10 Top Benefits & Uses Of Avarampoo (Aavaram Poo) Wildturmeric

Avarampoo plant is a shrub that has small leaves and beautiful yellow flowers. You can identify the plant with the yellow flowers. The fruit of the plant is a legume. We can find avarampoo shrubs all over India and Srilanka. Avarampoo, also known as Senna auriculata, is an amazing plant with many beneficial uses. It is a member of the Fabaceae family and is native to India and some parts of southeast Asia. This small shrub-like tree has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine.

Aavaram Flower Tea Benefits, Uses and Recipe

Description [2] at Sindhrot in Vadodara District of Gujarat, India. Avaram senna is a much branched shrub with smooth cinnamon brown bark and closely pubescent branchlets. Avarampoo, a flower that grows near riverbeds, is one of these flowers. Senna Auriculata is its scientific name, and Tanner's cassia is its English name. It features yellow blossoms that can be used in a variety of dishes and are in bloom all year. 10 Amazing Benefits of Avarampoo The dried Avarampoo flowers are powdered into a fine powder. #1. Consists of Anti-Microbial Properties The leaves of the Aavarampoo plants are known to possess excellent anti-microbial properties. These leaves are packed naturally with methanol extracts. The plant has an ample amount of phenolic and flavonoids present in it and capable enough to restrict bacterial growth in your body. The avarampoo flower, also known as the Tanner's cassia flower, is a bright yellow plant that grows on bushes in the dry lands of India. When it's dried and crushed, it produces a floral, sweet flavor that makes for a soothing, calming cup of tea.

Aavaram Flower Tea Benefits, Uses and Recipe

. Avarampoo is a shrub that grows in the dry regions of India and Sri Lanka. Scientific name of avarampoo is senna auriculata. Avarampoo has some amazing health benefits. It is commonly known by its local names matura tea tree, ranawara or avaram, or the English version avaram senna. Avaram Senna flower is widely used as a home remedy for skin disorders and body odor. It is also used for the treatment of pain, fever, urinary tract disorders, rheumatism, conjunctivitis, ulcers. 1. The Avarampoo flowers are dried and ground into a very fine powder. This powder can be mixed with face wash powders and curd for external application. It has been used by thousands of Indian women over the years to treat uneven skin, prevent black spots and keep the skin free of blemishes. 1. Take fresh avarampoo in a plate and sun dry till crisp. 2. This is cardamom-decort or elarisi. 3. Pound elarisi, palm candy, black pepper corns (if using) and dried avarampoo flowers coarsely in a mortar and pestle. 4. Boil milk with the pounded mixture and once it boils, switch off. 5. Strain and drink it hot. NOTES:


Aavaram poo or Aavaram senna contains a good amount of anti-oxidants that are highly beneficial for overall health of an individual. It helps to decrease oxidative stress, flushes out unwanted toxins and prevents free radicals that might cause cancer cells to grow inside our body. Make your own Aavaram Senna Tea At Home! Ingredients needed: Palm candy; Cardomom seeds from a cardomom pod; Milk; Dried aavaram Senna flowers; Steps: Boil a cup of organic whole milk in a pan. Grind the palm candy,cardamom seeds and dried aavaram Senna flowers into a fine powder. Add this powder to the milk. When it comes to a boil ,turn off. Then run it in a blender and powder it. Store it in an airtight container. You can use 1 tsp of the powder to make one cup of tea or use 5-6 fresh flowers. You can mix the powder with yoghurt and apply as a face pack. All this will ensure that you have flawless skin with a healthy glow in the long run. KILLI AAVARAM POO POWDER has vibrant petals of Aavaram that are rich in antioxidants which also helps in keeping your skin and body well hydrated and overcome excessive thirst.

Senna Auriculata Plant (Aavaram Poo) Online plants

Avaram Senna Flower video. This flower is yellow in colour looks very beautiful. Southern region of tamil nadu is the place where we can see this plants more. Avarampoo is a shrub famous in Tamil and is known as the Aavarm Poo in the native language. This shrub is talked about a lot and has gained decent popularity on the internet due to its benefits. Primarily, this flower is used for curing and mitigating the effects of diabetes and other severe illnesses.