anuncia data de Nicholai em Resistance Resident Evil Database

Николай Зиновьев Resistance RE3 (2020) Outbreak RE3 (1999) jp name ニコライ・ジノビェフ Localisation (s): Nicholai Ginovaef Biographical information Date of birth: c.1963 Place of birth: Moscow, Russian SFSR, USSR Race/Nationality: Caucasian/Russian Occupation: UBCS Sergeant/ Monitor Status: Unknown Biological information Sex: Male First appearance: Resident Evil: Apocalypse Voice: Rikiya Koyama (JP TV dub) Sylvain Lemarié (French dub) Tristan Harvey (Quebecois dub) Portrayer: Zack Ward Nicholai Ginovaef was a commando serving under the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service until 2002. He served as Carlos Olivera 's second-in-command. Biography

Nicholai Ginovaef Resident Evil Raccoon City Guide IGN

Nicholai Ginovaef, alternatively known as Nikolai Zinoviev, is the secondary antagonist of both the 1999 videogame Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and its 2020 remake Resident Evil 3, a minor antagonist in Resident Evil: Outbreak and a major antagonist in Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Nicholai's fate depends on decisions made by the player, resulting in either his escape or death, either at the hand of Jill or the Nemesis. In the Resident Evil 3 remake, Nicholai is changed to a mole implanted within the UBCS for an unnamed organization. Hired to mitigate the company's efforts to contain the T-virus outbreak, he murders. ニコライ・ジノビエフ Biological information Sex: Male Other Information First appearance: Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City For the character in Capcom's prime universe, see Nikolai Zinoviev. Sergeant Nicholai Ginovaef was a mercenary in Umbrella's U.B.C.S. anti-biohazard force. He took part in the mission in Raccoon City following a t-Virus spill. This is a list of notable quotes by Nikolai Zinoviev. Contents 1 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis 2 Resident Evil Outbreak 3 Resident Evil 3 (2020) 4 Resident Evil: Resistance Resident Evil 3: Nemesis "How did a girl like you managed to survive?" " S.T.A.R.S.? You mean the RPD special force team?" "No. We can't trust her." "OK people, let's get moving."

Resident evil 3 Remake Nicholai Ginovaef in 2022 Resident evil 3

Nicholai Ginovaef is a Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service ( UBCS) commander, specifically UBCS Delta Platoon, B Team. UBCS was formed to create a public facade that Umbrella Corporation was. Resident Evil Resistance is continuing to be updated by Capcom, with Jill Valentine added as a Survivor shortly after the game's release. Now, Nicholai has been introduced as a terrifying new. The new Resident Evil: Resistance update introduces Nemesis to the franchise for the first time as a playable character. It also introduces Nicholai Ginovaef as a Strategist to former Russian. Objective: Go after Nicholai After the fight in the Disposal Center, head for the Staff Break Room. Staff Break Room In the Staff Break Room, grab the Gunpowder to the left of the Typewriter and.

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" Nicholai's betrayal " is a cutscene in Resident Evil 3 (2020). Plot As Mikhail Viktor leads some survivors in the subway train and Jill Valentine finally made activated the substation's power source, Mikhail and Nikolai Zinoviev discussed about how the zombies in the city managed to outnumber and overwhelm their troops. Nicholai Ginovaef (Nikolai Zinoviev)UBCS (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service) Sergeant. All Cutscenes. Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (1999) Remake (2020) Nicholai Ginovaef. Holding the rank of Sergeant in Unit B of U.B.C.S. Platoon D, Nicholai was originally from Moscow where he served in the Russian army. Before the fall of the Soviet Union he was a member of the well-known Spetznaz special unit, with whom he developed a unique set of skills in relation to firearms and close-quarters combat. This is Episode 5 of Explaining Evil featuring the secondary antagonist of both Resident Evil 3 and RE3 Remake, Nikolai Zinoviev. One of the Umbrella Corpora.

Nicholai Ginovaef Playable full facials at Resident Evil 3 (2020) Nexus

Nicholai Ginovaef. Nicholai Ginovaef's incentive for participating in these experiments is strictly monetary. His experience as a mercenary has forged him into a skilled marksman and shrewd opportunist. Even if the Survivors manage to escape from his arsenal, they will soon be hunted down by the ever-persistent Nemesis. Resident Evil 3 concludes with a rooftop brawl between Jill, Carlos and Nicholai, one of the game's primary villains - but it all depends on whether or not you can make the shot that hits.