PT. Richtex Garmindo I, Blok B, 23-24, Kawasan Berikat Tanjung Emas Export Processing Zone, Jl. Coaster No. 8 , Semarang, Indonesia, 50174 | Supplier Report — Panjiva Supply Chain Intelligence about: PT. Richtex Garmindo I Company profile Indonesia See PT. Richtex Garmindo I 's products and customers RICHTEX GARMINDO Kawasan Industri Guna Mekar Jl. Tambak Aji 1 Kec. Ngaliyan, 50185 Kota Semarang - Indonesia Want to see more results ? 16 important information hidden Categories Main category Holding companies, nec (6719) Secondary categories N/A Key information Incorporation year Lorem ipsum dolor Trade name N/A Total employees Lorem ipsum dolor

Loker Operator Sewing PT Richtex Garmindo Semarang April 2022 YouTube

PT. Richtex Garmindo I. Indonesia Manufacturer . 10 shipments match clothing. 230 shipments total BABIES GARMENTS AND CLOTHING ACCESSORIES, KNI TTED OR CROCHETED, OF COTTON . PT . Prolink Multimoda Trans. Indonesia Manufacturer . 10 shipments match clothing. 655 shipments. Market Intelligence and Credit report on Pt Richtex Garmindo based on Global Countries shipment data. Obtain Detailed Information. If you are looking to establish relationship with Pt Richtex Garmindo you can save time by getting access to the key decision makers and get a detailed report on Pt Richtex Garmindo import and export shipments. Incorporation Info of PT Richtex Garmindo, Indonesia, Semarang Perub, KAWASAN BERIKAT TANJUNG EMAS EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE JL. COATER 8 BLOK B.23-24 , Business number: 53051, Pt. Richtex Garmindo Kawasan Guna | See Recent Shipments | ImportGenius Pt. Richtex Garmindo Kawasan Guna US Customs records for Pt. Richtex Garmindo Kawasan Guna, a supplier based in Indonesia. See their past imports and exports, including shipments to Janie And Jack Llc in San Fr Ancisco, California. US Customs records available for Pt.

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Sample Shipment From Of Pt. Richtex Garmindo Bill of Lading OOCOJKT220231500. Arrival Date: 2023-01-10. Product; Transit; Company; Container Number: UETU2668201. × Cargo #1 United-States Scottsdale AZ. Sales: +1-855-374-1199 PT. Richtex Garmindo is a limited liability company in Indonesia with business number 53051. Find more data about PT. Richtex Garmindo. Richtex Garmindo, Pt US Customs records for Richtex Garmindo, Pt, a supplier based in Vietnam. See their past imports and exports, including shipments to Gymboree Manufacturing, Inc. in San Francisco, California.

PT. Jaya Asri Garmindo A Professional Garment Manufacturing Company

PT RICHTEX GARMINDO Semarang, Indonesia 12 Month Supply Chain Summary (September 01, 2019) ─ August 31, 2020) PT RICHTEX GARMINDO supplied 21 shipments to the US since Sep 1, 2019. Top Importer Oshkosh Bgosh INC (ga) 2 Importers for this supplier for the last 12 months Top HS Code Products 611120 - Babies' Garments & Clthng Access of Cotton, Knit PT. Richtex Garmindo Mei 2010 - Saat ini 13 tahun 7 bulan * Responsible for installing and maintaining computer hardware, software and networks. * Reports to the Senior Administrative Officer and. PT. Richtex Garmindo Okt 2007 - Saat ini16 tahun Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Pendidikan Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana sarjana sainsKimia 2002 - 2007 Lihat profil lengkap Dhina Melihat. Karyawan swasta di PT. Richtex Garmindo Indonesia. Terhubung Yuliana R Bertanggung jawab, disiplin, dan tepat waktu Kendal. Terhubung Stephen Setiawan IT Supervisor at PT. Richtex Garmindo Semarang. Terhubung Aulia Eka kurnianingtyas.

Garment Manufacturing PT Efrata Garmindo

Pt. Richtex garmindo Lihat profil lengkap Saekhul Melihat siapa yang sama-sama Anda kenal Minta diperkenalkan Hubungi langsung Saekhul Bergabung untuk melihat profil lengkap Lihat profil Saekhul. PT. RICHTEX GARMINDO : Kampus Udinus Gedung D Lt. 1, Jl. Nakula I No. 5-11 Semarang : (024) 352-0165, 082244158793, (024) 356-9684 : [email protected] Career Center UDINUS Merupakan pusat layanan dan Karir bagi Alumni Universitas Dian Nuswantoro.