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With reference to human anatomy, an arm is divided into the upper and fore arm. The upper arm is extending from the shoulders to the elbow, and it is the part that is predominantly responsible for lifting and pulling strength. The fore arm part extends from the elbow to the wrist, a part that divides the forearm (or generally the arm) and the hand. The term congenital hand difference refers to any condition of the hand and arm that is present at birth. Children can be born with many types of hand differences, and they vary greatly in how they impact the appearance and function of the hand.

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Issues with the formation of the entire arm or hand. Inability of parts of the hand to separate. Extra fingers or thumb. Undergrowth or overgrowth of the hand, fingers and/or thumb. Specific types of congenital hand differences include syndactyly, polydactyly, radial club hand and cleft hand. Syndactyly 1. Human arms allow us to perform tasks like writing, lifting objects, and playing musical instruments. 2. An orangutan's arm enables it to swing from tree branches and gather food. 3. A bird's wing serves as an arm, allowing it to soar through the sky. 4. An octopus's arm helps in catching prey and manipulating objects. 5. Congenital Hand/Arm Differences. Overview: Occasionally, babies are born with structural differences in their upper extremities. Extra fingers (polydactyly), fingers fused to each other (syndactyly), and foreshortening of one or both the forearm bones are just a few of the congenital upper extremity variants that are evaluated in our office. Hand and arm differences can include any conditions that affect either the shape or function of your hand or arm. You may have been born with your hand or arm difference, or it may have developed due to an injury. Having a hand or arm difference can be physically and emotionally challenging, but many young people are able to adapt and function.

Hand vs Arm Difference and Comparison

There are many types of hand differences; some include webbed or fused parts of the hand, curved parts of the arm or hand, extra parts in the hand, missing parts, or parts that are larger or smaller than expected. Figure 1 Syndactyly between long and ring fingers Figure 2 Polydactyly, with an extra little finger Figure 3 Congenital hand and arm deformities can be any abnormalities or differences that affect the shape and/or functionality of the shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, hand, or fingers when a baby is born. Hand and arm differences or deficiencies include missing, incomplete or malformed limbs, extra fingers, an incomplete separation of the fingers, or. Babies with congenital limb differences are born with arms, legs, fingers, or toes that are missing, not fully formed, or formed differently. Some congenital limb differences are related to conditions that affect a specific limb or part of a limb. For instance, radioulnar synostosis affects the forearm while fibula hemimelia affects the lower leg. Mirror Hand, The Elbow & Ulnar Dimelia. By Charles Goldfarb • July 24, 2022. Mirror hand, or ulnar dimelia as it is technically known, is one of the most striking birth differences of the upper extremity (there is also a lower extremity similar condition). There is a duplication of the ulnar half of the forearm and hand.

What We Do • Full Circle Hand Therapy

The Embracing Our Limb Differences series is a video library of young people just like you with arm and hand differences doing a variety of tasks including opening a jar, shampooing their hair, typing on a computer, and many more. To view other AboutKidsHealth videos, please visit the AboutKidsHealth YouTube channel. The hand is the extremity of the arm, encompassing the fingers and palm; the arm extends from the shoulder to the wrist. Key Differences The hand and arm are integral parts of the human anatomy but serve distinct functions. The hand, consisting of the palm and fingers, is adept at grasping, holding, and manipulating objects. Many young people with arm and hand differences use adaptive strategies and aids to help them complete tasks at school, work, and at home. Aids There are a variety of aids you can use at school, work and at home to help you to keep objects steady and perform academic, computer-based, and job-related tasks. The hand is the terminal part of the human upper limb, consisting of the wrist, palm, and fingers, used for grasping, manipulating, and sensing. The arm is the region between the shoulder and the elbow joint, containing the humerus bone and muscles that enable movement and strength.

Upper Extremity Limb Length Discrepancy OrthoInfo AAOS

Hand" and "Arm" are anatomical terms referring to different parts of the human body. The hand is specifically the extremity of the arm, consisting of the palm and fingers, enabling the holding and manipulation of objects. The main difference between Hand and Arm is that the Hand is a extremity at the end of an arm or forelimbforearm and upper arm together. A hand is a prehensile, multi-fingered appendage located at the end of the forearm or forelimb of primates such as humans, chimpanzees, monkeys, and lemurs. A few other vertebrates such as the koala (which has.