Buku Rerajahan Bali Pdf

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This holly drawing is called "Rerajahan" in Balinese traditional

Rerajahan kawisesan memiliki fungsi sebagai pelindung jiwa dan raga agar terhindar dari marabahaya magis. Makna rajah kawisesan adalah untuk menjaga kedamaian. Rerajahan sebagai gambar atau lukisan yang mengandung kekuatan gaib, tidak berbeda dengan patung yang merupakan yang merupakan symbol-simbol sakral agama Hindu, setelah dilakukan ritual pamelaspas (penyucian), seperti patung Achintya (Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa). The results showed that: 1) the form of rerajahan kawisesanin AjiBlêgodawa Text consist of: a) Kaputusan Aji Kundalini, b) Kanda Pat, c) Surya Ireng, and d) Windu Ngadeg; 2) rerajahan kawisesan function is body and soul protector in order to avoid magical distress; 3) the meaning of kawisesan image is to keep the peace. AbstractThis study aims to analyze the form, function, and meaning rerajahan kawisesanin the Text of AjiBlêgodawa. This research was carried outby using ethno-semiotic approach, the method of text analysis linking text reading, in the form of images (rerajahan) to explore the meaning of the community readers. Data were collected through library research, observation, interviews, and.

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Prasi is a type of lontar which contains "Rerajahan", or a painting drawn on palm leaves. Lontar Prasi is called traditional Balinese comic) which tells the stories of Balinese epics such as the. Rerajahan with a symbol of strength in ceremonies in Bali became a source of inspiration for Pigtails' designers in creating visual communication designs. This study aims to describe the visual signs and verbal signs as well as the meanings presented in two of Kuncir's works.. Rerajahan Kawisesan dalam Teks Ajiblgodawa: Sebuah Kajian. The results showed that: 1) the form of rerajahan kawisesanin AjiBlêgodawa Text consist of: a) Kaputusan Aji Kundalini, b) Kanda Pat, c) Surya Ireng, and d) Windu Ngadeg; 2) rerajahan kawisesan function is body and soul protector in order to avoid magical distress; 3) the meaning of kawisesan image is to keep the peace. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the meaning of the Rerajahan form and script which are closely related to Balinese Hindu religious rituals where Rerajahan is one of the cultural assets of the archipelago. Research method: This study uses a qualitative literary approach which is described in such a way according to the data obtained which in its elaboration contains the process.

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"Rerajahan Kawisesan" dalam Teks "Ajiblêgodawa": Sebuah Kajian Etnosemiotika dalam Jurnal Kajian Bali Volume 05, nomor 02, Oktober 2015. Hal. 413-440. Kultur Padi. Jakarta: Museum Nasional Indonesia "Rerajahan Kawisesan" dalam Teks "Ajiblêgodawa": Sebuah Kajian Etnosemiotika. I. W. Rasna. Linguistics. 2015; Abstract This study aims to analyze the form, function, and meaning rerajahan kawisesanin the Text of AjiBlegodawa. This research was carried outby using ethno-semiotic approach, the method of text. Expand. Save. Makna. "Eksistensi Rerajahan sebagai Manifestasi Manunggalnya Seni dengan Religi." Imaji 7.2 (2009). Rasna, I. "Rerajahan Kawisesan dalam Teks Ajiblgodawa: Sebuah Kajian Etnosemiotika." Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal Of Bali Studies) 5.2 (2015). Program Bali TV, 2022,"Ajeg Bali-Rerajahan Dan Kekuatanya Dalam Agama Hindu" Youtube, Upload by Program Balitv Rasna, I Wayan (2015) "Rerajahan Kawisesan" dalam Teks "Ajiblêgodawa": Sebuah Kajian Etnosemiotika, Jurnal Kajian Bali, Vol. 05, No. 02, Oktober 2015, p. 413-440. Topeng Reog Ponorogo dalam.

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13 I Wayan Rasna, "'Rerajahan Kawisesan' Dalam Teks 'Ajiblêgodawa': Sebuah Kajian Etnosemiotika | Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies)," Jurnal Kajian Bali 5, no. 2 (2015), Abstract ABSTRAK Rerajahan dengan simbol kekuatan dalam upacara di Bali menjadi sumber inspirasi desainer Kuncir dalam berkarya desain komunikasi visual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk.