt war, zum Ölberg; seine Jünger folgten ihm. 40 Als er dort war, sagte er zu ihnen: Betet, dass ihr nicht in Versuchung geratet! 41 Dann entfernte er sich von ihnen ungefähr einen Steinwurf weit, kniete nieder und betete: 42 Vater, wenn du willst, nimm diesen Kelch von mir! Aber. Jesús ora en Getsemaní -(Mt. 26.36-46; Mr. 14.32-42) -Y saliendo, se fue, como solía, al monte de los Olivos; y sus discípulos también le siguieron. Cuando llegó a aquel lugar, les dijo: Orad que no entréis en tentación. Y él se apartó de ellos a distancia como de un tiro de piedra; y puesto de rodillas oró, diciendo: Padre, si quieres, pasa de mí esta copa; pero no se haga mi. Jesús ora en Getsemaní. 39 Luego Jesús salió y, según su costumbre, se fue al Monte de los Olivos; y los discípulos lo siguieron. 40 Al llegar al lugar, les dijo: —Oren, para que no caigan en tentación. 41 Se alejó de ellos como a la distancia de un tiro de piedra, y se puso de rodillas para orar. 42 Dijo: «Padre, si quieres.

Pregação GO ComDeus Agonia de Jesus (Lc 22,3946) YouTube

Jesus no Getsêmani. 39 E, saindo, foi, como costumava, para o monte das Oliveiras; e também os seus discípulos o seguiram. 40 E, quando chegou àquele lugar, disse-lhes: Orai, para que não entreis em tentação. 41 E apartou-se deles cerca de um tiro de pedra; e, pondo-se de joelhos, orava, 42 dizendo: Pai, se queres, passa de mim este. Jesús ora en el monte de los Olivos - Luego, acompañado por sus discípulos, Jesús salió del cuarto en el piso de arriba y, como de costumbre, fue al monte de los Olivos. Allí les dijo: «Oren para que no cedan a la tentación». Se alejó a una distancia como de un tiro de piedra, se arrodilló y oró: «Padre, si quieres, te pido que quites esta copa de sufrimiento de mí. Sin embargo.