PSE PRIMA SUKSES adalah Perusahaan Modal Asing (PMA) Korea yang memproduksi PICKUP dan PICKGUARD guitar elektrik Industry Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing Company size. PT.PSE PRIMA SUKSES bergerak di bidang spare part alat alat musik non tradisional. Produk kami adalah pickup dan pickguard guitar. PT.PSE PRIMA SUKSES adalah PMA Korea. Nilai tertinggi di PT. PSE PRIMA SUKSES adalah kepuasan pelanggan yang telah mempercayai perusahaan kami selama 9 tahun.
PT Superior Prima Sukses Buka Pabrik ke3 Blesscon di Sragen Jawa Pos
Pse Prima Sukses is an Importer and Exporter based out of Indonesia. Trademo Intel has 8,112 shipments records for Pt. Pse Prima Sukses trade data. The company primarily deals in 1. As per our global export database, PT PSE PRIMA SUKSES made total 206 export shipments with a total export value of $322904 in 2021. Top Export Markets or Countries: Japan(170569 USD), China(135922 USD) and United States of America(13923 USD). Major Export Product Category along with HS Code: Under HSN Code : 92099400 Product Description - PARTS (FOR EXAMPLE, MECHANISMS FOR MUSICAL BOXES) AND. Pse Prima Sukses Legal entity type Limited liability company Business number 300150 Registered address KAWASAN BERIKAT NGORO INDUSTRI PERSADA BLOK H-1 City MOJOKERTO REGENCY Source: Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. Note that the official phone number and address might be different from the operational ones. Hi Connections, Now, PT PSE Prima Sukses is currently hiring for IT Staff If you interested and compatible with our requirements, please sent your CV to:
[email protected] subject: Posisi_Nama.
Lowongan Kerja PT Superior Prima Sukses (Blesscon) Januari 2023 Loker
PT. Pse Prima Sukses. A limited liability company in Indonesia. Company Information Basic information about Pt Pse Prima Sukses Corporate Name Pse Prima Sukses. Incorporation Type Limited Liability Company. Business number 300150. Registered Address KAWASAN BERIKAT NGORO INDUSTRI PERSADA BLOK H-1 . PT. PSE PRIMA SUKSES. Kawasan Berikat Ngoro Industri Persada Blok H-1 Kota Mojokerto - Indonesia PT.PSE PRIMA SUKSES was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on2021-02-24. It is the first time for PT.PSE PRIMA SUKSES to appear in the customs data of theJAPAN and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 4 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of PT.PSE PRIMA SUKSES,2 procurers and 0 suppliers have been included in NBD. Top countries/regions supplied by PT Pse Prima Sukses. Destination Country/Region. Vietnam. 3 shipments (100.0%) Easy access to trade data. Explore trading relationships hidden in supply chain data. Supply chain map. See 1 customer of PT Pse Prima Sukses. Top HS Codes. HS 92 - Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles.
Lowongan Kerja PT Superior Prima Sukses (Blesscon) 12 Posisi Dibuka
PSE PRIMA SUKSES adalah Perusahaan Modal Asing (PMA) Korea yang memproduksi PICKUP dan PICKGUARD guitar elektrik. Alamat: NGORO INDUSTRI PERSADA H-1, NGORO, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, 61385, INDONESIA Perusahaan : Manufakturing Umum Ukuran Perusahaan : 51 - 200 Pekerja Beranda > PT. PSE PRIMA SUKSES Lowongan Pekerjaan oleh PT. PSE PRIMA SUKSES Pt. Pse Prima Sukses US Customs records for Pt. Pse Prima Sukses, a supplier based in Indonesia. Call ImportGenius Join ImportGenius to see the import/export activity of every company in the United States. Track your competitors, get freight forwarding leads, enforce exclusivity agreements, learn more about your overseas factories, and much more.
PT Pse Prima Sukses - Indonesia Company Registration Information Update Basic company information of Pse Prima Sukses, Indonesia Corporate Name Pse Prima Sukses Incorporation type Limited Liability Company Registered Address KAWASAN BERIKAT NGORO INDUSTRI PERSADA BLOK H-1 Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur City Mojokerto Business number 300150 PT PSE Prima Suksesadalah perusahaan modal asing (PMA) asal Korea Selatan yang bergerak di bidang produksi alat musik non tradisional. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 2015 dan berlokasi di Ngoro Industri Persada Blok H - 1, Ngoro - Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Produk utama PT PSE Prima Sukses adalah pickup dan pickguard untuk gitar elektrik.
Lowongan Kerja PT Superior Prima Sukses (Blesscon)
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