Shivratri Katha Shiva Tattva Part 01 YouTube

The tattvas in Indian philosophy are elements or principles of reality. [1] [2] Tattvas are the basic concepts to understand the nature of absolute, the souls and the universe in Samkhya and Shaivite philosophies. Samkhya philosophy lists 25 tattvas while later Shaivite philosophies extend the number to 36. [3] Lord Shiva is the Lord of Yoga and His tradition teaches that the Tattvas are 36 in number. For the sake of harmony and unity, all Yogic traditions must agree with this. However, there is another important reason. The number "36" is a sacred number which has a special meaning in Yoga.

What is Shiva Tattva? How to dissolve in Shiva Tattva?

Śivatattva (शिवतत्त्व) refers to the Tattva which pervades all, according to the Netratantroddyota commentary on the Netratantra of Kṣemarāja: a Śaiva text from the 9th century in which Śiva (Bhairava) teaches Pārvatī topics such as metaphysics, cosmology, and soteriology.—Accordingly, [verse 4.1-2ab]—" [The thirty-six [are those] beginning with. The twenty-five tattva system of Samkhya concerns itself only with the tangible aspect of creation, theorizing that Prakriti is the source of the world of becoming. It is the first tattva and is seen as pure potentiality that evolves itself successively into twenty-four additional tattvas or principles. Shiva Tattva binds the dynamism of the beautiful dance and stillness of meditation, darkness and light, innocence and intelligence, ferocity and compassion. The temple of Shiva is made up of the consciousness of human beings, not of stones. 5 Suddha Tattvas []. Actinic or Pure Spiritual Energy 1. Shiva-Tattva: As the Universe is the creation of God's Own Mind (the Supreme Intelligence), the first Reality or Tattva naturally is God Himself.This level of Reality consists of Pure, Infinite Consciousness. 2. Shakti-Tattva: The second level of Reality is that of Pure, Infinite Bliss which is the Power whereby God experiences the.

The Mystical Shiva Tattva

Shiva Tattva is the most beautiful Tattva and that is why it is so difficult to talk about it also. It can only be felt. It is beyond understanding but we will make little attempt to understand it. That is why it is mystical as it is beyond words. In talking about the Shiva Tattva, the words go that close but they return. The mind When the mind goes inwards, you experience the Shiva Tattva. Gurudev's commentary on the Shiva Sutras translates this ancient wisdom into a deep transformative experience that will connect you to the Shiva Tattva - your inner joy, peace & love. A: The Shiva Tattva is the summum bonum of the whole creation and pervades the entire universe. This principle is the quintessence of life and is present deep within every living being. On Mahashivratri, we celebrate the Shiva Tattva by going deep within us, meditating, and rejoicing in the Shiva energy. Shiva is a principle (Tattva) from where everything has come, everything is sustained in it, and everything dissolves into it. Shiva is the space, it is the consciousness. There is no way that you can even step out of Shiva at anytime becaus e Shiva is the summum bonum of the whole creation.

Quem é Shiva? O que é Shiva Tattva? Mahashivaratri no Centro

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: In the history of Mankind, the most beautiful Tattva (a fundamental underlying element or principle) that has been conceived or discovered is the Shiva Tattva, and in that too, in particular is the form of Lord Shiva as Nataraja - the Lord of Dance. The essence behind Nataraja is in itself so unique and beautiful. Shiva is a principle (Tattva) from where everything has come, everything is sustained in it, and everything dissolves into it. Shiva is the space, it is the consciousness. There is no way that you can even step out of Shiva at anytime because Shiva is the summum bonum of the whole creation. There are 36 Tattvas in Tantras. Shiva Tattva or the essence of Shiva, What it means, his aspects, forms and roles in creation. all Saivism Essays About Shaivism History, Philosophy, Beliefs and Practices of Shaivism,. Uniting the self with the true Siva Tattva by the control of the senses is real wearing of Bhasma, because Lord Siva through His third eye of wisdom burnt.

ShivaTattva Blog

In this book Siva Tattva, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja brilliantly clarifies the holy Hindu trinity: Brahma, Visnu and Siva. Empowered by his spiritual masters in the disciplic succession of the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition, he reveals the conclusive truth (tattva) of Lord Siva's original position and gives us a look into his endearing and affectionate nature. Celebrating the Shiva tattva in oneself is called Shivaratri. Ratri means night, the time for rest and comfort. When all activities stop and everything becomes quiet and peaceful, the body goes to sleep. Shivaratri is a rest not only for the body, but also for the mind, intellect and ego. Paradoxically, 'Shiva Tattva' also means to be awakened.