Jual Hak Menguasai Negara Atas Tanah Oleh Winahyu Erwiningsih Shopee

Winahyu Erwiningsih is a permanent lecturer of Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia since 1986. In 1985, she was successfully graduated from Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia for her Bachelor Degree. Furthermore, she continued her Master Degree on Faculty of Law Universitas Padjajaran. She completed her Master Degree on 1995. Buku Beheerstaad Pengelolaan Langsung Negara Atas Tanah, (FH UII Press, 2020). Hukum Agraria Dasar-Dasar dan Penerapannya Di Bidang Pertanahan, (FH UII Press, 2019). Mengurai Benang Kusut Hak Ulayat (Penulis Pertama), (Intelegensia Media, 2018). Artikel Dalam Buku Tulisan di Koran Penelitian

Elastisitas Pembayaran Pajak Dalam Kondisi Force Majeure Winahyu

Winahyu Erwiningsih Profesor UII Pertama di Bidang Ilmu Hukum Agraria dan Pajak Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia (FH UII), Dr. Winahyu Erwiningsih, S.H., M.Hum., Not., berhasil meraih gelar prosfesor sebagai jabatan akademik tertinggi. Published 2023-11-29 Winahyu Erwiningsih + Keywords Legal Certainty, Land Collateral, Mortgage Rights, Credit Access, Land Registration Abstract Hak menguasai negara atas tanah by Winahyu Erwiningsih, 2009, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Total Media edition, in Indonesian - Cet. 1. Winahyu Erwiningsih, S.H., M.Hum. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Abstract Based on Thomas Kuhn view, the advancement of science is firstly revolu tionary and not evolutionary or cumulative. All begin with the presence of what is called "paradigm". The matured science, somehow is dominated by a single paradigm.

Jual Politik Hukum Pengadaan Tanah Untuk Pembangunan Bagi Kepentingan

Authors: Winahyu Erwiningsih Mahrus Ali Abstract and Figures Purpose: The aim of this study is to examie how environmental law to mitigate the impact of climate change caused by deforestation in. DOI: 10.18280/ijsdp.181132 Corpus ID: 265627688; Analyzing Drivers and Mitigation of Deforestation for Oil Palm Expansion in Indonesia, 2000-2020 @article{Erwiningsih2023AnalyzingDA, title={Analyzing Drivers and Mitigation of Deforestation for Oil Palm Expansion in Indonesia, 2000-2020}, author={Winahyu Erwiningsih}, journal={International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning}, year. Winahyu Erwiningsih's 3 research works with 33 reads, including: Legal Arrangements and Implementation of State Ownership Rights Over Land in Indonesian Constitution Winahyu Erwiningsih, Aktualisasi Hukum Agraria Guna Menunjang Otonomi Daerah , Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM: Vol. 7 No. 13: April 2000 Winahyu Erwiningsih, Mencari Tolok Ukur Eksistensi Hak Ulayat atas Tanah Menurut UUD 45 , Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM: Vol. 10 No. 22: Januari 2003

Sit In 1 Tema Lingkunganku Subtema Pasar PPL PPG Daljab

DOI: 10.55908/sdgs.v11i8.1444 Corpus ID: 263318845; Environmental Law for Sustainable Palm Oil Development to Combat Deforestation and Climate Change Impact @article{Erwiningsih2023EnvironmentalLF, title={Environmental Law for Sustainable Palm Oil Development to Combat Deforestation and Climate Change Impact}, author={Winahyu Erwiningsih and Mahrus Ali}, journal={Journal of Law and Sustainable. Winahyu Erwiningsih Terima SK Akademik Profesor, Fakultas Hukum UII Kini Miliki 13 Guru Besar Chandra Adi N - 5 Januari 2024, 16:25 WIB Dosen Fakultas Hukum UII Dr. Winahyu Erwiningsih, S.H., M.Hum., Not. resmi menyandang gelar profesor dalam bilang ilmu Hukum dan Agraria /Chandra /@portaljogja.com/ Winahyu Erwiningsih. 26-49 Enhancing Legal Certainty in Land Collateral: Bridging Regulatory Gaps, Mitigating Vulnerabilities, and Promoting Credit Access in Indonesia PDF Shushu Tan, Lucy Sebli Seidelson. 50-72. Authors. Winahyu Erwiningsih Lecturer of Land Law and Agrarian Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Mahrus Ali Lecturer of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Keywords: Indigenous people; Mining corporation; Land conflict; Free, Prior and informed consent; Criminalization

Winahyu Erwiningsih Terima SK Akademik Profesor, Fakultas Hukum UII

Dr. Winahyu Erwiningsih Asal Gunungkidul, Terima SK Profesor Ilmu Hukum Agraria dan Pajak Pertama di UII Gunawan RaJa - Jumat, 5 Januari 2024 | 16:57 WIB SELAMAT - Dr. Winahyu Erwiningsih, S.H., M.Hum., Not., (tengah) menerima SK kenaikan jabatan akademik profesor di Kampus Terpadu UII, Jumat (5/1/2024) (FOTO DOKUMEN UII) Download Citation | On Sep 1, 2004, Winahyu Erwiningsih published PERANAN HUKUM DALAM PERTANGGUNG-JAWABAN PERBUATAN PEMERINTAHAN (Bestuurshandeling) Suatu kajian dalam Kebijakan Pembangunan Hukum.