RASBORA NEON BLUE Sundadanio axelrodi Aquatics Unlimited

Book Now & Save Big at Agoda®! Always The Lowest Price Guarantee. We're Available Live 24/7 to Help. Don't Get Stranded When Traveling! Sundadanio axelrodi Classification Cyprinidae Distribution Supposedly native to the Greater Sunda Islands of Borneo and Sumatra as well as the Riau Archipelago and Bangka Island off the east coast of Sumatra but the only collection/locality details we have been able to find refer to Bornean populations.

Neon Blue Rasbora (Sundadanio axelrodi) MyAquarium

Neon Blue Rasbora ( Sundadanio Axelrodi) is also known as Blue Axelrodi Rasbora, and they are a type of Rasbora fish. These fish only reach 1 inch (2.5cm) in size, so they are well-suited for nano tanks. Compared to other popular fish in the aquarium hobby, Neon Blue Rasbora are quite rare. Rasbora is a genus of fish that is a part of the Cyprinidae family, which consists of over 80 different recognized species. In addition, many species outside of the genus Rasbora are often considered Rasbora fish. Therefore, the term "Rasbora" can potentially refer to a large group of fish, at least in the aquarium hobby. Sundadanio axelrodi. A rarely seen rasbora in the hobby, the iridescent green dorsum of their body makes them highly sought after by many keepers. They originate from South Asia in slow moving bodies of water, rice paddies and river basins. They prefer more acidic water (pH 4.0-6.5 )and do well with other small peaceful tankmates. Sundadanio Axelrodi, commonly known as the Blue Neon Rasbora, is a species of tropical fish named in honor of the famous ichthyologist, publisher, and tropical fish enthusiast, Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod. Axelrod has made significant contributions to the field of ichthyology, and the naming of this species is a recognition of his work.

RASBORA NEON BLUE Sundadanio axelrodi Aquatics Unlimited

The Blue Neon Rasbora (Sundadanio axelrodi) is a stunningly vibrant species that can be a joy to watch in an aquarium setting. Despite their size, these fish are full of personality and make for an excellent addition to a peaceful community aquarium. However, they are not recommended for beginners due to their specific care requirements. Sundadanio axelrodi is a danionin in the family Cyprinidae, with origin from Borneo, Bangka, and Sumatra. Originally described as a rasbora, Rasbora axelrodi, this tiny species was later deemed to be more closely related to the danios but not enough to be moved into the genus Danio. Rasbora axelrodi. Tank compatibility Due to this size of this tiny fish it's best kept in groups in species tanks or with equally micro tank mates such as Pygmy Corydoras or Dwarf Rasboras. This fish is happiest in groups of 6 or more of its own kind. Identification A distinctive little fish which is elongate and the body is iridescent green on. In today's species spotlight video we will take a closer look to a very special rasbora. Sundadanio axelrodi a.k.a Neon Blue Rasbora is very peaceful and act.

Green Axelrodi Rasbora

Similar species: This species was described in 1976 as Rasbora axelrodi. There are at least two different colour forms including red, blue and green. The blue and green forms are similar, but the red one looks more different. These morphs may be distinct species. Contents show Introduction: The Wonderful World of Rasboras Welcome to the exciting world of rasboras! These small, colorful fish have won the hearts of many aquarium hobbyists due to their stunning appearance, fascinating behavior, and the fact that they're relatively easy to care for. Shoal of dwarf rasboras ( Boraras maculatus) and axelrod rasboras ( Sundadanio axelrodi) on the right True rasboras belong to the Cyprinid family. This hefty group includes most popular freshwater fish, like barbs, danios, freshwater sharks, goldfish, and minnows. For example, Sundadanio axelrodi (formerly known as Rasbora axelrodi) is still called the blue neon rasbora or blue Axelrodi rasbora, even though it is more closely related to danios. The gleaming, blue-green back and reddish belly and anal fin look similar to the neon tetra and its relatives. Depending on which locale the specimens originated.

Sundadanio (= Rasbora) axelrodi RED Aqualog.de

Originally it was described back in 1976 by the ichthyolog­ist Martin Brittan, but under a different name; Rasbora axelrodi. In 1999 it was reclassifi­ed as Sundadanio as further studies discovered the fish was more closely related to Danio than Rasbora, although the jury is still out as to exactly where Sundadanio fits into the grander taxonomic scheme. The Axelrod Rasbora is a peaceful, active, schooling fish. This fish is one of the more brilliantly colored species of the genus, especially the male. Rasbora axelrodi needs a well-established, densely-planted aquarium with plenty of free swimming space available.