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Luminara Unduli Biographical information Homeworld Mirial Died Between 19 BBY - 18 BBY, Stygeon Prime Descriptive information Species Mirialan Gender Female Pronouns She/her Height 1.76 meters (5 ft, 9 in) Hair color Black Eye color Blue Skin color Green (with black tattoos) Chronological and political information Affiliation (s) Jedi Order Luminara Unduli, lightsaber drawn. Luminara Unduli was born on the planet Mirial, a cold, dry, and despondent world oppressed by the Trade Federation.Detected to be Force-sensitive, Unduli was taken into the Jedi Order at a young age, and so lived through little of the misery known to most Mirialans.. At the Coruscant Jedi Temple, Unduli received training in the ways of the Force, becoming. Luminara Unduli A green-skinned Mirialan, Luminara Unduli served the Jedi Order during the final years of the Galactic Republic, and trained the capable Padawan Barriss Offee. A no-nonsense Jedi Master, Luminara fought in Clone Wars battles such as Geonosis and Kashyyyk, and was thought to have perished during Order 66. Jedi Master Luminara Unduli is one of the more interesting female characters introduced in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, though she didn't say much - or anything at all.Still, she looked incredible when she took up arms against the attacking Geonosians at the beginning of the conflict that would erupt into the Clone Wars, and she remained a strong combatant throughout the war.
Star Wars GoH Luminara Unduli by Maxdemon6 on DeviantArt
Luminara Unduli is a Character in the Star Wars universe. Luminara Unduli served the Jedi Order in the final years of the Galactic Republic. A green-skinned female humanoid, Luminara was a. Luminara Unduli: Bio, Origin & History By Joel Scott Published on June 22, 2018 0 Comments Why trust us? Check out Comic Basics' Editorial Policy. Real Name: Luminara Unduli First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones Powers: Powerful Jedi Master capable of going toe-to-toe with just about anyone. Affiliation: Jedi Order In the third episode of Star Wars Rebels, "Rise of the Old Masters," the crew of the Ghost learn that the Empire is holding Jedi Master Luminara Unduli captive in an Imperial prison. The team goes to free her and discovers the Luminara's horrifying fate. Luminara Unduli was a devoutJedi. Notwithstanding she, like so many others, failed to strictly adhere to the Jedi Code. Jedi were taught from their young padawan days to avoid attachments. Unfortunately that was one of the first tenets of the Code that Jedi usually broke.
Luminara Unduli for Force and Destiny starwars Star wars drawings
Luminara Unduli is a Mirialan Jedi Master and one of the main characters who appeared in the prequel film trilogy of the Star Wars universe. Luminara is very calm, physically disciplined, level-headed, and patient, as she rarely loses her temper. She is confident in her abilities, however, her confidence eventually increased to the point of arrogance and overconfidence, which resulted in her. Throughout the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli was an asset to the Jedi Order. As one of the three major "Star Wars" characters to call Mirial their home, she worked alongside Generals Obi.
Both from the planet Mirial, Luminara Unduli and her padawan Barriss Offee would fight through the dreaded Clone Wars, strengthening their bond with one an. Luminara Unduli : In the night, find the light, Rey. Mace Windu : You're not alone, Rey. Yoda : Alone, never have you been. Qui-Gon Jinn : Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you. Anakin Skywalker : The force surrounds you, Rey. Aayla Secura : Let it guide you. Ahsoka Tano : As it guided us. Mace Windu : Feel the force feeling through you, Rey.
Luminara Unduli by Kaernen on DeviantArt
A fleet group was active within the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. The fleet group served under Jedi General Luminara Unduli, where she led it from the Tranquility. Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Destroy Malevolence" (First mentioned) (Indirect mention only) Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Bombad Jedi" (First appearance) Star Wars. Star Wars Rebels: "Rise of the Old Masters" Review. Of course, it was all a ruse - a rather twisted trap, where Luminara's mummified corpse was all that truly remained, as the Inquisitor.