Makasih ya 😭 ️ YouTube

Makasih ya Same meaning. Indonesians say ya a lot. It's just a habit, it doesn't particularly mean anything. Makasih banget The informal way of saying 'Thanks a lot'. Terima kasih This is a formal way of saying thank you. You can also add banyak (means a lot) to express thank you very much. Note Google Translate Add example Translations of "makasih" into English in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Makasih, Tuhan! Thank you, God! OpenSubtitles2018.v3

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1. Terima kasih → Thank you (Formal) Terima kasih is a formal, polite way to say "thank you" in Indonesian. It gives off a sense of formality with a little bit of rigidity, so you will come across this phrase often when listening to news broadcasters, people in the service industry, or. ATM machines. Makasih ya - Thanks A shorter informal form of "thank you". Ya is used in this phrase to mark the speaker's gratitude towards someone. This phrase is used towards people that are known very well, such as friends or family. In informal situations, Indonesians say makasih or makasih ya. 'Ya' literally means 'yes', but in this context, it doesn't really mean anything. As you are exposed to Indonesian, you will soon notice that Indonesians say way to many 'ya', even when they speak English. Check out the conversation below to see the example of informal thank you. A lot of times, you will hear Indonesian people say it [makasih]. Makasih. And here is how you pronounce [makasih]. [Makasih] is a common reduction for [terima kasih]. The difference between [makasih] and [terima kasih] is that [terima kasih] is more formal than [makasih]. [Makasih] is usually used in daily conversations.

PERCAKAPAN TELEPON ( Makasih ya ) YouTube

You can read the article here: is one of the ways of saying thank you in the. Makasih ya in English with contextual examples - MyMemory Results for makasih ya translation from Indonesian to English API call Human contributions From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Add a translation Indonesian English Info makasih ya hi too Last Update: 2021-12-21 If the person saying it [makasih ya], you can reply by adding the word [iya] before [sama-sama]. Because here, it actually likes saying, "Makasih, ya?" and that's why Indonesian people usually reply it first with [iya] and then say [sama-sama]. And, here it is. Iya. Sama-sama. And here is how you pronounce [Iya. Sama-sama]. Synonym for makasih yah. @strip_bee121 Terima kasih is a formal form while Makasih yah is a casual form or we use it while speaking. for example, while we talk to teacher or older person, we say "Terima kasih bantuannya, Bapak/Ibu" while we talk to our relative, friends, or people that are quite close, we use "Makasih yah bantuannya" .|casual makasih yah formal terima kasih (too stiff) Makasih.

makasih ya YouTube

Apa itu Makasih dan Kenapa Penting Mengucapkannya. "Makasih" is a shortened form of the expression "Terima kasih", which means "Thank you" in Indonesian. It is a simple but powerful phrase that carries a lot of meaning. In fact, it is one of the most important phrases in Indonesian culture. At its core, saying "Makasih" is a way. SASYA ARKHISNA - IYA MAKASIH ( OFFICIAL LIVE MUSIC ) Sasya Arkhisna 257K subscribers 1.6M views 11 months ago #SASYAARKHISNA #SAMUSIC #LEKRASASYAORA FULL ALBUM ORKES SASYA ARKHISNA ♪ - • FULL. 1. Tak Pandai Mengungkapkan Rasa Sayang Bu, mungkin aku tidak pandai mengucapkan rasa sayangku secara verbal. Karena itu, lewat pesan ini aku berterima kasih atas semua bimbinganmu da n cinta kasih tulus yang kau berikan padaku. Mengungkapkan rasa sayang secara langsung memang terkadang terasa canggung. Arti Setia dan Bahagia Thanks, Baby! Berkatmu aku mengerti apa arti kesetiaan dan kebahagiaan. Bersama kekasihmu, kamu merasa hidup semakin bahagia? Sebagai rasa syukur, kamu bisa mengungkapkan ucapan terima kasih untuk pacar lewat quote ini. 3. Tak Menyerah Pada Keadaan Hadirmu memberi semangat untukku.

makasih ya YouTube

Miqbal Ga Yeni Inka - Iya Makasih | Dangdut [OFFICIAL] Miqbal GaYeni Inka perform lagu judul Iya Makasih ciptaan Miqbal Ga versi dangd. "Makasih, ya masukannya ya, makasih," tandas Wali Kota Solo itu. Sebelumnya, Anggota Dewan Penasihat Tim Kampanye Daerah (TKD) Prabowo-Gibran Bali, I Nengah Yasa Adi Susanto, menyayangkan spanduk-spanduk tersebut muncul di Bali. Menurutnya, hal itu merupakan ujaran kebencian yang tidak dibenarkan.