SCP034 "Rytualny nóż z obsydianu" [Akta SCP] YouTube

Description: SCP-034 is a primitive knife constructed out of pure obsidian. Tests reveal that SCP-034 is approximately 1000 years old. Despite its crude method of construction and age, SCP-034 is still incredibly sharp and requires no maintenance to retain its edge. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-034 is to be kept in a secure room with access granted only to Level 4 personnel. SCP-034 itself will be kept in a locked case that is under 24-hour surveillance. When not in lab conditions, SCP-034's protective sheath cannot be removed under any circumstances. Any personnel in contact with SCP-034 must be.

Respect SCP034, "The Obsidian Knife" (The SCP Foundation) r/SCPRTs

Explore the mysterious history of SCP-034, a primitive knife crafted from pure obsidian, dating back approximately 1000 years. Despite its age and rudimentary construction, SCP-034 retains an. Description: SCP-034 is a primitive knife constructed out of pure obsidian. Tests reveal that SCP-034 is approximately 1000 years old. Despite its crude method of construction and age, SCP-034 is still incredibly sharp and requires no maintenance to retain its edge. Description: SCP-034 is a plain black arcade cabinet with a banner on the head board of the word POLYBIUS. It was discovered in an abandoned arcade in Portland, Oregon in 1981. It appears to function as a normal arcade game cabinet, and gameplay is similar to that of Tempest. Taken from - - Obsidian Ritual Knife : Object Class - SafeItem #: SCP-034Object Class: SafeSCP NARRATIONS https://ww.

SCP034 Obsidian Ritual Knife (feat. Synthetic Alien) YouTube

SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying item number SCP-034: Obsidian Ritual Knife, Object class: Safe.SCP-034. Description: SCP-034 is an ancient blade made of obsidian. If someone cuts off a piece of skin from another living human with SCP-034, the former will take on the physical appearance of the latter. mimetic safe scp stone tool transfiguration weapon. page revision: 5, last edited: 21 Jul 2022 19:39. SCP-034-PT-1 is a copy of SCP-034-PT, with similar aesthetic details, but with an anomaly that differs from the main instance. When approached to something, it will be able to amplify its image at relatively high levels, being able to obtain even the image of microorganisms, as verified by research .. 3. Dr Everwood Reaction Board. 2024.01.9. 3. Foundation Department of Miscommunications - Document Concerning Central Park, New York City. 2024.01.9. 6. The Previous Segment Was Brought to You By a Grant from the Wondertainment Holiday Fund and by Viewers Like You. 2024.01.9.

ArtStation SCP034

SCP-034 is found in LCZ and requires a containment-access 3 keycard. The hall outside SCP-034's containment chamber. SCP-714 in its containment chamber in LCZ. SCP-714 is a jade ring which can be worn by a player. When worn it has a demerit of causing the player's vision to turn monochrome and slowly loose speed over time, but it prevents. SCP-034 is a primitive knife constructed out of pure obsidian. Tests reveal that SCP-034 is approximately 1000 years old. Despite its crude method of construction and age, SCP-034 is still incredibly sharp and requires no maintenance to retain its edge. Expert analysis hypothesizes that SCP-034 may be of South American origin, and that it may have been used in Native American rituals. Several. We took inspiration on SCP-034 and imagined the events that preceded the capture of this ancient artifact by the Foundation. 🐍Want to tell your own story? L. scp-034 is a obsidan knife witch can and will be found in light containment zone., scp-034 is in the chamber with the storage room behind it. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

SCP034 Obsidian Ritual Knife SCP Reading YouTube

SCP-034 is located relatively close to the CDC, being the first door to the left when going through the middle hallway. A more common pick amongst rioting CDs is SCP-1182, which is farther down the hallway. Usage [] During paid riots, CDs may decide to get SCP-034. However, SCP-034 isn't as useful as one may think. 1. 개요 [편집] SCP-034는 1000년전에 제작된 순수한 흑요석으로 만들어진 원시적인 칼이다. 2. 특징 [편집] SCP-034는 1000년전에 제작된 칼임에도 불구하고 굉장히 날카롭고 어떠한 보수도 필요하지 않다. SCP-034는 남아메리카에서 유래된 것으로 원주민 의식에.