Product Overview Full Ingredient List Quick Product Notes (Click on Icons for more information) Paraben-Free Sulfate-Free Alcohol-Free Silicone-Free EU Allergen-Free Fungal Acne (Malassezia) Safe PH Level (Know the PH? Submit it here! ) N/A - No submissions yet Notable Effects & Ingredients No Notable Effects & Ingredients "Find the full list of ingredients of Safi White Natural Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Extract here! Read what notable effects these ingredients have with Skincarisma"
Jual Safi White Natural Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Extract [100 g
1 Ratings & Reviews Full Ingredient List Quick Product Notes (Click on Icons for more information) Paraben-Free Sulfate-Free Alcohol-Free Silicone-Free EU Allergen-Free Fungal Acne (Malassezia) Safe Notable Effects & Ingredients Anti-Aging from 1 Ingredient (s): Niacinamide Brightening from 1 Ingredient (s): Niacinamide It is published by the Personal Care Product Council. Safi White Natural Brightening Cream Mangosteen ingredients explained: Water, Stearic Acid, Glycerin, Isopropyl Myristate, Niacinamide, Titanium Dioxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Dimethicone, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Carbomer, BHT, Allantoin, Tris. Description Facial cleanser that deeply cleanses with luxurious foam to remove dirt, excess sebum and restores skin radiance, as a result the skin feels bright, fresh, and glowing. 100% natural active by combining the greatness of the following superlative ingredients: Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Extract White Natural Rp. 16 add to wishlist 3.4 54 72 49 39 23 236 users Reviewed this 33% users Recommended this Description SPOTTED ON FD MEMBERS MEMBER'S REVIEW #FakeFree and Authentic Fake or paid reviews and violating accounts can be deleted / banned. Read our full Beauty Review Terms & Conditions here.
Jual Safi White Natural Mangosteen Brightening Cleanser 100gr Shopee
Safi White Natural Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Extract 50 gr Pembersih wajah yang lembut dan mudah dibilas, membersihkan debu dan kotoran di wajah sehingga wajah terasa bersih dan segar. Busanya lembut dan mengandung moisturizer alami sehingga tidak menimbulkan rasa kering pada wajah. SAFI - White Natural - Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen 50gr Terjual 750+ • 4.9 (355 rating) • Diskusi ( 23) Rp18.480 12% Rp21.000 Detail Sertifikat: Halal Kondisi: Baru Waktu Preorder: 7 Hari Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah Etalase: Brightening SAFI White Natural Brightening Cleanser Grapefruit: Pembersih wajah lembut yang mudah dibilas, membersihkan debu dan kotoran di wajah secara seksama, sehingga wajah terasa bersih dan segar.. Gunakan setelah Safi White Natural Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Extract untuk hasil optimal. You May Also Like. AVOSKIN. AVOSKIN Miraculous Retinol. Rp. 30.000 add to wishlist 3.7 31 37 27 10 4 109 users Reviewed this 36% users Recommended this Description SPOTTED ON FD MEMBERS MEMBER'S REVIEW #FakeFree and Authentic Fake or paid reviews and violating accounts can be deleted / banned. Read our full Beauty Review Terms & Conditions here. Filter | Sort by: newest seijii 18 and Under
Safi White Natural Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Extract 100 g
jangan lupa follow instagram aku disini : kasih untuk kalian yang sudah klik video ini, tonton video ini sam. Safi White Natural Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Kisaran Harga Rp10.000 - Rp52.000 Lihat Produk Info Produk Cleanser wajah, Cream, 50 g, 100 g, 6-12 bulan, Tube Efek Penggunaan Produk Kulit Kering, Brightening, Aman untuk ibu hamil Manfaat Kegunaan dari Produk Membersihkan wajah, Mencerahkan wajah, Melembabkan
Safi White Natural Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Extract, pembersih wajah yang lembut dan mudah dibilas membersihkan debu dan kotoran di wajah, sehingga wajah terasa bersih dan segar. Busanya lembut dan mengandung moisturizer alami sehingga tidak menimbulkan rasa kering pada wajah. Ini moisturizer berbonus pencerah. Perhatikan juga toner, pastikan bahannya ringan aja, supaya saat tahap moisturizer ga keberatan. Hal itu ngaruh banget sama hasil krim apapun di wajah kita. Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months. Purchase Point : Shopee.
Jual SAFI White Natural Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Extract
INGREDIENTS MANGOSTEEN EXTRACT Membantu menjaga kelembaban alami kulit wajah serta memeliharanya tampak lebih cerah bercahaya.Manfaat dari ekstrak kulit manggis untuk kulitmu: - Kulit tampak lebih cerah - Menjaga kehalusan dan kelembutan kulit GRAPEFRUIT EXTRACT Safi White Natural Brightening Cleanser Mangosteen Extract 100 gr - Pembersih wajah yang lembut dan mudah dibilas, membersihkan debu dan kotoran di wajah sehingga wajah terasa bersih dan segar. Busanya lembut dan mengandung