16. "The history of music is mortal, but the idiocy of the guitar is eternal.". - Milan Kundera. 17. "Guitar playing is just something that came to me and is really second nature now.". - Dave Navarro. 18. "The guitar is a miniature orchestra in itself.". - Ludwig van Beethoven. It's assigned and designed to unfold your vision and imagination.". - Carlos Santana. "Shut up and play your guitar.". - Frank Zappa. "It takes a big man to play a little guitar, and an even bigger one to listen to him." - from The Journey 2: The Mysterious Island movie. Guitar picks can physically run away.
32 Best Guitar Quotes and Sayings
I love that damn instrument." ~ Steve Vai. "I used to run home from school, pick up my guitar, and lock myself in my room and play." ~ Angus Young. "If you want music to be your livelihood, then play, play, play and play!" ~ Eddie Van Halen. "Success is falling nine times and getting up ten times." ~ Jon Bon Jovi. Hans Christian Andersen. Inspirational. 157 Copy quote. A guitar is more than just a sound box. it is part of your soul. Manuel Velazquez. , Soul Sound. I'm only myself when I have a guitar in my hands. 221. Technically, I'm not a guitar player, all I play is truth and emotion. 9. "I started out playing guitar because Jimi Hendrix was my hero, so my roots were really based on Jimi Hendrix and his style of playing.". - Joe Satriani. 10. "You don't just go to the studio and say, 'I'm going to write a hit.'. It becomes a hit when people like your compositions.". - Chuck Berry. Lean your body forward slightly to support the guitar against your chest, for the poetry of the music should resound in your heart. Andres Segovia. I sing and play the guitar, and I'm a walking, talking bacterial infection. Kurt Cobain. Sometimes the nicest thing to do with a guitar is just look at it.
76 Guitar Quotes That Will Make You a Better Guitarist Emoovio
3. Les Paul. "I wanted to create music that was so different that my mother could tell from anyone else.". 4. Jeff Beck. "Finding ways to use the same guitar people have been using for 50 years to make sounds that no one has heard before is truly what gets me off.". 5. Keith Richards. "Music is a necessity. Jimi Hendrix. "The time I burned my guitar it was like a sacrifice. You sacrifice the things you love. I love my guitar"- Jimi Hendrix. "The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can. The more you learn, the more your skills skyrocket. The more they skyrocket, the more astoundingly epic you play the guitar. There's a whole lotta 'mores' to inspire you to get playing. #11. Jimi Hendrix Quote. "Sometimes you'll want to give up the guitar - you'll hate the guitar. It's the stupidest thing I have ever heard." ~ Frank Gambale. 3 - "I started out playing guitar because Jimi Hendrix was my hero, so my roots were really based on Jimi Hendrix and his style of playing." ~ Joe Satriani. 4 - "I practiced two or three hours, sometimes none, sometimes six. It was very varied." ~ Julian Bream.
32 Best Guitar Quotes and Sayings
Get inspired with these top inspirational quotes from famous guitarists around the world. Get motivated to continue pursuing your musical passion! Here are some funny guitar quotes: "Guitar players aren't real musicians; we just have really good hand-eye coordination." - Unknown "I told my wife I needed a new guitar. She told me to play the one I already have. I told her she needed to shop in her own closet too." - Unknown
To deliver us as far from loneliness as possible, all the while making good use of our time. 25. "Guitar is easy, all it takes is 5 fingers, 6 strings, and 1 a**hole.". - Keith Richards. Last but not least is a truly remarkable quote by the great Keith Richards. A more than a suitable way to bring this list to a close. Guitar Quote 1 - Jimi Hendrix. Sometimes you want to give up the guitar, you'll hate the guitar. But if you stick with it, you're gonna be rewarded. Jimi Hendrix. First, I thought I would share a quote by the late, great guitar master Jimi Hendrix. Hendrix' career may have been cut short by his untimely death due to a drug overdose, but.
25 Guitar Quotes That Will Inspire You As a Musician
The best ones make it look easy, almost effortless.". "The important thing to remember is that a guitar makes the sound, but you make the music.". 97 quotes have been tagged as guitar: Stephen King: 'You couldn't not like someone who liked the guitar.', Woody Guthrie: 'This machine kills fascists.',. Like and share our beautiful collection of inspirational Guitar quotes and sayings with images. Guitar Quotes 'My first love was the sound of the guitar.' — Boz Scaggs 'Guitar is just something I can do. So much of it now is muscle memory, just instinct.' — St. Vincent 'Nothing gives me a better feeling than playing the guitar.' — Unknown 'Where words fail, music speaks.' — Hans.