Features 1. High voltage: VCEO= -160 V 2. Large continuous collector current capability 3. Recommended for vertical deflection output & sound output applications for line-operated TV. 4. Complementary to 2SC2383. A1013 pinout Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) 1. Collector-base voltage : VCBO = -160 V 2. Collector-emitter voltage : VCEO = -160 V 3. A1013 (full part number 2SA1013) is a PNP silicon transistor available in TO-92L package. In this post we are going discuss A1013 transistor pinout, equivalent, features, applications and other details. Advertisements Advertisements Absolute Maximum Ratings: Package Type: TO-92L Or TO-92MOD Transistor Type: PNP Max Collector Current (I C ): - 1A
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TR15 Transistor 2SA1013
Transistor Catalog A1013 Datasheet, Equivalent, Cross Reference Search Type Designator: A1013 Material of Transistor: Si Polarity: PNP Maximum Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 0.9 W Maximum Collector-Base Voltage |Vcb|: 160 V Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage |Vce|: 160 V Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage |Veb|: 6 V A1013 Transistor: Data sheet and Pinout - YouTube Data sheet and pinout configuration details of A1013 PNP transistor. To get more updated electronics project videos subscribe to. Resistors Characteristics of 2SA1013 Transistor Type: PNP Collector-Emitter Voltage, max: -160 V Collector-Base Voltage, max: -160 V Emitter-Base Voltage, max: -6 V Collector Current − Continuous, max: -1 A Collector Dissipation: 0.9 W DC Current Gain (h fe ): 60 to 200 Transition Frequency, min: 50 MHz The A1013 is a commonly used PNP silicon transistor. Here's the information you requested: Pinout: The pinout configuration of the A1013 transistor is as follows: Emitter (E) Base (B) Collector (C) Equivalent Transistors: The A1013 transistor has several equivalent counterparts that can be used as replacements in circuits. Some common.
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Description This is Silicon PNP Epitaxial Transistor. The A1013 is designed for color TV class B sound output applications. The UTC 2SA1013 is a PNP epitaxial silicon transistor, it uses UTC's advanced technology to provide the customers with high BVCEO and high DC current gain, etc. A1013 TO-92 3L Bulk KSA1013OBU KSA1013YTA Ammo KSA1013OTA Symbol Parameter Value Unit VCBO Collector-Base Voltage -160 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -160 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage -6 V IC Collector Current -1 A IB Base Current -0.5 A TJ Junction Temperature 150 °C TSTG Storage Temperature -55 to +150 °C 1 TO-92L 1. Emitter 2. Collector 3. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) (TA = 25 C unless otherwise noted.) 1. PCB size: FR−4, 76 mm 114 mm 1.57 mm (3.0 inch 4.5 inch 0.062 inch) with minimum land pattern size. A1013 - PNP Transistor - 2SA1013, Circuit, Pinout, Schematic, Equivalent, Replacement, Data, Manual and Application notes. DatasheetGO.. The UTC A1013 is a PNP epitaxial silicon transistor, it uses UTC's advanced technology to provide the customers with high BVCEO and high DC current gain, etc. The UTC A1013 is suitable for power switching.
A1013 TO92L 1A/160V Linh Kiện Điện Tử
This electronic component, produced by the manufacturer " Toshiba Semiconductor ", performs the same function as " PNP Transistor - 2SA1013 ". A1013 Datasheet PDF - Toshiba Semiconductor Part Details On this page, you can learn information such as the schematic, equivalent, pinout, replacement, circuit, and manual for A1013 electronic component. 2SA1013 -1A, -160V PNP Plastic Encapsulated Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free FEATURE TO-92L High VoltageVCEO= -160V G H Large Continuous Collector Current Capability 1Emitter 1112Collector 22 Complementary to 2SC2383 23Base 333 JA DCLASSIFICATION OF hFE Millimete.
the A1013 is a silicon PNP transistor preferred for use in color TV audio output and vertical deflection output applications : Picture: - Source: KSA1013: Advanced Information for A1013: OEM: Samsung Elec. Samsung Electronics CO. LTD. Package: TO-92L: A1013 datasheet (jpg):- A1013 datasheet, A1013 PDF, A1013 Pinout, Equivalent, Replacement - Silicon PNP Epitaxial Transistor - Shanghai, Schematic, Circuit, Manual. A1013 Datasheet PDF - Silicon PNP Epitaxial Transistor. What is A1013? This electronic component, produced by the manufacturer "Shanghai", performs the same function as "Silicon PNP Epitaxial Transistor".
10 TRANSISTOR A1013 C2383 3 CHÂN CẮM TO92L . Phụ kiện âm thanh
A1013 pinout Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) 1. Collector-base voltage : VCBO = −160 V 2. Collector-emitter voltage : VCEO = −160 V 3. Emitter-base voltage : VEBO = −6 V 4.. This is Silicon PNP Epitaxial Transistor. The A1013 is designed for color TV class B sound output applications. The UTC 2SA1013 is a PNP epitaxial silicon transistor. A1013 Datasheet : PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR, A1013 PDF Download Unisonic Technologies, A1013 Datasheet PDF, Pinouts, Data Sheet, Equivalent, Schematic, Cross reference, Obsolete, Circuits Electronic component search and free download site.