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Warna Teal Untuk Dekorasi Rumah Minimalis123

Colors. Convey meaning through color with a handful of color utility classes. Includes support for styling links with hover states, too. Color Teal on Wikipedia The hexadecimal RGB code of Teal color is #008080 and the decimal is rgb (0,128,128). The red-green-blue components are 00 (0) red, 80 (128) green and 80 (128) blue. Aquamarine #7fffd4 | rgb (127,255,212) Medium Aquamarine #66cdaa | rgb (102,205,170) Turquoise #40e0d0 | rgb (64,224,208) Medium Turquoise #48d1cc | rgb (72,209,204) Cadet Blue #5f9ea0 | rgb (95,158,160) Light Sea Green #20b2aa | rgb (32,178,170) Teal Green #00827f | rgb (0,130,127) Teal Blue #367588 | rgb (54,117,136) Teal Deer Kode warna teal HTML RGB. RT. Beranda / Web / Warna / Warna Teal Kode Warna Teal. Kode warna RGB teal; Bagan warna teal; Kode warna RGB teal. Kode Warna RGB Teal = # 008080 = 0 * 65536 + 192 * 256 + 192 = (0,128,128) MERAH = 0, HIJAU = 128, BIRU = 128. Bagan kode warna teal. Warna Nama Warna HTML / CSS Kode Hex #RRGGBB Kode Desimal

navytealturquoise Color Palette

bg-teal-200: background-color: rgb(153 246 228); bg-teal-300: background-color: rgb(94 234 212); bg-teal-400: background-color: rgb(45 212 191); bg-teal-500: background-color: rgb(20 184 166); bg-teal-600: background-color: rgb(13 148 136); bg-teal-700: background-color: rgb(15 118 110); 95787 Copies hex 00796B hashhex #00796B rgb rgb (0, 121, 107) hsl (173.06,100.00%,23.73%) cmyk 100.00,0.00,11.57,52.55 Click to Copy Google's Material Design Teal 700 color code in Hex, RGB, CMYK, or HSL. Warna teal dengan kode warna heksadesimal #008080 adalah gelap sedang bayangan dari cyan. Dalam model warna RGB #008080 terdiri dari 0% merah, 50.2% hijau dan 50.2% biru. Di ruang warna HSL #008080 memiliki hue 180° (derajat), 100% saturasi dan 25% penerangan. Warna ini memiliki panjang gelombang sekitar 491.41 nm. Variasi Warna Terbalik #ff7f7f 80CBC4 hashhex #80CBC4 rgb rgb (128, 203, 196) hsl (174.40,41.90%,64.90%) cmyk 36.95,0.00,3.45,20.39 Click to Copy Google's Material Design Teal 200 color code in Hex, RGB, CMYK, or HSL.

Teal Warna Yang Segar Untuk Interior Edupaint

Color combinations. Teal is a deep blue-green color, named for the colored area around the eye of the common teal bird. Its hex code is #008080. Teal combines the calming properties of blue with the renewal qualities of green. It is a revitalizing and rejuvenating color that also represents open communication and clarity of thought. Discover beautiful teal color palettes on Color Hunt. A curated collection of great color palettes for designers and artists. Naming your colors. Tailwind uses literal color names (like red, green, etc.) and a numeric scale (where 50 is light and 900 is dark) by default. We think this is the best choice for most projects, and have found it easier to maintain than using abstract names like primary or danger.. That said, you can name your colors in Tailwind whatever you like, and if you're working on a project that. Dusty Teal has the hex code #769393. The equivalent RGB values are (118, 147, 147), which means it is composed of 29% red, 36% green and 36% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:20 M:0 Y:0 K:42. In the HSV/HSB scale, Dusty Teal has a hue of 180°, 20% saturation and a brightness value of 58%.

Color Teal BEDECOR

Teal: 00 80 80: 0 128 128 Warna dasar Biru: Aqua: 00 FF FF: 0 255 255 Cyan: 00 FF FF: 0 255 255 LightCyan: E0 FF FF: 224 255 255 PaleTurquoise: AF EE EE: 175 238 238 Aquamarine: 7F FF D4: 127 255 212 Turquoise: 40 E0 D0: 64 224 208 MediumTurquoise: 48 D1 CC: 72 209 204 DarkTurquoise: 00 CE D1: 0 206 209 CadetBlue: 5F 9E A0: 95 158 160 SteelBlue: Teal, yang merupakan campuran dari warna biru dan hijau, memiliki pengaruh psikologis tertentu seperti: 1. Relaksasi Melansir laman Colors Explained, warna teal yang mirip dengan warna lautan, bisa memunculkan emosi yang dirasakan seperti sedang liburan ke pantai.