Pulau Asu sits about 1° north of the equator in northern Sumatra. It is about 15 km offshore from Nias island and is one of the eight islands making up the Hinako island group. The Hinakos are the most western point of Nias island, with Nias and Sumatra to the east and the Indian Ocean to the west. Pulau Asu, Pesona Keindahan dari Nias Kompas.com - 02/07/2019, 08:47 WIB Nur Rohmi Aida, I Made Asdhiana Tim Redaksi 1 Lihat Foto Para pecinta surfing selalu mengunjungi Pulau Asu , salah satu Pulau yang yang terletak di Kabupaten Nias Barat selain di Pantai Lagundri-Sorake Kabupaten Nias Selatan. (KOMPAS.com/HENDRIK YANTO HALAWA)
Pulau Asu di Nias Harga Tiket, Foto, Lokasi, Fasilitas dan Spot
Asu Island is a part of the Hinako Islands, which are mostly known to hardcore surfers who travel to this part of Indonesia for the world-class waves tumbling in from the Indian Ocean. As we suck at surfing, we went to Asu Island for the world-class beach instead. Table of contents [ hide] Asu Island geography Where to stay: Mama Silvi's Cottages Sabtu, Januari 28, 2023 11.00 Advertisement Pernah terpikirkan, di mana sih pulau terluar di Indonesia? Kalau masih penasaran, salah satu pulau terluar di Indonesia berada di Nias, ialah Pulau Asu. Pulau ini memiliki pemandangan yang indah. Asu sendiri berasal dari kata Asuhan yang bermakna terakhir dalam bahasa Nias. Pulau NiasTanö Niha) is an island located off the western coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. Nias is also the name of the archipelago Kepulauan Nias) of which the island is the centre, but also includes the Batu Islands to the south-east and the small Hinako Islands to the west. A speedboat can be pre-booked from the resort you are staying at. The trip takes less than 30 minutes and is the safest, fastest and most comfortable way to travel to Asu. The budget alternative is to catch the daily (except Sundays) local ferry servicing the Hinako Islands. Indonesian name: Pulau Asu, Hinakos, Kecamatan Sirombu, Kabupaten Nias.
Tak Perlu ke Luar Negeri, Honeymoon di Pulau Asu Nias Ini Nggak Kalah
North Sumatra Nias Island Pulau Asu Plan Your Trip to Pulau Asu: Best of Pulau Asu Tourism Essential Pulau Asu Do Places to see, ways to wander, and signature experiences. Walo Beach 4 Beaches Baloho Beach 6 Beaches Museum Pusaka Nias 15 History Museums, Speciality Museums Pantai Indah Tureloto 15 Beaches Yannick Trekker 54 Nias Island is approximately 120 kilometers long and 45 kilometers wide at it's widest. The whole of Nias covers an area of 5.121 km². As a comparison with other islands in Southeast Asia, Nias is a little bit smaller than Bali, and a bit larger than Lombok. It is roughly ten times the size of Phuket in Thailand. Nias Island Tourism: Tripadvisor has 371 reviews of Nias Island Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Nias Island resource. pulau asu Dubbed 'Paradise' by locals, this tiny, pristine island off the west coast seduces all who come with its great waves, white sands, delicious seafood and relaxing vibes. Asu Island is often dubbed The Paradise in Nias Island because the island which is only ± 18 Km square has a very beautiful charm that can make people visiting this.
Tempat Wisata Pulau Asu Surga Tersembunyi di Nias Jelajah Keindahan
One kilometer off the main beach on Asu is a shallow underwater reef (called Goso in Nias Language) which can be easily reached by boat from Asu. Large schools of fish are often seen here. Pulau Langu N 0.880671°, E 97.368506° East corner; amazing table corals and often very clear. White-tipped reef sharks have been spotted here. 1. Pantai Fari'i Pantai Fari'i | Sumber gambar: Pariwisata Kabupaten Nias Barat Terletak di sebuah pulau kecil yang merupakan bagian dari wilayah Desa Himberua Na'a, Kecamatan Sirombi, Pantai Fari'i menjadi destinasi wisata favorit Nias.
Pulau Nias Pulau Nias ( bahasa Nias: Tanö Niha) adalah sebutan untuk pulau dan kepulauan yang terletak di sebelah barat Pulau Sumatra, Indonesia, dan secara administratif berada dalam wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Pulau ini merupakan pulau terbesar di antara gugusan pulau di pantai barat Sumatra, dihuni oleh mayoritas suku Nias ( Ono Niha ). Pulau Asu merupakan salah satu pulau yang berada di Samudra Hindia. Pulau ini berada di sisi barat Pulau Sumatra. Terletak pada gugusan Kepulauan Nias. [1] Secara administrasi, Pulau Asu masuk ke dalam wilayah Kecamatan Pulau-pulau Batu, Kabupaten Nias Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. [1]
Top 5 Wisata Terbaik di Pulau Nias, dari Pulau Asu hingga Lompat Batu
KEPULAUAN Nias di Sumatera Utara punya banyak pantai indah. Pesonanya mampu menyihir wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara untuk datang ke pulau yang terkenal dengan tradisi lompat batu atau fahombo tersebut. Nias bisa diakses lewat jalur laut dengan pelayaran selama 10 jam dari Sibolga ke Gunung Sitoli. Asu Island lies on the west coast of West Nias Regency. It has beautiful scenery and suitable for those who is looking for an hidden paradise on earth. Come.