Mangala Sutta Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery

Demikianlah telah kudengar: Pada suatu ketika Sang Bhagavā menetap di dekat Sāvatthī, di hutan Jeta, di Vihāra Anāthapiṇḍika. Maka datanglah dewa, ketika hari menjelang pagi, dengan cahaya yang cemerlang menerangi seluruh hutan Jeta. Menghampiri Sang Bhagavā, dan menghormati Beliau, lalu berdiri di satu sisi. Sambil berdiri di satu sisi, dewa itu berkata kepada Sang Bhagavā dalam. Yam mangalam dvādasahi, cintayimsu sadevakā; sotthānam nādhigacchanti, atthattimsañca mangalam. Desitam devadevena, sabba pāpa vināsanam; sabba loka hitatthāya, mangalam tam bhanāma he. Evam-me sutam: Ekam samayam Bhagavā, Sāvatthiyam viharati, Jetavane Anāthapiṇḍikassa, ārāme. Atha kho aññatarā devatā, abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkanta-vaṇṇā kevala-kappam Jetavanam.

Paritta Mangala Sutta YouTube

Evamme suttaṁ.Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā,Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati,Jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.Atha kho aññatarā devatā,Abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkantavaṇnaKevalaka. Uses. In the Pali literature, these short verses are recommended by the Buddha as providing protection from certain afflictions. The belief in the effective power to heal, or protect, of the sacca-kiriya, or asseveration of something quite true is an aspect of the work ascribed to the paritta.. It is also widely believed that all-night recitations of paritta by monks bring safety, peace and. The Maṅgala Sutta (Skt. mahāmaṅgalasūtra; T. bkra shis chen po'i mdo བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཆེན་པོའི་མདོ་) is a discourse ( sutta) on the subject of 'blessings' ( mangala, also translated as 'good omen' or 'auspices' or 'good fortune'). [1] In this discourse, Gautama Buddha describes 'blessings' that are. The Maṅgala Sutta is a discourse (Pali: sutta) of Gautama Buddha on the subject of 'blessings' ( mangala, also translated as 'good omen' or 'auspices' or 'good fortune'). [1] In this discourse, Gautama Buddha describes 'blessings' that are wholesome personal pursuits or attainments, identified in a progressive manner from the mundane to the.


Satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā 'ti. Demkianlah Sang Bhagavā, Yang Maha Suci, Yang Telah Mencapai Penerangan Sempurna, Sempurna Pengetahuan serta Tindak-tandukNya, Sempurna Menempuh Sang Jalan ke Nibbāna, Pengenal Segenap Alam, Pembimbing Manusia yang Tiada Taranya, Guru para Dewa dan Manusia, Yang Sadar, Yang Patut Dimuliakan. 4 INTRODUCTION The Paritta chants in this booklet have been selected from the Great Book of Protective Blessings and formatted as an easy reference book. These chants are to be recited at special occasions Paritta [alt. parittā] (Skt. paritrāna; BHS parītta; T. yongs su skyob ba; C. minghu/minghu jing 明護/明護經) is a Pali term that is generally translated as "protection" or "safeguard." Paritta refers to the practice of reciting certain passages from a text in order to ward off misfortune or danger, as well as to the passages themselves.. In the Pali literature, the Buddha states that. This Paritta is recited for protection against epidemics, wars and famine in a country, and for individuals. It is recited to avoid misfortunes due to undesirable influence of the planets. Though the name of the Paritta is Good Morning, it can be chanted at any time - in the morning, afternoon or late in the evening.

มังคลปริตร มงคลสูตร Mangala Paritta /Mangala Sutta โดยอ.พระมหาประนอม

1. MANGALA SUTTA. The Mangala Sutta is sometimes highly esteemed by the Burman as Mahamangala Sutta - the Discourse on Great Auspices. It is alleged to have been expounded by Lord Buddha when requested by a certain deity to explain to him what the ideal auspices really might be. The Book of Protection. This collection of paritta discourses — in Sinhala, The Pirit Potha — is the most widely known Pali book in Sri Lanka. It is called The Buddhist Bible; it is given an important place in the Buddhist home, and is even treated with veneration. 4.8K views, 140 likes, 11 loves, 6 comments, 9 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Global Buddhist and Buddhism: Mangala Sutta recitation (Paritta) Although the Parittas are for chanting in general, some of the Parittas are to be practised as well. Only the Ratana Sutta, Mora Sutta, Vatta Sutta, Atanatiya Sutta, Angulimala Sutta and Pubbanha Sutta are meant for chanting only; the others are for both chanting and practising. And there are specific uses for the Parittas although generally.

Mangala Sutta Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery

Latar belakang. Dalam Atthakatha, diuraikan bahwa pada suatu ketika terjadi suatu diskusi yang sangat besar di wilayah Jambudwipa mengenai apa makna berkah yang sesungguhnya. Diskusi ini pun terdengar hingga ke alam para dewa yang menyebabkan para dewa turut memperdebatkan apa makna berkah yang sesungguhnya hingga perdebatan tersebut meluas dan terdengar sampai ke alam tertinggi yaitu alam Brahma. Manggala Sutta (Berkah Utama) Demikian telah saya dengar : Pada suatu ketika Sang Bhagava berdiam di Jetavana arama milik hartawan Anathapindika, di dekat kota Savatthi Saat itulah sesosok dewa, ketika hari menjelang pagi dengan bercahaya cemerlang menerangi seluruh Jetavana, mengunjungi Sang Bhagava. Setelah datang, menghormat Sang Bhagava, ia berdiri di satu sisi yang […]