1,017 7 15 31 Add a comment 4 Answers Sorted by: 10 "Wa iyyakum" means "and you", It's most used in response to "Jazak Allah Khair", which makes the conversation: pckabeer: Jazak Allah Khair (May Allah reward you with goodness) Mr.TAMER: Wa iyyakum (And you) In it's form "Wa iyyakum", it responds in the plural, i.e, you reply to a group of people. Wa Iyyakum or Wa Iyyak is a common reply to a person who says" Jazakallah Khair " or When someone makes Du'a for. We will discuss in detail how it is written in Arabic and its Meaning. Table of Contents Wa Iyyakum in Arabic Common Spelling: Wa Iyyak Meaning To female or Plrual variation Feminine Dual Plural When to say it Example in Sentences
Wa Iyyakum Ujian
The word "wa iyyakum" in Arabic is the plural version, but it can also be used singularly to give it a more polite meaning. The answer with the sentence wa iyyakum depends on the gender, whether male or female. So the response may vary: Wa iyyak (to a male Singular) Wa iyyaki (to a female Singular) Wa iyyakum literally means "and to you". It is a form of dua though we haven't come across it as being sunnah. In any case, when someone pray for another with, there's nothing wrong in praying for the same for that person, in return. That can be done in a number of ways: to you as well and to you as well same to you May Allah reward you with good (May 2023) Jazāk Allāh ( Arabic: جَزَاكَ ٱللَّٰهُ, jazāka -llāh) or Jazāk Allāhu Khayran ( جَزَاكَ ٱللَّٰهُ خَيْرًا, jazāka -llāhu khayran) is a term used as an Arabic expression of gratitude, meaning "May God reward you [with] goodness." 67805 Publication : 13-03-2005 Views : 141070 en Question Many Muslims, if they sneeze and someone says "Yarhamuk Allah (may Allah have mercy on you)," say, "Yarhamuna wa yarhamukum Allah (May Allah have mercy on us and on you)" or "Hadana wa hadakum Allah (May Allah guide us and you)." How correct is this form?
아랍어 캘리그래피 이름 번역된 "wa iyyakum", 스톡 벡터(로열티 프리) 2201765129 Shutterstock
Wa Iyyakum Common response to someone who said Jazakallah khair, wa iyyakum means 'and to you too'. X; Our dictionary does not have any record of Islamic/Arabic words that begin with the letter X. To recommend one, you can visit our contact page and leave a sugggestion. Our team will then qualify the words, research them and write. Afana Allah wa iyyakum min al-nar, yarhamukum Allah (May Allah save us and you from the Fire; may Allah have mercy on you) Yarhamuna Allahu wa iyyakum wa yaghfir lana wa lakum (may Allah have mercy on us and you, may He forgive us and you) All of these are sahih and the Muslim may choose whichever of them he wants. This prayer may be one of the reasons for his happiness in this world and the Hereafter and you may get a reward of reviving a Sunnah and making dua for your brother/sister. Jazak Allah khair in Arabic جَزاكَ اللهُ خَـيْراً Advertisements jazak allahu khair meaning: جَزاكَ اللهُ خَـيْراً Jazak Allah Khairan means"May Allah reward you with good." Wa iyyak (to a male Singular) or Wa iyyaki (to a female Singular) or Wa iyyakum You too (plural) La Hawla wala quwata Illah billah. There is no power or strength save in Allah : Allahu Akbar Allah Is The Greatest : The one who sneezes say: Alhamdulillah If someone else sneezes and he/she says Alhamdulillah: You say the following
Wa Iyyakum Ujian
"Wa Iyyakum" or "Wa Antum": These phrases mean "and upon you" or "and upon you all." They can be used to reciprocate the supplication, expressing your desire for Allah's blessings to also be bestowed upon the person who made the supplication. What is the wa iyyakum meaning? We are devoted to uncovering and sharing insights on wa iyyakum meaning.
Once again, "Wa Iyyak" is an expression used on males. In the case of responding to females, "Wa Iyyaki" should be used. When addressing more than one individual, the term "Wa Iyyakum" should be used. Thus, as Muslims, we should ensure to maintain the practice of using the expression of JazakAllahu Khair/ Khairan in our lives. Replying to Jazaakallah Khaira. Q. What is the masnoon dua that a person says in reply of Jazak Allahu Khaira? A. In reply to 'Jazaakallah Khaira', (which means 'may Allah reward you'), one can say 'wa iyyaka' (and you as well) or one may say 'wa jazaka' - and may He reward you. These are all allowed and permissible to say.
Wa Iyyak / Wa Iyyakum in Arabic & Meaning islamtics
18/12/2023 The phrases "Jazakuallah Khairan" or "Jazakallah Khair" all imply the same thing which is a powerful Arabic expression of appreciation, which means "May the Almighty grant you the greatest of all blessings.". Table of Contents Meaning Pronunciation In Arabic Common spelling: Variations of Jazakallah: October 30, 2023 In Arabic Islamic culture, " Jazakallah khair " is often used to express gratitude. " Jazakallah " means " May Allah give you ," it's typically said at the end of a conversation or when someone does a good deed. " Jazakallah Khair " means " May Allah reward you with goodness ."